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Crear pósters y pancartas. A menudo decoramos nuestras carteleras con pósters y carteles analógicos para hacerlas más atractivas, o para hacer bien visible de forma permanente una información a nuestros alumnos: una norma, una tabla de multiplicar, un mapa de conceptos... Con Posterazor puedes crear e imprimir carteles de gran formato y muy vistosos de forma casera con una impresora cualquiera. Diseño del póster Los profesionales de diseño quizá utilizarán programas del tipo Gimp, Inscape, Día ...

Pero también podemos utilizar el Impress, Draw o cualquier otro programa de presentaciones multimedia para hacerlo, siempre que nos permita exportar nuestro trabajo como una imagen. Ves a Impress y crea un documento nuevo. Finalmente, lo exportas como PNG o JPG (Archivo> Exportar). Impresión del póster Para imprimir el cartel utilizaremos Posterazor, un programa con licencia GNU y multiplataforma. Primer paso: abre la imagen que contiene el gráfico a imprimir (la que has generado al diseñar el cartel). The Best Tools and Apps for Flipped Learning Classroom.

July 25, 2014 Following the posting of "Managing iPad Videos in Schools" somebody emailed me asking about some suggestions for tools and apps to create instructional videos to use in a flipped learning setting. In fact, over the last couple of years I have reviewed several web tools and iPad apps that can be used in flipped classroom but the ones I am featuring below are among the best out there. 1- Educlipper Educlipper is a wonderful tool for creating video tutorials and guides to share with students. As a teacher you can create an Educlipper board for your class and share the link with them. Pixiclip is another wonderful tool to create step by step instructional videos to use in your flipped classroom. 3- Explain Everything Explain Everything is a great interactive whiteboard that allows you to create screencasts and video tutorials using annotation, animation, narration, importing, and exporting almost anything to and from almost anywhere. 4- Knowmia 6- Educreations.

Connected Learning in an Open World. At the beginning of this week I was in Greenwich, London for the first time in my life. On Monday I travelled up the Thames from Embankment to Greenwich Pier by Clipper (another first) and stood on the decks of the Cutty Sark. On Tuesday I spent the day at the University of Greenwich’s APT2014 Conference, the reason for the trip. On Wednesday I stood on the Meridian Line at the Royal Observatory. A key question asked in the main exhibition room of Flamsteed House at the Observatory is ‘Where am I? This related to how you can work out your exact location on the open seas, by knowing how to fix your latitude and longitude positions.

But ‘Where am I?’ One of the main reasons for attending the conference was to hear Stephen Downes speak. This was the first in a series of 3 talks that Stephen is giving in London this week. I did feel somewhat unfulfilled after the first talk. The points I took from Stephen’s talk were that Change in Universities is slow – too slow. The Case for Connected Learning. A lot of my classmates don t get the importance of working with each other. You know, you spend all that time in high school where you re told to write an essay and you don t get much back besides a graded essay. S it. But early on in college I had this professor who didn t just put a grade on my paper. D say, This is great but have you thought about this? Suddenly I saw that getting feedback, not just from one person but a lot of other people, would be extremely helpful.

I was nervous about taking an online class, because I understand how important interaction and group work is, but if anything this online course has had more opportunities for participation than any other class I ve taken. I get a little frustrated when I post and all I get for comments is three classmates telling me Oh, that s so great! I want to have a discussion, and that s not a discussion. But there are so many other people in this open forum commenting on my posts too.

S not like just having one teacher, it m doing. I think I . It. A Day in the Life of a Connected Educator – Using social media in 21st century classrooms. One of our main goals at Powerful Learning Practice is to turn educators into 21st Century educators. That is, teach them how to use social media and other powerful Web 2.0 tools to transform their classrooms into learning environments that are ready for today’s iGeneration students.

One of the most common questions we get is, “But where do we find the time to use all this new technology?” To answer that question, we developed this infographic – A Day in the Life of a Connected Educator to show that using social media in your classroom and in your life can be integrated, easy, and fun. Scroll down and take a look or click for a larger version. Get connected Would you like to become a connected educator? We’ve designed an entire year of professional learning that will take you from “What is 21st Century learning and why is it important?” The concepts we’ve explored in this infographic are just one possibility for how a connected educator’s day could look. Tweet all about it. Connected Learning Principles. We are living in a historical moment of transformation and realignment in the creation and sharing of knowledge, in social, political and economic life, and in global connectedness.

There is wide agreement that we need new models of education suited to this historic moment, and not simply new models of schooling, but entirely new visions of learning better suited to the increasing complexity, connectivity, and velocity of our new knowledge society. Fortunately, we are also able to harness the same technologies and social processes that have powered these transformations in order to provide the next generation with learning experiences that open doors to academic achievement, economic opportunity, and civic engagement. What would it mean to think of education as a responsibility of a distributed network of people and institutions, including schools, libraries, museums and online communities? At the core of connected learning are three values: The Essence of Connected Learning. Learning 2.0 is Dumb: Use ‘Connected Learning’ Instead. Going forward, and as best I can, I’ll use the term ‘Connected Learning’ to describe a knowledge ecosystem made up of formal, informal and social learning behaviours and modalities.

It’s about time I (and perhaps you as well) retire the term Learning 2.0. There are a few reasons for this: Therefore, I present to you ‘Connected Learning’ … at least from a modality perspective: If ‘Connected Learning’ is part formal, part informal and part social, there will always be the act of ‘connecting’ one’s self to people, content, systems, networks, etc. during the learning process itself … and it may occur through several mediums. Formal: a self-contained & scheduled learning event, typically but not always tracked, providing a comprehensive and at times logical or sequential approach to a topic. Informal: an opportunity without conventionalism, atypical to formal learning, providing guidance, expertise or acumen on the go.

‘Connected Learning’ leans heavily on Socratic Learning as well: Connected Learning Visually Explained for Teachers. We have been talking a lot about the connected educator in the previous posts because we are in a month that is officially labelled the Connected Educator month, however, today we will have a cursory look into another closely related topic: connected learning.

Connected learning is a learning theory that is a set of conceptions and ideas about the nature of learning. This theory, as is indicated in the graphic below, works towards making learning a collaborative task built through the participation of different parts. Connected learning also draws on the diversity of experiences, interests, and contexts in which learners participate.According to this theory, this diversity of the learners experiences increases the learning potential. At the centre of any connected learning are three values : The graphic below features all of these ideas. What Is Connected Learning? There are a ton of resources floating around out there about connected learning. Connected learning brings together all of the various experiences, interests, technology, academics, people and communities that learners are a part of in order to make all of these scenarios and experiences learning opportunities. Many teachers naturally do this to some degree in their classroom already, without perhaps the official ‘name’ attached.

The handy infographic below, from Mia MacMeekin, takes a deeper look into connected learning, and highlights what is so great about it! Look with a critical eye – do you already try to incorporate all or some of the elements? What Is Connected Learning? Connected learning leverages a number of different things in order to create a larger reaching spread of learning opportunities. ExperiencesInterestsTechnologyPeopleCommunitiesAcademics What Does Connected Learning Value? The Essence of Connected Learning. Connected Learning Visually Explained for Teachers. Ten Tips for Becoming a Connected Educator. We all know that education budgets are getting cut more and more, and that meaningful professional-development opportunities have unfortunately become a bit of an oxymoron in education.

Not only can being a "connected educator" help change that, but it can also provide you with ongoing inspiration and support. I'd even go as far to argue that being connected will be the most impactful thing you can do in your career. So with all of that said, I'd like to provide you with these ten tips on how you can get connected -- starting tomorrow. 1. Embrace Making Mistakes I've been in so many meetings with educators who talk about the power of making mistakes. 2. When I teach others how to get started using social media for professional development, many request a manual of some sort -- a detailed step-by-step account that tells you exactly what you need to do. 3.

I recently heard this playful metaphor of a puppy getting loose for the first time to describe how people should use social media. 4.