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Here’s Why “Jobs President” Donald Trump Needs the Arts. So how do the economic benefits of culture play out, exactly? Mr. Sheppard said the answer is not entirely clear, and notes the impact of arts investment ranges widely across different cities. But he cited several hypotheses, including culture’s role in the broader tourism industry, which reels in out-of-town dollars and employs local residents. He also pointed to a more indirect effect: a high concentration of cultural organizations can help foster creativity, which in turn leads to more innovation and overall productivity.

That notion finds support in Sheppard’s other research, which found that clustering local cultural organizations together has a stronger positive impact on per-capita GDP than when they are more widely dispersed. Cultural Alchemy in Cleveland Fred Bidwell, a former advertising executive and longtime contemporary art collector, is gambling $4.2 million to test these hypotheses. The gamble is based on more than just a hunch.

When the U.S. Government Paid the Working Class to Be Artists. Jackson Pollock, Lee Krasner, Willem de Kooning, and Mark Rothko are best-known as pioneers of Abstract Expressionism. But all four were also among thousands of artists and other creatives employed by the government through the Works Progress Administration (WPA) between the years of 1935 and 1943. That the arts would be funded significantly by the federal government—never mind that it would actively employ artists—may well raise an eyebrow today. But working under a subdivision of the WPA known as the Federal Art Project, these artists got to work to help the country recover from the Great Depression, as part of President Franklin D.

Roosevelt’s New Deal. Evidence of impoverishment and a portfolio showcasing one’s skills and commitment to the arts were all that was needed to qualify for the WPA initiative. Hospitals, post offices, schools, and airports were decorated with some of the roughly 200,000 artworks created through the program. Reassembling WPA artists’ work. For Facebook, As India Goes, So Goes the World? Facebook announced earlier this year that it now has 100 million active users in India, making that market second only to the U.S. in size. It's on pace to become the single-largest market as early as the end of 2014--and a startling 84% of Indian users access the platform entirely or mostly via mobile phone. But the company is now hearing the same rumblings about its India business that it dealt with the last couple of years back home as its users made the transition to mobile: Where's the money?

Its average revenue per Asian user is less than a sixth of that of a North American user. For the moment, Facebook's principal mission is to extend connectivity: Those 100 million Indians represent just 8% of the country's population. "Our focus is to get Facebook to everyone," says Kevin D'Souza, the company's head of mobile growth and partnerships in India. Among the lessons learned: Photo-taking is popular, but photo sharing is less so, largely because of device and network limitations. SAND WARS. Why The Security Bug Heartbleed Has A Catchy Logo. You’ve probably never heard of CVE-2014-0160. But you probably have heard of the Heartbleed bug, the "catastrophic" security hole that was revealed in half a million websites earlier this week. The two are one in the same--except for one small point: CVE-2014-0160 is an esoteric corner of code that most of the world could never understand.

And Heartbleed is a catchy, scary brand that features one heck of a jarring logo. Heartbleed was branded by the international security company Codenomicon, which if extraordinary coincidence is to be believed, independently discovered the CVE-2014-0160 OpenSSL exploit on the same day as Google researcher Neel Mehta. The only part of the story that’s certain is how Codenomicon scored the credit for unearthing the bug: by branding the crap out of it, an approach the company dubbed Bugs 2.0.

Most security holes like CVE-2014-0160 would be posted on messageboards read only by the coding and hacking community. Deep blood red. Top 20 things scientists need to know about policy-making | Chris Tyler | Science. When scientists moan about how little politicians know about science, I usually get annoyed. Such grouching is almost always counterproductive and more often than not betrays how little scientists know about the UK's governance structures, processes, culture and history.

So when the Guardian reported on a Nature article that listed 20 things that politicians should know about science, I started reading it with apprehension, half expecting my head to explode within a few paragraphs. I needn't have worried. The authors, Professors William Sutherland, David Spiegelhalter and Mark Burgman, have produced a list that picks up on many of the challenges that scientists report when engaging with policy makers, and it does so in a constructive way. It has been printed out and stuck on my wall.

There are similarities with long-standing and successful efforts to improve the relationship between science and the media. Here we go, in no particular order … 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Facebook Is Reportedly Buying A Drone Manufacturer. “The ten most important ways of manipulating the public, as catalogued by Noam Chomsky” | Northwest Migration. [SEE ALSO “Noam Chomsky, a fearless critic of the wealthy elite that governs the United States, has compiled a list of the ten most common strategies for using the media to manipulate the people of America. In the past our communications media have created or destroyed social movements, justified wars, tempered financial crises, and encouraged or destroyed some other ideological currents.

Chomsky has compiled a list of the ten most important tools for manipulating our media. Basically, they encourage stupidity, promote a sense of guilt, create distractions, or construct artificial problems and then magically solve them. …as excerpted and submitted by Harleigh Kyson Jr., 2/11/2010: The strategy of distraction: Distraction strategy is also essential to kill off public interest in the essential knowledge of science, economics, psychology, neurobiology, and cybernetics. The gradual strategy: The strategy of deferring: Stratégies de Manipulation. Elément primordial du contrôle social, la stratégie de la diversion consiste à détourner l'attention du public des problèmes importants et des mutations décidées par les élites politiques et économiques, grâce à un déluge continuel de distractions et d'informations insignifiantes.

La stratégie de la diversion est également indispensable pour empêcher le public de s'intéresser aux connaissances essentielles, dans les domaines de la science, de l'économie, de la psychologie, de la neurobiologie, et de la cybernétique. « Garder l'attention du public distraite, loin des véritables problèmes sociaux, captivée par des sujets sans importance réelle. Garder le public occupé, occupé, occupé, sans aucun temps pour penser; de retour à la ferme avec les autres animaux. » (extrait de "Armes silencieuses pour guerres tranquilles") 3 La stratégie du dégradé Pour faire accepter une mesure inacceptable, il suffit de l'appliquer progressivement, en "dégradé", sur une durée de 10 ans. (cf. Sylvain Timsit.

Doctrina del Shock, Noam Chomsky y Las 10 estrategias básicas de manipulación mediática ¡Difunde! Hace poco reflexionábamos sobre la importancia de las “noticias positivas” frente a la Doctrina del Shock. Para alcanzar una sociedad libre es necesario que las personas tengan garantizado el acceso al conocimiento, y sepan además manejar de forma crítica la información que recibe. En esta misma línea de pensamiento, queremos compartir hoy con vosotros las reflexiones de Noam Chomsky y Sylvain Timsit sobre la manipulación mediática.

Noam Chomsky es filósofo, escritor, controvertido activista y uno de los lingüistas más brillantes y reconocidos de la humanidad. Su trabajo es estudiado en las universidades de todo el mundo, desde facultades de psicología hasta titulaciones lingüísticas, pasando por muchas otras disciplinas. En este post os explicaremos brevemente lo que él consideraba como las estrategias más comunes en la manipulación mediática. “¿Quiénes son los guardianes de la historia? Rosa María Calaf es periodista y antigua corresponsal de RTVE. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Italy's Luxury Companies Step Up to Restore Monuments. It would be hard to imagine a bigger confluence of luxe brands assembling to help preserve Italy’s cultural treasures. First there was the fashion house Fendi, personified for the occasion by its creative director, Karl Lagerfeld, dressed in a high-collared shirt, dark glasses, and fingerless lace gloves.

Then there was the city of Rome, represented not so much by its mayor—though he too was in attendance at the Jan. 28 ceremony—as by one of its most famous symbols: the 17th century Trevi Fountain, featuring horn-blowing mermen, heaving hippocampi, and the water god Oceanus astride a seashell chariot. In an era of European austerity, the Italian government has declared itself all but unable to take care of even its most iconic monuments.

When a chunk of the fountain’s ornate sculpting fell off last summer, Rome appealed for help. What the biggest donors have in common is a stake in maintaining Italy’s glamorous image. Un drone para Ciudad Bolívar / EL Espectador| El Espectador. Un nuevo plan de vigilancia para la ciudad fue presentado discretamente en las instalaciones del colegio Gran Colombia, en la localidad de Ciudad Bolívar. Este viernes, el alcalde Gustavo Petro tomó un control remoto y puso sobre una mesa de colegio lo que parecía un helicóptero de juguete. En sus manos tenía el primer dron (móvil aéreo autónomo) que se utilizará en la ciudad para el control de multitudes, de fronteras y de tránsito. Este artefacto, de 1,5 metros de diámetro y 3 de envergadura, sobrevolará Ciudad Bolívar durante 90 días como prueba piloto.

Las primeras misiones del móvil aéreo pueden durar entre 15 minutos y cuatro horas: “Este dron cuenta con diferentes cámaras de video especializadas en vigilancia. Tiene un GPS incorporado que es muy útil en casos de control de tránsito, de multitudes y al ingreso en diferentes lugares. Tiene total autonomía de vuelo y se eleva hasta 50 metros de manera manual. Estos productos lo pueden defender contra los tragos 'envenenados' There are known knowns. "There are known knowns" is a phrase from a response United States Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld gave to a question at a US Department of Defense News Briefing in February 2002 about the lack of evidence linking the government of Iraq with the supply of weapons of mass destruction to terrorist groups.[1] Rumsfeld stated: Reports that say there's -- that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things that we know that we know.

We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know. —Donald Rumsfeld, United States Secretary of Defense The statement became the subject of much commentary and derision.[2] [edit] The Plain English Campaign gave Rumsfeld its Foot in Mouth Award[3] Rumsfeld named his autobiography Known and Unknown: A Memoir. In popular culture[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] 6 | Is This Syrian Dictator Bashar Al-Assad’s Instagram Feed? Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad is no stranger to Twitter. But is “the official Instagram account for the Presidency of the Syrian Arab Republic,” which launched on July 24 (and found by Patrick Witty, of Time), a real social media strategy from the dictator that has used sarin gas (according to the U.S. government) on opposition forces and killed at least 4,000 of his own civilian populace (estimated by Human Rights Watch) in air strikes alone?

Like most classic political PR, the genocidal Instagram account includes photos of a pore-less Al-Assad holding hands with a severely bandaged man on a hospital bed, talking to children standing near hospital beds, and his wife, Asma Al-Assad, listening to women in hospital beds. Asma, who has been criticized for her expensive tastes and bad jokes about massacres, is also photographed wiping away a child’s tears, helping children paint smiley faces, and hand-feeding the elderly.

Slavoj Zizek - ¿Por qué ser feliz cuando se puede estar interesado? Reflexiones de Repronto » Capítulo 35: “Contracultura” Desde siempre, he estado atraído por la palabra Contracultura. Incluso edité una revista llamada así, Contracultura (detalles abajo, en las notas). Más que las obras que se aludían cuando se hablaba de Contracultura, me llamaba la atención… la propia palabra. La Real Academia define Contracultura como “ Movimiento social surgido en los Estados Unidos de América en la década de 1960, especialmente entre los jóvenes, que rechaza los valores sociales y modos de vida establecidos ” y “ Conjunto de valores que caracterizan a este movimiento y, por extensión, a otras actitudes de oposición al sistema de vida vigente “. Bajo esta definición, la Contracultura está acotada en el tiempo y tiene una notable directriz política. Definir Contracultura en positivo , propiamente, ha tenido muchos obstáculos. Cuando realizaba la revista Contracultura , curiosamente, adopté como fetiche la máscara de gas, que es un indicador del desastre pese a que, por sí misma, es totalmente inofensiva.

Notas: Kit Yamoyo entrepreneur abandons award-winning design concept. News: the creator of an anti-diarrhoea pack for the developing world that was named product design of the year for the way it fits inside Coca-Cola crates has admitted that "hardly any" kits have been shipped this way, and has dropped the strategy in favour of more conventional packaging and distribution. "Putting the kits in the crates has turned out not to be the key innovation," admitted social entrepreneur Simon Berry in a radio interview broadcast last weekend.

Berry, founder of the ColaLife charity and the brains behind the Kit Yamoyo medicine pack, conceded that despite winning the Design Museum's Product of the Year award last April for his idea, the strategy of piggybacking on Coca-Cola's distribution network to get the remedy to remote villages hadn't worked. Instead, he said he is now focussing on creating a "value chain" to incentivise distributors and retailers across Africa. "In the end, hardly any of our kits have been put into [Coca-Cola] crates," he said. Tumin. Pedro Albizu Campos. En la Universidad de Vermont estudió ciencias, especializándose en el campo de la ingeniería química, y en Harvard estudió leyes. En Boston se solidarizó con las luchas de liberación nacional de Irlanda y de la India. Hizo amigos entre los independentistas de ambas naciones, entre ellos se encontraban Subhas Chandra Bose, líder nacionalista indio que acompañaría a Mahatma Gandhi en su gesta libertadora, y Éamon de Valera, político irlandés que posteriormente sería presidente del país tras la independencia.

Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918) sirvió en el Ejército de los Estados Unidos. En 1921 terminó su carrera universitaria y regresó a Puerto Rico para trabajar como abogado, pero sin aceptar rendir sus servicios a las corporaciones existentes en el país. El valor más permanente en el hombre es el valor. Ingresó en el Partido Nacionalista de Puerto Rico (PNPR) que tenía como objetivo irrenunciable la plena independencia de la isla. Véase también[editar] Portal:Puerto Rico.