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What it does: Google Refine can be described as a spreadsheet on steroids for taking a first look at both text and numerical data. Like Excel, it can import and export data in a number of formats including tab- and comma-separate text files and Excel, XML and JSON files. Refine features several built-in algorithms that find text items that are spelled differently but actually should be grouped together. After importing your data, you simply select edit cells --> cluster and edit and select which algorithm you want to use. After Refine runs, you decide whether to accept or reject each suggestion. For example, you could say yes to combining Microsoft and Microsoft Corp., but no to combining Coach Inc. with CQG Inc. There are also numerical options that offer quick and easy overviews of data distributions.

Beyond data housekeeping, Google Refine offers some useful analysis tools, such as sorting and filtering. Skill level: Advanced beginner. Statistical analysis Google Fusion Tables Impure. DataWrangler. Many Eyes. Chart and image gallery: 30+ free tools for data visualization and analysis.

November 7, 2013 03:21 PM ET The chart below originally accompanied our story 22 free tools for data visualization and analysis (April 20, 2011). We're updating it as we cover additional tools, including 8 cool tools for data analysis, visualization and presentation (March 27, 2012) and Six useful JavaScript libraries for maps, charts and other data visualizations (March 6, 2013). Click through to those articles for full tool reviews. Features: You can sort the chart by clicking on any column header once to sort in ascending order and a second time to sort by descending (browser JavaScript required). Skill levels are represented as numbers from easiest to most difficult to learn and use: Users who are comfortable with basic spreadsheet tasks Users who are technically proficient enough not to be frightened off by spending a couple of hours learning a new applicationPower usersUsers with coding experience or specialized knowledge in a field like GIS or network analysis.

TimeFlow Analytical TimelineVisual timelines for investigation · FlowingMedia/TimeFlow Wiki. DocumentationForUsers - google-refine - Documentation hub for users - Google Refine, a power tool for working with messy data (formerly Freebase Gridworks) My favorites ▼ | Sign in Project Home Downloads Wiki Comment by yoav.fre..., Feb 27, 2012 The reconcile service is incredible! The onlynissue i have with t s that it is vera solo.nis Three a recommended way for duplicating thebentity resolución service to reduces comunicativos with The central hub and increase reliability and speed? Comment by k... how can I increase the HEAP? Comment by jeromest... After importing my data and creating a new project I am wondering how to save a project I am currently working on? One more question: Is a german version coming? Comment by Lyubany... while trying to import .json doc getting a message "Click on the first JSON { } node corresponding to the first record to load.

" Comment by vikalp.s... how to increased the heap size? Comment by louisagr... Hi, Is there a way to run jobs on the extraction of JSOM imported files to CSV? My goal is to run automated jobs running google refine with the output of a CSV file. Download Tableau Public. Free Online OCR. Evernote. Crea rápidamente mapas animados con Tripline. La posibilidad de crear mapas personalizados hoy día está al alcance de cualquiera, además usarlos para distintas situaciones y poderlos compartir. Confieso que es un tema que siempre me ha atraído especialmente y me encantan todas las herramientas que nos facilitan y que hacen que esto se haga realidad. En esta ocasión, contamos con Tripline que añade animación y música, el ligero toque que le podría faltar para hacer un mapa mas llamativo e impactante.

El año pasado pude probarlo realizando este mapa para el proyecto colaborativo Nuestros Pueblos. Realmente me encantó por la facilidad y rapidez con que trabaja. Es muy sencillo, solo tenemos que introducir en un buscador que lleva incluido, el lugar que deseemos localizar. Nos da la posibilidad de editar cada sitio con un menú que aparece a la derecha del nombre y complementarlo con mas información, notas y hasta subir fotos de nuestro equipo o que tengamos alojadas en servicios como Facebook, Picasa, Flickr o Instagram. Pinterest. Pixlr editor fotos. DropBox.