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Yepso! WExEE acceso – WExEE. Beca de especialización de profesionales en el área de Acción Exterior 2019 - Gobierno Vasco - Modalidad de las pruebas.

Beca de especialización de profesionales en el área de Acción Exterior 2019 - Gobierno Vasco -

Las personas aspirantes realizarán una prueba escrita que consistirá en un test de 15 preguntas adecuadas a la modalidad de beca a la que opten. Dispondrán para la realización de esta prueba de 30 minutos. Se valorará con un máximo de 15 puntos, teniendo cada pregunta la misma puntuación, y del modo siguiente: a) Modalidad de Asuntos Europeos: - 5 preguntas relacionadas con el ámbito institucional de la Unión Europea. - 5 preguntas relacionadas con la actualidad política europea. - 5 preguntas relacionadas con la actualidad económica europea. PROGRAMA PICE/INSERCIÓN LABORAL JÓVENES.


将来性. Eurodesk – Start with us! Eurodesk Opportunity Finder. Welcome to Traineeship. Stages au Secrétariat général du Conseil. Posez votre candidature maintenant.

Stages au Secrétariat général du Conseil

Travailler dans les Organisations Internationales. Vous souhaitez travailler dans les Organisations internationales (OI) ?

Travailler dans les Organisations Internationales

La délégation aux fonctionnaires internationaux (DFI), service du ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères (MEAE), soutient et promeut la présence de Français dans les OI. Le ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères finance plusieurs Programmes Jeunes ouverts actuellement à candidature. La DFI n’est pas un organisme qui recrute. Les emplois en OI ne relèvent ni du réseau diplomatique français, ni de la fonction publique française. Les emplois de cadres en OI s’adressent aux candidats ayant au minimum trois ans d’expérience professionnelle dans le domaine considéré (public ou privé), un diplôme de niveau master 2, et une très bonne connaissance de l’anglais (niveau européen C1). Attention : de nombreuses OI mettent en garde contre des tentatives d’escroquerie : faux appels à candidatures, diffusés par courriel ou sur des sites internet : soyez vigilants !

What can I do with a B.A. in Japanese Studies? Part 1: What is a Coordinator for International Relations?

What can I do with a B.A. in Japanese Studies?

For many fairly recent college graduates with degrees in Asian Studies, the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme is the next stop on their career path. Last year, we ran several posts on the application process and role of for JET’s Assistant Language Teachers (ALTs), who make up 90% of the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme. As a former CIR, I’d like to focus on the application process and the work of the other ~10% of JETs: the Coordinators for International Relations (CIRs; 国際交流員).

Who are CIRs? JET Positions. JET Programme participants are employed as one of the following positions: Assistant Language Teacher (ALT), Coordinator for International Relations (CIR), or Sports Exchange Advisor (SEA).

JET Positions

All JET participants, regardless of their title, are here for the same reason: to interact with local communites to promote internationalisation at the local level. These participants are placed mainly in public schools or local boards of education. ALTs assist with classes taught by Japanese Teachers of English/Language (JTEs/JTLs) and are thus involved in the preparation of teaching materials and in extracurricular activities like English clubs or sports teams. More than 90% of JET participants are employed as ALTs. ■ Typical duties for an ALT: Team-teaching, or assisting with classes taught by JTEs/JTLsAssisting in the preparation of teaching materialsParticipating in extra-curricular activities with students.

Further st

Carrières. Localization Tester. Bilingual Localization Tester – Castilian/Latin Spanish, French, Japanese, Italian, German, Polish, Turkish, Russian, Chinese, Korean.

Localization Tester

Digital Hearts USA Inc. Localization team is currently looking for Bilingual Localization Testers. The Localization Tester will test language and functional QA testing. Responsibilities Perform QA tests checking text for context relevancy, content consistency, grammar and spelling in game and printed materials.Follow through on bug tracking and regression testing as directed by Project Lead.Provide feedback to ensure that the content and quality of all documents for creative services and external publishers such as manuals, strategy guides and advertisements correspond with the most current localized assets.Ability to test comfortable in any of the following languages Castilian/Latin Spanish, French, Japanese, Italian, German, Polish, Turkish, Russian, Chinese, Korean.

Qualifications Desired or Preferred Qualifications Here is our Parent Companies Website: The Pokémon Company.