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JamesBurkeWeb's Channel. Gracenote Enhances Toyota Entune Music Experience. Gracenote Music Identification, Media Management and Enhanced Voice Recognition Make it Easier for Toyota Drivers to Access their Music from Connected Devices LAS VEGAS, Nev. – CONSUMER ELECTRONICS SHOW (CES) - January 11, 2012 —Gracenote® today announced its technologies and music metadata help make it easier for Toyota drivers to enjoy and manage their digital music collection with Toyota Entune™-enabled multimedia systems.

Gracenote Enhances Toyota Entune Music Experience

Entune, which in 2011 was given the “CNET Best of CES” award for Car Tech, is a revolutionary new multimedia system that lets Toyota drivers and passengers use voice and touch commands to connect to popular apps and interact with their music on mobile devices. The Entune-enabled system in select 2012 model year Toyota vehicles features Gracenote licensed Album Cover Art, Playlist Plus™ and MediaVOCS® technologies. To help drivers hear more of the music they love, Gracenote Playlist Plus also associates detailed Genre information (e.g. MaxiMidia VIntage Ads. Faster Channels of Communication: A Radio and SMS Initiative in NE Kenya. Infoasaid has recently shared some news about an initiative with Save the Children in Wajir, Kenya, which is using FrontlineSMS to communicate with field workers and community representatives.

Faster Channels of Communication: A Radio and SMS Initiative in NE Kenya

Meanwhile, the radio is being used to share information about health, education and food security. The objective of Infoasaid – a consortium of Internews and the BBC World Service Trust - is to improve how aid agencies communicate with disaster-affected communities. The emphasis is on the need to deliver information, as aid itself, through the most appropriate channels. You can read more about Infoasaid’s work on their website The article is republished below with permission, or read the original post here. Members of the Wajir Community. Infoasaid has helped Save the Children to improve its two-way communication with half a million drought-affected people in Northeast Kenya. Save the Children will also sponsor special programmes on Wajir Community Radio, the local radio station.

Wild Radio Lab. 2011_03_24_SwedishOnlineBook. Photo 45. Audio reports: Russian voices on the election - Interactive. Six-Legged Giant Finds Secret Hideaway, Hides for 80 Years : Krulwich Wonders... No, this isn't a make-believe place.

Six-Legged Giant Finds Secret Hideaway, Hides for 80 Years : Krulwich Wonders...

It's real. Desmond Tutu Quotes (Author of No Future Without Forgiveness) “Ubuntu [...] speaks of the very essence of being human.

Desmond Tutu Quotes (Author of No Future Without Forgiveness)

[We] say [...] "Hey, so-and-so has ubuntu. " Then you are generous, you are hospitable, you are friendly and caring and compassionate. You share what you have. It is to say, "My humanity is caught up, is inextricably bound up, in yours. " NPR. The HD HERO2: 2x as Powerful in Every Way. Infinite Player : NPR Sandbox. Leanback. BUYACREDIT.COM. Latest News - European Fund for Investigative Journalism. Preventive Justice: Guilty Until Proven Innocent In the decade since the Madrid bombings of March 11 2004 over 500 people have been arrested for alleged links to islamic terrorism.

Latest News - European Fund for Investigative Journalism

Only 50 have been convicted. Spain, like most of the EU States,... GoPro HD: Bombsquad Goes Norway with Neil Amonson. Forget the Film, Watch the Titles - The Dark Knight Rises title sequence. You could be forgiven thinking that Kyle Cooper and David Fincher collaborated on the titles to The Dark Knight Rises – the new Batman movie that isn't out untill summer 2012.

Forget the Film, Watch the Titles - The Dark Knight Rises title sequence

RoboKopter Zamieszki I. Epic Violin Girl - Lindsey Stirling. Pete Tong TV 13.02.09. Pete Tong TV. Music Week - SoundCloud expands partnership deals. Manchester United. The New York Times. Radio 2 - 500 WORDS Competition - 2012 - Home. TV Used to Put the 'Mass' In Mass Media. Not Anymore. In 1997, noted media researcher Erwin Ephron presented a paper titled "Learning to live in Lilliput, the media land where small is beautiful.

TV Used to Put the 'Mass' In Mass Media. Not Anymore.

Optimizing reach with low ratings and other thoughts on TV fragmentation. " In it, Ephron wrote about the TV's growing audience-fragmentation problem and presciently saw what would happen if the media-buying community continued to focus the bulk of TV budgets on a declining pool of larger-rated shows without strategically dispersing a large volume of spots across lots of shows with small audiences. Folks didn't listen then and -- in spite of fragmentation along the lines of Ephron's forecast -- apparently won't listen now. TV ad campaigns in the U.S. today deliver considerably less reach than they did in 1997, even though TV viewing is at an all-time high. Fifteen years ago, a heavy national schedule with average frequency would reach 80-90% of its target audience in three weeks. The story is even worse when it comes to frequency distribution.

Levensbedreigende noodsituaties - Gezondheid. The Work of Edward Tufte and Graphics Press. Edward Tufte is a statistician and artist, and Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Statistics, and Computer Science at Yale University.

The Work of Edward Tufte and Graphics Press

He wrote, designed, and self-published 4 classic books on data visualization. The New York Times described ET as the "Leonardo da Vinci of data," and Business Week as the "Galileo of graphics. " He is now writing a book/film The Thinking Eye and constructing a 234-acre tree farm and sculpture park in northwest Connecticut, which will show his artworks and remain open space in perpetuity. He founded Graphics Press, ET Modern gallery/studio, and Hogpen Hill Farms LLC. Visual Display of Quantitative Information 200 pages. The invisible revolution is online. By Jamie Crawford Guided by an army of "geeks with a conscience," a network of digital activists, working mostly in the shadows, is emerging to challenge the restrictions of repressive governments around the world.

The invisible revolution is online

Using Radio to Empower and Engage Communities.