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Things that I'm glad to read about social networks

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Des badges pleins d’humour pour Facebook et Twitter. A l’image des badges qui ont fait le succès de Foursquare, les graphistes d’Olybop ont réalisé des badges Facebook et Twitter plutôt décalés. Le succès de ces nouveaux badges ne devrait pas se faire attendre, car il y en a vraiment pour tous les goûts ! Pour Twitter, vous trouverez par exemple : le badge Nouveau ( “Tu comprend rien ? Normal” ), le badge Alcoolique ( “20 tweets incompréhensibles” ), le badge Alzheimer ( “10 fois le même tweet ? Personne n’en veut, arrête” ). Concernant Facebook, les badges sont tout aussi drôles : le Serial Poker ( “Le roi du poke. Alors, quel badge serait le vôtre… ? Social Life's a Beach.

Digital Life: Today & Tomorrow‬‏ Social Media Revolution 2 (Refresh) How A Tweet Turned Into An In Flight Dance Party. It all began with a tweet and ended with a whole bunch of happy customers, a KLM in flight dance party 10km above ground and a Guinness World Record. When KLM Royal Dutch Airlines announced that they would be opening a non-stop route from Amsterdam to Miami on March 27, 2011, Dutch DJ Seid van Riel and Producer Wilco Jung tweeted KLM asking them to move their inaugural flight up a week so that they could attend a huge music festival in Miami. KLM tweeted back a challenge: If Seid and Wilco could get enough people to fill the plane then KLM would reschedule the flight.

They filled it within a couple of hours and the rest is history. A video about the #Fly2Miami campaign went up on the KLM YouTube channel earlier this week. Van Riel says that as a big established company he never would have expected KLM to react to his tweet the way that they did, especially considering that he and his friends on the flight are made up of a younger crowd.

The 6 Verbs For The Next 20 Years Of The Connected World. Médias sociaux & processus d'e-achat. Les médias sociaux ont un impact considérable sur les processus d'achat en ligne lorsqu'ils s'ajoutent aux moteurs de recherche. La recherche en ligne et les médias sociaux sont désormais très imbriqués dans les processus d'achat sur Internet des consommateurs, révèle une étude menée conjointement par GroupM et Comscore aux Etats-Unis. 58 % des achats en ligne débutent sur un moteur de recherche, 24 % sur des sites de sociétés et 18 % sur des médias sociaux. Parmi les cyberacheteurs qui optent d'abord pour les moteurs de recherche, 40 % se tournent ensuite vers les médias sociaux pour les aider à prendre une décision. Parmi ceux qui débutent leur recherche sur les médias sociaux, 46 % ont ensuite recours aux moteurs de recherche. Si les médias sociaux n'apparaissent pas encore comme suffisants à eux seuls pour arrêter une décision d'achat, leur utilisation par les marques et les marchands a beaucoup d'impact.

University Offers a Master's Degree in Social Networking. You're unbelievably good at using Facebook and Twitter, but no one is taking you seriously because you don't have papers to prove it? Birmingham City University can solve your problems; as of next year, it'll offer a course in social media, encompassing social networking sites as communications and marketing tools. The one year course will earn you a master's degree at the cost of 4,400 pounds (6,239 dollars). "During the course we will consider what people can do on Facebook and Twitter, and how they can be used for communication and marketing purposes," says the course convener Jon Hickman, adding that "There has been significant interest in the course already, and it will definitely appeal to students looking to go into professions including journalism and PR.

" Of course, there's the question of how deep such a course should go; some students have already described the course as too basic. Image courtesy of iStockphoto, adventtr. Community Managers – Qui sont-ils ? Interviews | Le Marketing sur le Web ... Social. Ils sont Community Managers et passionnés par leurs métiers. Ces animateurs de communautés ont gentillement accepté de partager leurs quotidiens et leurs visions du métier, un grand merci à eux. Interview #1 : Stéphane Langonnet Pourquoi et comment es tu devenu Community Manager ?

« Je me suis intéressé au métier à partir de 2006, d’abord par curiosité, envie de comprendre les intérêts pour une marque, A la suite de nombreux échanges et de rencontres avec des CM, j’ai décidé de tenter ma chance en me lançant dans ce domaine. Interview #2 : Catherine Ertzcheid Quelles difficultés rencontres-tu ? « Les difficultés rencontrées sont liées au statut de freelance : la comptabilité!!! Interview #3 : Virginie Lominet Quels conseils peut-on donner à quelqu’un qui aimerait devenir Community Manager ? « Le premier conseil que je donnerai à quelqu’un qui voudrait devenir community manager, c’est de lui rappeler que la principale qualité du CM est à mon sens l’empathie. Interview #4 : Myriam Laouffir ). Monopoly: Social Media Edition. This post was written by Jenny Urbano, our Social Media Manager. Here at Demandforce, we love seeing and celebrating your ideas! And more than that, we love to hear from YOU. We want to bridge the gap between us and you, so that’s why we’re offering a once in a lifetime opportunity to win a trip to San Francisco, sightsee in this amazing city, visit Demandforce headquarters and share your ideas with us!

6 winners, and a guest of their choice will be flown out to San Francisco, California on March 12-14th, 2014, where they will stay in Union Square, spend a day at Demandforce, have dinner with the team, and explore the lovely City by the Bay! For contest rules, and how to enter, please visit our post in the Generation Demandforce Community here. Good luck! Dessine-moi une vidéo Youtube … De “Sarkozy bourré au G8″ à “Thriller” de Michael Jackson en passant par la mythique vidéo “Evolution of Dance”, les artistes suisses Ado Jahic et Comenius Roethlisberger ont dessiné les vidéos YouTube les plus populaires. Cette série d’illustrations s’intitule “Without You Baby, There ain’t no us”. Une belle façon de transposer les phénomènes de ces dernières années hors de l’écran.

La série de dessin a déjà fait l’objet d’une exposition chez Colette : Source : Gentside. Les vrais chiffres des réseaux sociaux en France. Social Networking: Past, Present, Future 9w/ ptt) Editor’s note: This is the second of a three-part guest post by venture capitalist Mark Suster of GRP Partners on “Social Networking: The Past, Present, And Future.” Read Part I first, this one, and then Part III. Follow him on Twitter @msuster. This series is an adaptation of a recent talk he gave at the Caltech / MIT Enterprise Forum on “the future of social networking.” You can watch the video here , or you can scroll quickly through the Powerpoint slides embedded at the bottom of the post or here on DocStoc.

Social Networking in Web 2.0: Plaxo & LinkedIn In my last post, I discussed the origins of social networking online, beginning with CompuServe, Prodigy, the Well, then the rise of AOL, Geocities and Yahoo Groups. And come after they did. And importantly Web 2.0 ushered in the era of “participation” – we all know that. But the masses didn’t want to blog. Modern Social Networking: Friendster, MySpace & Facebook Except that MySpace didn’t handle images or video well. Enter Facebook. Social media: More than just a passing fad say bankers. Finextra's international series of social media events kicked off at Thomson Reuters' London headquarters today, with participants from the financial services industry chewing over the opportunities and pitfalls presented by the likes of Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

A packed room saw the day's speakers successfully spur debate and comment, forcing the event hashtag, #finxsm, into the London Twitter trending charts. The retail and business-to-business panels both wrestled with the central question of what social media is for: a PR, communications and marketing tool or something more fundamental which needs a quantifiable return on investment (ROI).

Thomson Reuters' Yvette Jackson revealed that building relationships through its chatrooms has led to real money for the company, directly contributing to the sale of hundreds of terminals. However, Hakan Aldrin, MD of the Benche at SEB was blunt when asked if he has numbers to prove the value of the community platform: "No. The Future of Social Search. The Future of Search Series is supported by SES New York Conference & Expo, the search and social marketing conference helping brands, agencies, and professionals connect, share and learn what’s next for the interactive industry.

A "social search" is one that ties a searcher's social graph to his search queries. With social search, each searcher sees unique results that are shaped by the interests of his social network friends. Google, not the company to often fudge with the appearance or function of its search results, turned on its version of social search more than a year ago. It has since gone on to more prominently feature social search results and blend them in with regular results.

One should not make light of these changes; they point to the company's recognition that the average web user, who now spends more time on Facebook, may be not-so-quietly demanding a new form of search. In fact, Facebook is more than a social network for many these days. Twitter & Facebook now affect your search engine rankings | Inbound Marketing.

We have speculated for a while now that Google and Bing were starting to give more weight to Twitter and Facebook links as they move towards providing the most relevant and real-time search results. In fact, at the Web 2.0 Conference in San Francisco last November the Bing team acknowledged that social signals were becoming increasingly influential. Now this is being confirmed officially by Google and Bing. Leading search engine blog Search Engine Land conducted an interview with Bing and Google recently to discuss how social signals are being measured. This is fantastic news for inbound marketing. Here is an excerpt: 1) If an article is retweeted or referenced much in Twitter, do you count that as a signal outside of finding any non-nofollowed links that may naturally result from it? Bing: We do look at the social authority of a user.

Google: Yes, we do use it as a signal. 2) Do you try to calculate the authority of someone who tweets that might be assigned to their Twitter page. No.