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莱特兄弟. Wilbur and Orville Wright — Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts. Wilbur Wright was born on April 16, 1867, near Millville, Indiana.

Wilbur and Orville Wright — Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts

He was the middle child in a family of five children. His father, Milton Wright, was a bishop in the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. Topics - Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts. Jane Chen: A warm embrace that saves lives. Famous & Great Scientists in History. 科學名人堂. Mathieu Lehanneur demos science-inspired design. Sebastian Thrun: Google's driverless car. Woody Norris invents amazing things.

Transformable Earphones. Josh Silver demos adjustable liquid-filled eyeglasses. 居家生活 8J Living. 雨傘也能很吸睛!5支抗強風、也有逗趣設計的雨傘. 不穩定的天氣,總是時而風時而雨,這時身上不帶把傘來遮雨,下場不是淋成落湯雞,就是明天準備掛病號了。


但是雨傘就只長得一付呆板樣嗎? 別再撐著沒有設計感的傘了,那種枯燥乏味的傘撐在街頭一點也不酷,你需要一把讓你在雨天看起來也很引人注目的傘。 以下Stuff推薦五款設計感超濃厚的雨傘,讓大家即便在雨天,也能擁有好心情哦! Senz° mini WaterPlanet 歪七扭八傘 這把傘看起來造型有點詭異,但以空氣力學設計的傘身,使它成為史上最抗強風的雨傘,不僅擋雨、抗風還防曬。 ▲NT$2,680︱ KIKKERLAND 武士刀傘 沒有下雨的天氣千萬別揹著出門,否則你就會和我們一樣受到警察伯伯的關切;但不得不說這真是一把氣勢十足的雨傘。 ▲NT$730︱ Blunt 抗強風時尚雨傘 打開傘筒,雙重傘臂支撐與抗十級強風設計,颱風天撐出去也不怕雨傘開花;更貼心設計在特殊傘尖,因為它絕對不怕會戳傷路人。 ▲NT$2,250/2,400︱ KOAN+你有雨傘,我有報紙 下雨了,沒有帶傘的你是不是曾經拿過報紙擋雨? ▲NT$1,350︱ 英國設計師發明不用手撐的雨傘_科技頻道. Umbrella in the hurricane machine. Calculating the force and kinetic coefficient of friction using a rope roll. The tables on this page are based on calculations by Dr.

Calculating the force and kinetic coefficient of friction using a rope roll

Heribert Illig and Prof. Dr. There are a wide range of issues which can affect the performance of chemical mechanical polishing. "Holey" bullets claimed to go faster. Competition shooters like their bullets to fly as fast (and thus straight) as possible, and they try to keep recoil to a minimum.

"Holey" bullets claimed to go faster

Italian ammunition-maker CompBullet produces a series of bullets of the same name, which are claimed to both go faster than normal ammo, and produce less recoil. The secret? The bullets have go-faster holes in them. Available in several calibers, the copper alloy bullets have a main cavity in the base, with multiple "vents" machined into their sides. These reportedly serve several purposes. Life Saver bottle. The way fresh water is supplied to disaster-hitregions could be revolutionised after an Ipswich-based businessmaninvented a £190 bottle that makes foul-smelling water drinkable inseconds.

Life Saver bottle

Michael Pritchard hopes that the bottlecould be a life-saver for refugees in disaster regions where access toclean drinking water is vital. Mr Pritchard's bottle can clean up any water - including faecal matter- using a filter that cuts out anything longer than 15 nanometres,which means that viruses can be filtered out without the use ofchemicals. Military chiefs are excitedbecause the bottles, which can distill either 4,000 litres or 6,000litres without changing the filter, will have huge benefits forsoldiers who hate drinking iodine-flavoured water. Source: Glue gets sticky in drier environments. Most glues become brittle and lost their stickiness when moisture is removed, but a new peptide-based adhesive developed at Kansas State University does the exact opposite, becoming stickier in drier environments.

Glue gets sticky in drier environments

Seiko Thermic. Most quartz watches are powered by miniature batteries, but this watch is powered by converting body temperature into electricity.

Seiko Thermic

Once it is fully charged, it will work for about 10 months without the need for power generation. Based on my limited experience with the watch, I would call it as a hybrid which combined auto-relay technology and perpetual calendar with the new way of generating electricity through body temperature. It has a perpetual calendar function that will automatically adjust for odd and even months, including leap years until February 28, 2100. In addition, it has a power-saving mechanism that stops the display of the watch when no power is being generated to reduce power consumption (and so it will go to sleep while retaining the time in its memory).

Straddling bus. A big concern on top of urban transportation planner's mind is how to speed up the traffic: putting more buses on the road will jam the roads even worse and deteriorate the air; building more subway is costly and time consuming.

Straddling bus

Well, here is an cheaper, greener and fast alternative to lighten their mind up a bit: the straddling bus, first exhibited on the 13th Beijing International High-tech Expo in May this year. Proposed by Shenzhen Hashi Future Parking Equipment Co., Ltd, the model looks like a subway or light-rail train bestriding the road. d0123497_920177.jpg(JPEG 圖片,640x480 像素) This syringe will now self-destruct. Unsafe injections expose millions of people to blood-borne viruses.

This syringe will now self-destruct

To cut down on cross-infection between people, the disposable K1 syringe has a built-in auto-disable mechanism. Hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV. Reusing syringes without sterilizing them exposes millions of people to infection, according to the World Health Organization. アドバンスト・ソフトマテリアルズ株式会社. BAE's ADAPTIV technology. Bouncing Ideas. Polar bear hair or loo roll? Shark skin or cheese grater? Welcome to the animal kingdom in extreme close-up. Viewed at extreme magnifications of 1,000 times or more, the natural world acquires a surreal beauty, rich with astonishing forms and spectacular patterns.

Polar bear hair or loo roll? Shark skin or cheese grater? Welcome to the animal kingdom in extreme close-up

A new book, Nano Nature, gives us a rare glimpse into this bizarre 'nano' world. Using a scanning electron microscope (SEM), which can view objects at extreme magnification, Nano Nature explores this hidden world, revealing the complexity behind things we take for granted - a butterfly wing, a polar bear's hair or a fruit fly's eye. The images are produced in monochrome and then hand tinted to enrich their detail. 4/1/10 - 5/1/10. Rockport, Texas My yak is a Folbot Edisto. This is the fourth Folbot to have been in my life. A boat in my life has to be very tough. The Folbots have just laughed at my adventures. [NEW]日本Vitantonio快速加熱壺/電水壺,玻璃瓶身乾淨又清澈,還有防空燒功能ㄧ月中旬到^^ @ Leanne的新天地^^ 買Crayola畫筆給小惡魔,媽媽煩惱少一半! TRIZ Tutorial #3 (print version) Problem 1: Removing layers of insulation Certain metallic surfaces must be coated with a thick layer of insulating material.

Removing this coating later is difficult, however. How might this be accomplished? As mentioned in the second tutorial, applying the principle of prior action to the above problem leads to the suggestion that a steel wire be placed underneath the insulation layer (i.e., before the insulation is applied). Pulling the wire then easily cuts the insulation. Fresnel lens - Images. Motheye. Antireflex coatings. The use of dielectric and thus absorption-free coatings allows the production of reflexionreducing layer systems Modern optics is hardly imaginable without anti-reflex coatings, also called AR- or tempering layer. With these layers the reflexion on the surface of an optical medium for a wavelength or a defined spectrum is minimized.

China straddling bus [English computer voice over] the only English copy. The train that never stops at a station: How to get on and off the non-stop high speed train! Impossible nail-through-wood trick. 来自全球历史最悠久的权威科技商业杂志.