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Classical studies

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The Roman Empire. Atlantis_01. HC_ROME_final. Philip Nautil. Terra incognita.


Unknown land. You may be familiar with this Latin phrase, which most notably appears on old maps, sometimes next to images of dragons, fantastical sea creatures, or other monsters. Cartographers once vilified the unknown—to warn sailors and travelers of uncharted territories, and to signal that danger lay beyond the sanctuary of home. Science-fiction writer Margaret Atwood draws an analogy between maps and human knowledge (In Other Worlds, 2011): “With every map there’s an edge—a border between the known and the unknown [...]

But imagine for a moment that you didn’t have to rely on maps to navigate the unknown—that your memory, instincts, and knowledge of the environment sufficed. Where a layperson might look at the ocean and see an indecipherable nothingness, a Polynesian wayfinder would know just how to chart the way home. Origin stories A guide to wayfinding “To navigate, you must be brave and you must remember.” Imagine for a moment that you live in Hawai’i. Listverse. History The Ancient Egyptians are shrouded in an aura of mystery and intrigue, cultivated by continuing archeological discoveries.


Unfortunately, the sense of awe that pervades Ancient Egypt has also produced countless myths. This list will investigate the most common misconceptions about Ancient Egypt, and include some interesting digressions that will illuminate new areas of their advanced culture. Cleopatra Was Beautiful Cleopatra VII, the last Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, has always been a cultural figure, renowned for her alluring beauty. Reading about the Ancient Egyptians with their pyramids, mummies and imposing gods, it is easy to reach the conclusion that they were preoccupied with death. Listverse attracts a very rational crowd, but unfortunately there are some who believe that the Egyptians were in contact with aliens. Many believe that we have found out everything we can about Ancient Egypt, and that Egyptology is a dead and buried subject.

Pharaohs Killed Servants. Index. You will need: Scissors 20 meters of string Measuring tape Start by taking three strings, each 5 meters long and mark the middle.


In this case, 2.5 meters. I use 5 meters to be safe, a common estimate is 3.5 the length of your finished sling. Make a simple 3-strand braid. Fold the braid, and forming pairs with all strings, divide them into three strands. Continue the braid until you reach a length that suits you. When you are ready to make your pouch, divide the strings, three on each side. Www.dailykos. The Ride of the Valkyrs John Charles Dollman - 1909 hat tip to Badjuh for the correction Through most of the cultures throughout history, little is mentioned of the roles of women in society, and many of the records that do exist paint a picture of that society with limitations placed on women based on gender with little rights, or little room to accumulate power or wealth.


Yet the written records of the Norse provide a surprising contrast to that for a society where masculinity was revered above all. In her article on Gender Roles in Viking society, Caitlin Larson, states that: Glyph. Www.history. Ancient Egypt stood as one of the world’s most advanced civilizations for nearly 3,000 years and created a culture so rich that it has spawned its own field of study.


But while Egyptian art, architecture and burial methods have become enduring objects of fascination, there is still a lot you probably don’t know about these famed builders of the pyramids. From the earliest recorded peace treaty to ancient board games, find out 11 surprising facts about the Gift of the Nile. Along with King Tut, perhaps no figure is more famously associated with ancient Egypt than Cleopatra VII. But while she was born in Alexandria, Cleopatra was actually part of a long line of Greek Macedonians originally descended from Ptolemy I, one of Alexander the Great’s most trusted lieutenants. The Ptolemaic Dynasty ruled Egypt from 323 to 30 B.C., and most of its leaders remained largely Greek in their culture and sensibilities.

Keith. The Similarities/ Differences Between Mesopotamian and Egyptian Inventions By: Keith And Nelson Mesopotamian Inventions In this web page we will be talking about the differences and similarities between Egyptian and Mesopotamian inventions.


Greeks. Somebody who only reads newspapers and at best books of contemporary authors looks to me like an extremely near-sighted person who scorns eyeglasses. He is completely dependent on the prejudices and fashions of his times, since he never gets to see or hear anything else. And what a person thinks on his own without being stimulated by the thoughts and experiences of other people is even in the best case rather paltry and monotonous. There are only a few enlightened people with a lucid mind and style and with good taste within a century. What has been preserved of their work belongs among the most precious possessions of mankind.

We owe it to a few writers of antiquity (Plato, Aristotle, etc.) that the people in the Middle Ages could slowly extricate themselves from the superstitions and ignorance that had darkened life for more than half a millennium. Hellas (ΕΛΛΑΣ, Ελλάς) is the modern name of Greece and modern Greeks are called Hellenes (Έλληνες), both used also in ancient times.