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BLOG. Feb 11 This is my newest obsession – newspaper fingernails! Recently, I was reading Little Chief Honeybee‘s blog & in this entry, I saw a photo of newspaper nails. I thought to myself, “Omg, this is the best thing I’ve ever seen! I need to have nails like that!” .. So I searched around a bit, and found a couple variations of how-to’s. (1 & 2) Here’s what I did. I’m amazed by how incredibly easy it was to do! Supplies needed: ♥ Light-coloured nail polish (white, pastels, cream, etc) ♥ Clear fingernail polish for a top-coat ♥ A newspaper ♥ Rubbing alcohol & small container to pour it into Directions: ♥ Cut out 10 sections of text from a newspaper.

. ♥ Paint your nails with a base-coat of the light-coloured polish (I used white.) ♥ Pour some rubbing alcohol into your small dish. . ♥ Take a strip of your newspaper, hold it down firmly on your fingernail. . ♥ Slowly & carefully peel off the newspaper strip. . ♥ Repeat process for all 10 nails & then use your clear polish as a protective top-coat. That’s it. Home. Make your own natural body lotion. If you’re tired of all the chemicals and synthetic fragrances in most store-bought creams and lotions, you might want to consider making your own. Most people think that making creams and body lotions is difficult but it’s actually fairly easy.

I frequently make my own and give them as gifts to friends and family members who seem to love them. If you can, I recommend that you keep an old blender, a small- to medium-size glass bowl, and a spatula that you use solely for making natural aromatherapy products. While you can use your kitchen blender, the beeswax found in natural creams can leave a residue on the blender and utensils used. Here’s what you’ll need: • 3/4 cup of pure oil (I like sweet almond oil since it absorbs well and doesn’t leave a greasy film.

. • 1 cup of pure water (or you can use rose water — available in health food stores) • 2 tablespoons of shaved beeswax (most health food stores sell plain beeswax. . • A glass jar or small glass jars for storing the lotion That’s it. Chocolate Cupcakes with Flaming Strawberries. Call me easily amused, but these little torch-topped cupcakes delight me. Besides being a cute novelty item for a party, I think they would add a little drama to the end of a romantic meal. I've been looking for something different to serve for Valentine's dessert, and this is definitely different. The strawberries are hollowed out and filled with a bit of liquor, then ignited with a match.

For the cake portion, I chose a One Bowl Chocolate Cupcake recipe because 1. it's quick 2. it is easy, and 3. it fits my prerequisite for a light ending on date night. I should say, a light ending provided you don't eat too many. The cakes are just sweet enough, and have a light, fluffy crumb - the perfect vehicle for rich chocolate buttercream.

Notes for flaming strawberries:Any alcohol below 80 proof will not ignite well. Shaina made a margarita version of this on Babble Food. Chocolate Cupcakes with Flaming Strawberries Yield: About 20 cupcakes [click to print]Cupcakes: Preheat oven to 350 degrees.