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Jody Brown

School Librarian

62 Ideas For Using The iPad In The Classroom [Presentation] - 62 Ideas For Using The iPad In The Classroom [Presentation] by TeachThought Staff If you’ve got a pulse, using the iPad in the classroom is something you’ve thought about somehow, in some way. It’s either why you’re here, something you want to understand better, or you loathe it all and want to make sure to avoid it (it’s been interesting to watch the seemingly growing throngs of Luddites decry learning technology–who knew it all could be so polarizing?) But we digress. Some of the ideas for using the iPad in the classroom in the following presentation by scribd user denag33 are better than others. 103 Interesting Ways to use an iPad in the Classroom - Google Slides. 15 Unique and Creative Ways to Use iPads in the Classroom.

Here are some great new ideas to use your iPad in your classroom, K-12 and beyond! The iPad, as we all know, is a great tool for education. We are hoping that you can use at least a few of these new and creative ideas. This post is a collaborative piece that was created with the help of two respected educators: Jonathan Wylie, a Google Apps Certified Instructor and Instructional Technology Consultant from Iowa, USA. Meg Wilson, an Apple Distinguished Educator, special education teacher and technology specialist from, Connecticut, USA. 1. With this app, and the help of a dedicated, or DIY, mount you can use your iPad as a document camera, annotate over anything you set under the camera, and even record what you show. 2. You can create 3D models of anything in your classroom simply by taking pictures of it using this innovative app. 3.

Quizlet is a completely free resource that allows you to create flashcards for your students. 4. 5. Have lots of interesting photos to share? 6. 7. A. B. Teaching and Learning: Using iPads in the Classroom. Updated 01/2014 If I had thirty iPads in my class, what would I do with them? How would I use them to help my students learn better and help me teach better? Perhaps a better question is what would I do with them that I could not do with other tools that are available and cheaper?

Certainly iPads are cheaper than computers, desktop or laptop, and they are more mobile. Speaking of computers, they were supposed to be the transformation of teaching and learning as we know it. In some ways there has been a transformation, but the basics of teaching and learning have remained unchanged. Kinesthetic Learners The iPad has a number of unique features that provide for interesting possibilities in teaching and learning. As a completely portable learning tool, the iPad camera allows documentation to be taken to a whole different level. Students can also attach videos, and voice recordings to their field notes. In math class the GPS of the iPad establishes locale in ways that are profound. iPads in the Classroom - Kathy Schrock's iPads4teaching.