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Weapons of mass instruction - Mainstream Media

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Mainstream Media as a Weapon of Social Engineering and War. What "Orwellian" really means - Noah Tavlin. The CIA and the Media: 50 Facts the World Needs to Know. This article by Professor James Tracy first published in August 2015 is of particular relevance in relation to the “fake news” campaign directed against the alternative media. In a bitter irony, the media coverup of the CIA’s covert support to Al Qaeda and the ISIS is instrumented by the CIA which also oversees the mainstream media.

Since the end of World War Two the Central Intelligence Agency has been a major force in US and foreign news media, exerting considerable influence over what the public sees, hears and reads on a regular basis. CIA publicists and journalists alike will assert they have few, if any, relationships, yet the seldom acknowledged history of their intimate collaboration indicates a far different story–indeed, one that media historians are reluctant to examine. When seriously practiced, the journalistic profession involves gathering information concerning individuals, locales, events, and issues. Good Deaths in Mosul, Bad Deaths in Aleppo – Consortiumnews. Exclusive: As the U.S. -backed offensive in Mosul, Iraq, begins, the mainstream U.S. media readies the American people to blame the terrorists for civilian casualties but the opposite rules apply to Syria’s Aleppo, reports Robert Parry. By Robert Parry Note how differently The New York Times prepares the American public for civilian casualties from the new U.S.

-backed Iraqi government assault on the city of Mosul to free it from the Islamic State, compared to the unrelenting condemnation of the Russian-backed Syrian government assault on neighborhoods of east Aleppo held by Al Qaeda. In the case of Mosul, the million-plus residents are not portrayed as likely victims of American airstrikes and Iraqi government ground assaults, though surely many will die during the offensive. “Mosul’s residents are hoarding food and furtively scrawling resistance slogans on walls,” writes Times’ veteran war correspondent Rod Nordland about this week’s launch of the U.S.

Lust to Kill Children Arming Al Qaeda. NSA-Skandal: Geheimdienste manipulieren und diskreditieren im Netz. Dass die NSA und ihre Partner im Internet nicht nur mitlesen, sondern auch gezielt in die Kommunikation eingreifen, ist inzwischen bekannt. Eine ganze Reihe von Folien beleuchten, dass sich die Dienste dabei nicht nur gegen Terroristen richten. Der GCHQ und die NSA versuchen Debatten im Internet zu infiltrieren, zu kontrollieren und zu manipulieren, um ihre Ziele durchzusetzen. Das ergebe sich aus Dokumenten des NSA-Whistleblowers Edward Snowden, die der US-Fernsehsender NBC in den vergangenen Wochen enthüllt hat, erklärt Glenn Greenwald.

Auf The Intercept fasst er die verschiedenen Dokumentensammlungen zusammen und beleuchtet, wie der GCHQ etwa falsches Material ins Internet lädt, um die Reputation einer Zielperson zu zerstören. Außerdem nutzten die Briten Erkenntnisse der Sozialwissenschaften, um Debatten im Internet zu beeinflussen und einen gewünschten Ausgang herbeizuführen. Taktiken des "Operational Playbook" Folien zur "Kunst der Täuschung" "Ich bin Batman" How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations. One of the many pressing stories that remains to be told from the Snowden archive is how western intelligence agencies are attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction. It’s time to tell a chunk of that story, complete with the relevant documents. Over the last several weeks, I worked with NBC News to publish a series of articles about “dirty trick” tactics used by GCHQ’s previously secret unit, JTRIG (Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group).

These were based on four classified GCHQ documents presented to the NSA and the other three partners in the English-speaking “Five Eyes” alliance. Today, we at the Intercept are publishing another new JTRIG document, in full, entitled “The Art of Deception: Training for Online Covert Operations.” Other tactics aimed at individuals are listed here, under the revealing title “discredit a target”: Then there are the tactics used to destroy companies the agency targets: What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream, by Noam Chomsky. Part of the reason why I write about the media is because I am interested in the whole intellectual culture, and the part of it that is easiest to study is the media. It comes out every day. You can do a systematic investigation. You can compare yesterday’s version to today’s version. There is a lot of evidence about what’s played up and what isn’t and the way things are structured.

My impression is the media aren’t very different from scholarship or from, say, journals of intellectual opinion—there are some extra constraints—but it’s not radically different. They interact, which is why people go up and back quite easily among them. You look at the media, or at any institution you want to understand. Those are three major sources of information about the nature of the media. Well, what do you find? The elite media set a framework within which others operate. The real mass media are basically trying to divert people. What are the elite media, the agenda-setting ones? So what do you do? Medien werden fürs Lügen bezahlt - Journalistin packt aus.