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Connect with people who want to job share in New Zealand - Job Sharing. 5 Phrases to Avoid Saying to an Anxious Child (Infographic) 49 Phrases to Calm an Anxious Child. It happens to every child in one form or another – anxiety.

49 Phrases to Calm an Anxious Child

As parents, we would like to shield our children from life’s anxious moments, but navigating anxiety is an essential life skill that will serve them in the years to come. In the heat of the moment, try these simple phrases to help your children identify, accept, and work through their anxious moments. 1. “Can you draw it?” Drawing, painting or doodling about an anxiety provides kids with an outlet for their feelings when they can’t use their words. 2. Being told that you will be kept safe by the person you love the most is a powerful affirmation. 3. If you tell a child to take a deep breath in the middle of a panic attack, chances are you’ll hear, “I CAN’T!” 4. Marathon runners use this trick all of the time to get past “the wall.” 5. This is especially helpful for older kids who can better articulate the “Why” in what they are feeling. 6. 7.

Separation is a powerful anxiety trigger for young children. New Zealand Educational "Twits" to follow. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 52 Secrets Students Should Know about Google Docs. Pay it forward: FIESTA vimpler. For english summary, see end of post.

Pay it forward: FIESTA vimpler

FIESTAen fortsetter her på bloggen, og da jeg laget og fotograferte disse vimplene i helgen kom jeg skikkelig i feststemning! Så hyggelig det hadde vært å invitere gode venner til en sommer-fiesta med åpne dører ut til veranda og hage... Slik lager du en vimpelrekke: Last ned vimplene til din maskin (linker lenger nede i innlegget)Print ut vimplene på papir og klipp/skjær dem utBrett alle vimplene over på midten.Klipp til en passe lang snor (silkebånd, hyssing, gavebånd - det du har)Legg lim langs bretten på vimpelen, på spissen (viktig!)

Og noen ekstra punkter her og derLegg snora på limet, brett vimpelen over og klem den til i limpunktene Alternativt kan du selvsagt lage hull og tre/knyte vimplene på snor. Værsågod - last ned vimplene gratis og sett ekstra farge på ditt neste selskap! ► PINK bunting flags► ORANGE bunting flags► BLUE bunting flags► GREEN bunting flags. Intensive revision courses. Light Bulbs and Laughter: How to Play Sparkle in the Classroom. I've been blogging about teaching multiplication lately, and have mentioned playing a game called Sparkle as part of our memorization process.

Light Bulbs and Laughter: How to Play Sparkle in the Classroom

Today I thought I would explain how we do this in my classroom. Basically we are skip counting by ones, twos, etc. We call this "Secret Code Sparkle," because we're just cool like that. =) This is a cooperative practice game that requires listening skills. If a student is talking, they will not know the answer. Here are the basic rules:1.

(I know that many of us have special needs students in our classroom. We have a lot of fun practicing what we have learned with this game, while learning important listening skills, speaking skills, and social skills. Happy Teaching With Sparkle,


Teaching. Piano Music. 40 Rare Historical Photographs You Must See. #1.

40 Rare Historical Photographs You Must See

The Man That Refused To Give The Nazi Salute, 1936 #2. Nikola Tesla In His Laboratory, Sitting Behind His “Magnifying Transmitter” #3. #4. Gerald Waller #5. . #6. . #7. #8. Horst Faas #9. Jan Collsiöö #10. Francis Miller #11. #12. #13.

Herbert Ponting #14. 106-year-old Armenian Woman Guards Home, 1990 United Nations #15. #16. . #17. #18. JustBlue #19. . #20. HelloInterwebz #21. #22. #23. 5 Assistive modes you never knew existed on your iPad. Mismatched Shoes, home of different shoes - Mismatched Shoes.