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LE DESTIN DE ROME, un film de Fabrice Hourlier sur l'après Jules César avec Marc Antoine, Octave et Cléopâtre / Documentaire-Fiction - CulturClub. Hannibal at bay by Mary Beard - TLS. Zejtun's Roman Villa to be preserved. Herculaneum. Past and Future. PART 4: The Villa of the Papyri. Archaeology: Sofia and Plovdiv lock horns over Panagyurishte treasure again - Bulgaria. Author: Provided Sofia, Plovdiv and the town of Panagyurishte have been locked in a fierce dispute about the country's most prominent golden treasure for years.

Archaeology: Sofia and Plovdiv lock horns over Panagyurishte treasure again - Bulgaria

Now, however, Plovdiv has threatened the Culture Ministry with court action over ownership rights, Bulgarian National Television reported on May 18 2011. The archaeological museum in Plovdiv will sue the Culture Ministry it claims it is the only institution in the country with legitimate documentation proving that it is the rightful owner of the treasure. Scots site may hold the key to Arthurian mystery - Herald Scotland. A circular earthen mound near Stirling Castle has been linked variously to the legendary king, to British aristocrats and to Roman invaders, but its origins remain shrouded in history.

Scots site may hold the key to Arthurian mystery - Herald Scotland

Now, for the first time, a team of archaelogists from Glasgow University is preparing to use hi-tech scanners to survey the ground beneath it, providing a clear insight into the mound’s beginnings. The structure, often referred to as the King’s Knot, has long fascinated national historians. Despite the mysteries it may contain, however, it has remained undisturbed for fear of damaging it. The new project, scheduled to run next week, will provide a full geophysical survey of the entire area. Stirling Local History Society (SLHS) and Stirling Field and Archaeological Society have secured funding from Historic Scotland and Stirling City Heritage Trust for the operation. Rome rises in Malibu. LOS ANGELES — Strolling through outer peristyle of the Getty Villa in Malibu, Calif., is about as close as you can get to time travelling.

Rome rises in Malibu

It’s easy to feel just like a Roman citizen discussing the affairs of the day while meandering through the gardens dotted with bronze statues or sitting at the edge of the 67-metre-long reflecting pool beneath a low-hanging sun. The only thing missing is the toga. While the ancient ruins of Pompeii and Herculaneum in southern Italy leave visitors to piece together in their own minds what the daily lives of Romans must have been like, the Getty Villa leaves very little to the imagination. Israel Accuses U.S. Man of Antiquities Trafficking. .Judge Waddoups says looting and disrespectful treatment of archaeological sites, including 'injun' burial sites is OK in Utah, so it need not surprise us that when some Utahans go abroad, they see nothing wrong with supporting destructive local looting and grave robbing.

Israel Accuses U.S. Man of Antiquities Trafficking

The Israel Antiquities Authority said Tuesday that they had arrested a U.S. tour guide, 'educator' and author from Utah on suspicion of trafficking antiquities stolen from Israel and attempting to smuggle antiques valued at tens of thousands of dollars out of the country. John Lund, is accused of selling stolen artifacts to tour groups he led in Israel, and was detained on Monday night at Israel’s international airport as he was trying to leave the country as a result of a joint Israeli Antiquities Authority and customs operation.

Dr. Lund [...] is described as having a unique combination of gospel knowledge, deep spirituality, and has a delightful sense of humor. Boudicca's Heirs: Women in Early Britain - pdf rar zip ebooks mediafire ifile. The Praetorian Guard- Bodyguards or Political Players? - Ancient History Blog. The Praetorian Guard- Bodyguards or Political Players?

The Praetorian Guard- Bodyguards or Political Players? - Ancient History Blog

If you study the history of ancient Rome, you will likely have heard of the Praetorian Guard. Archaeology of the ‘Great and the Good’ The Pantheon: Hadrian’s giant sundial. L'Istrie, la Croatie version latine. Ciao !

L'Istrie, la Croatie version latine

En Istrie, ne vous étonnez pas si vous entendez parler italien. Ici, les noms de ville et de rue, tout comme les panneaux, sont bilingues. C’est que l’Istrie n’est pas totalement croate : une petite partie de cette péninsule, située au nord-ouest de la Croatie, se trouve en Slovénie et en Italie, autour de Trieste. En territoire croate, les kiosques à journaux vendent un quotidien italophone, La Pace, lu par la minorité italienne qui représente près de 7 % de la population. Au cours de ses 3 000 ans d’histoire, l’Istrie a suscité bien des convoitises. Voici donc un monde à part en Croatie, à l’identité régionale marquée. La diversité se retrouve aussi dans les paysages. La pompe géante reconstruite.

'est presque une première mondiale qui se déroulera ce week-end sur le site gallo-romain de Vesunna à Périgueux.

La pompe géante reconstruite

La machinerie du Ier siècle après JC, retrouvée dans le puits de la domus, est déjà l'une des mieux conservées et des plus complètes du genre au monde. Elle a d'ailleurs attiré l'attention du meilleur spécialiste de ces machines, le Britannique Richard Stein. Ses vestiges restaurés présentés dans le musée ont permis aux chercheurs de reconstituer le mécanisme permettant de remonter de l'eau grâce à une pompe à bras. Il restait à réaliser une reproduction grandeur nature.

Spectacle gallo-romain.