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Creatr - The calibrated and affordable 3D printer. Robert Vissers – Eccomi 3D Since 2012 I got interested in 3D-printing as a technology, following the news and the general media. Beginning of 2013 I decided to invest some money in a 3D-printer. There are a lot of choices. Based on criteria like robustness, and credentials of the company the Leapfrog was selected. 3D-printing is somehow still a bit of pioneering, but the Leapfrog is a machine that is ready for it. Having the Creatr for 5 months now I recently started my own 3D-printing company. I’m a Leapfrog-enthusiast. Deepak Mehta “The Creatr has reached a level of perfection for the most common uses of a 3D printer” “I have to say that in the last six months, the competition has also crept closer to the Leapfrog, but I still feel that for the money and the quality, you are getting a printer that exceeds the Ultimaker and Makerbot Replicator 2.

“All in all this makes the Leapfrog jump over its competition. To read the full review, check this link. Salvador Grau Ralf Paehl Freek de Bruin. Home - Leapfrog 3D Printers. Simple DIY 3D Scanning: Projector + Camera + Processing. DIY 3D Scanner from Kyle McDonald on Vimeo. Kyle McDonald sends us a hacked-together 3D scanner. I love that it’s slightly inaccurate in aesthetically-pleasing ways, I love that it’s something you can put together using stuff you already have at the ready, and I love that it’s powered by Processing. The applications could range from 3D models to motion graphics and animation to assistance in mapping projections to 3D objects. Kyle writes: I put together a 3D scanner yesterday that uses a camera, projector, and Processing. From the video description: The first 18 frames show the images used for generating the 3D model. Now, we of course wanted to see some source code, and Kyle was nice enough to oblige.

The 3D geometry isn’t completely “correct”, but it works fine for this camera/projector setup — so here’s some code that is open source but still fairly setup-dependent: Projector and Camera, A Little Closer: New, Magical Mapping Tools, 3D Scanning, and More. Visionary 3D scanning, computer vision, and digital media guru Kyle McDonald is back again with more tools that break down the boundary between the computer and the world. Kyle tells us he spent a great part of the fall in residence at the Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media (YCAM) in Japan. He worked with experimental projector/camera rigs — and now we get to enjoy some fruits of those labors.

The software collection is free and open source (MIT License), built for OpenFrameworks, and already includes some documentation. (The ideal is contributing back to the core of OF, adding to this artist-savvy C++ coding tool.) Mapamok A new experimental projection mapping tool called Mapamok is the major highlight for me. Automatic mapping and calibration?

The tool is completely free, as part of the ProCamKit. Video, at top, is described thusly: But there’s more to this kit, cool: 3D Scanning Meets Projection Here’s what’s happening now. Shadowplay. ReconstructMe | Real-time 3D Model Reconstruction. MeshLab. Designing a 3d printed EXOSKELETON and how to 'grow' electronic parts on it! Printing Exo1: How to design your exo-skeleton and how to grow electronic parts on it from leaving the planet on Vimeo. video Designing a 3d printed EXOSKELETON and how to 'grow' electronic parts on it! Originally posted on [ David Gann from explains a workflow for producing a body fitted exoskeleton from freely available resources. Additionaly a method of growing mounts for electronics on it is explained: Continuing with my thoughts and experiments about bringing together wearable computing and a generative or ‘symbiotic’ design processes, I ended up doing a 12 minutes video tutorial.

In the video you see how you can easily create an exoskeleton using freely available software together with a 3d-printer and a 3d-scanner, which you most likely will find somewhere in your town as well. Here is a list of the software that you need: Silhouette France. Home - Leapfrog 3D Printers. Machines. > Imprimante 3D MakerBot Replicator La Replicator offre une zone d’impression d’une taille de 22,5 x14,5 x15,0cm. Elle permet d’imprimer en plastiques de type ABS (le plastique des légos) et PLA (plastique biodégradable) avec une grande précision.Format du fichier 3D accepté: .stl Leapfrog Creatr La Creatr offre une zone d’impression d’une taille de 23 x 27 x 20cm. Avec ses deuc têtes d’impression, elle permet d’imprimer en deux couleurs à la fois ou d’insérer un matériel de support soluble dans l’eau. Format du fichier 3D accepté: .stl >Fraiseuse à commande numérique La Découpeuse CNC offre une zone de travail de 93 x 42 cm. Format du tracé vectoriel: .dxf > Traceur de découpe Craftrobo Graphtec Le CraftROBO permet de découper ou de tracer sur une grande variété de support comme papier (standard, papier photo, papier Kent <157 g/m2, papier à dessin, carte, …, la limite dépendant non du grammage mais de la structure fibreuse du support à traiter).

> Atelier. Audeve3d - rapid manufacturing. CadQuery Examples — Documentation. Wrapper Classes for FreeCAD These classes provide a stable interface for 3d objects, independent of the FreeCAD interface. Future work might include use of pythonOCC, OCC, or even another CAD kernel directly, so this interface layer is quite important. Funny, in java this is one of those few areas where i’d actually spend the time to make an interface and an implementation, but for new these are just rolled together This interface layer provides three distinct values: It allows us to avoid changing key api points if we change underlying implementations. It would be a disaster if script and plugin authors had to change models because we changed implmentationsAllow better documentation. One of the reasons FreeCAD is no more popular is because its docs are terrible. This allows us to provie good documentation via docstrings for each wrapperWork around bugs. there are a quite a feb bugs in free this layer allows fixing themallows for enhanced functionality.

Note Warning Simple Rectangular Plate. Your 3D design turns into reality with the 3D printing. 3D Model Marketplace. Your 3D design turns into reality with the 3D printing. 3D printing services in your neighborhood | The Achilles’ Heel of 3D Printing. We think we know what makes things expensive to make We’ve all got a surprisingly clear idea of exactly what it is that makes something really difficult and hideously expensive to produce: serious complexity. The cost of just about everything we make goes up exponentially as the physical functionality of its innards gets more sophisticated (big things containing motors and gears, for example, are rarely ‘as cheap as chips’: even silicon chips are only cheap because, despite their enormous complexity, we can and do make them in enormous quantities).

But there’s an exception In 3D printing, our whole intuitive concept of ‘cost related to complexity’ is turned on its head. The cost of creating things using a 3D printer ‘goes down with complexity’: the more complex the item being printed, the less it costs to print it. Complexity actually reduces 3D printing costs, are you serious? The notorious 3D printing ‘complexity paradox’ greater complexity = more + bigger voids = less ink = lower cost. 3D printing, laser cutting – design, make & build your own products with Ponoko. Shapeways - Make, buy, and sell products with 3D Printing. All designs • Tinkercad. Shapeways - Make, buy, and sell products with 3D Printing. L’impression 3D, pilier de la prochaine révolution industrielle. Révolution industrielle d’un nouveau genre ou mode sans conséquence ?

Le réel impact de l’impression 3D reste flou. Dans un article de Wired, Carl Bass (@carlbass, Wikipédia), CEO d’Autodesk, se penche sur les avantages et les limites de cette technologie. Le « paradoxe de la complexité » L’impression 3D repose sur des principes totalement nouveaux, en contradiction avec l’usinage traditionnel. En effet, il n’existe pas de limite à la complexité d’un objet. Image : les délinéaments complexes d’une lampe réalisée via la technique de l’impression 3D par l’artiste Bathsheba Grossman lors de la Maker Faire d’avril 2006 et photographiée par Mary Mactavish. Mais pour autant, l’impression 3D fait face à des difficultés inédites, car si elle « n’est pas gênée par la complexité, elle est contrainte par le volume ».

Selon l’article de Friedman, le problème du temps et de la taille est fondamental et tend à annuler l’avantage de la complexité. Quel avenir pour les imprimantes 3D ? Rémi Sussan.