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Bringing Science To Education. Thursday, November 15, 2012 Why do we still base the education of children on tradition and habit, or on unfounded and unproven theories?

Bringing Science To Education

There’s another alternative: science, says Pooja Agarwal, a researcher at Washington University in St. Louis. As she writes in the journal Education Psychology Review: “Currently, we are witnesses to profound educational ‘experimentation,’ for example with charter schools, voucher programs, educational technology, new standards and assessments, revamped educator evaluations, and the growth modeling and analysis of student data.

In the current era of flexibility and experimentation, we have a golden opportunity as cognitive and educational scientists to take what we have learned over the course of at least 100 years about human learning and memory and apply it to the ‘real world’ of education. In doing so, we may finally move away from a system in which educational practices are based on history and doctrine. It can’t happen soon enough. About. I am a learning & teaching geek.


Unapologetically so. I adore all aspects of creative thinking and reflective practice to stimulate new ideas and thinking. This blog is a mixture of reflections on my own learning and acts as a repository for those sparkling gems I come across and don’t immediately know what to do with. But, like any ideas magpie worth their beak, if it catches my eye, I can’t resist collecting it.

Half-echoes of the past. Reasons for EBacc Subjects (and reasons why I don’t agree) *If you are looking for basic info on the EBacc (e.g. subjects included, how it affects certification) this post about ‘what is the ebacc’ might be more appropriate).

Reasons for EBacc Subjects (and reasons why I don’t agree)

If you want to know the reasons for the subjects included, read on! * Schools must now publish on their websites the % of pupils passing the ‘English Baccalaureate’ – a set of 5 GCSEs that must include English, Maths, Science, a Modern Foreign Language and either History or Geography. While I agree with Eng, Maths & Sci, I remain sceptical on MFL and entirely bemused by the inclusion of ‘History or Geography’.

Welcome to Parent View. In-what-other-profession-by-david-reber. NAHT Warwick Mansell. 7 Apps to Organize Your Life. I’m writing you from my new laptop ~ the Macbook Pro with Retina.

7 Apps to Organize Your Life

Party Poopers. Creative Curriculum Design: Our inspiration. Becoming an innovative school? My top 10 ideas. Northern Beaches Christian School: one of the most innovative in the world.

Becoming an innovative school? My top 10 ideas

Thanks to everyone for great day of discussion …from @wethink When one of the world’s leading authorities on innovation described Northern Beaches Christian School as “one of the most innovative in the world” we were amazed and honoured. Charlie Leadbeater (@wethink), is a former adviser to the British government and author of We-think: The Power Of Mass Creativity. Leadbeater ran a one day seminar with us in June 2011. His TED Talk Education innovation in the Slums has more than 300,000 views and he was described as: How to Create Your Own Textbook — With or Without Apple. By Dolores Gende Apple’s iBooks2 and authoring app has created big waves in education circles.

How to Create Your Own Textbook — With or Without Apple

But smart educators don’t necessarily need Apple’s slick devices and software to create their own books. How educators think of content curation in the classroom is enough to change their reliance on print textbooks. As the open education movement continues to grow and become an even more rich trove of resources, teachers can use the content to make their own interactive textbooks. Summer gloom. Ofsted put in Special Measures: the blind leading the sighted. The title of this blog is a headline you are unlikely to ever read. But before anything is invented, it is first an idea, so let's at least entertain the idea and aspire to its subsequent genesis. Why so serious? Because, like the rotten apple of Gotham City, the people tasked with directing and protecting education have become as wanton and derelict as any flatfoot with a roll of fifties and a guilty conscience.

The Office for Standards in Teaching, has been caught in flagrante delicto. Born to Learn ~ You are Born to Learn. The Wing to Heaven. The Difference Between Learning And Instruction. More pedagogic change in 10 years than last 1000 years – all driven by 10 technology innovations. Pedagogy - one of those words that’s used when people want to sound all academic.

More pedagogic change in 10 years than last 1000 years – all driven by 10 technology innovations

So let’s just call it learning practice. Of one thing we can be sure; teaching does not seem to have changed much in the last 100 years. In our Universities, given the stubborn addiction to lectures, it has barely changed in 1000 years. So what’s the real source of pedagogic change? It’s not education departments who peddle the same old traditional, teacher training courses or train the trainer courses. Suddenly we had Google, then in the last ten years Facebook, Twitter, BBM, MSN Messenger, Wikipedia, YouTube, iTunes, Nintendo, Playstation, Xbox. 1. Education and training have been tied to the tyranny of time and location.

THE DAILY RIFF - Be Smarter. About Education. The Nerdy Teacher. For the love of learning. Stump The Teacher.