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Sassaparilla: Sass & Compass Grid System. Sass: CSS Pre-Processsor. Before you can use Sass, you need to set it up on your project. If you want to just browse here, go ahead, but we recommend you go install Sass first. Go here if you want to learn how to get everything set up. PreprocessingPreprocessing permalink CSS on its own can be fun, but stylesheets are getting larger, more complex, and harder to maintain. Once you start tinkering with Sass, it will take your preprocessed Sass file and save it as a normal CSS file that you can use in your website. The most direct way to make this happen is in your terminal. You can also watch individual files or directories with the --watch flag.

Sass --watch input.scss output.css You can watch and output to directories by using folder paths as your input and output, and separating them with a colon. Sass --watch app/sass:public/stylesheets Sass would watch all files in the app/sass folder for changes, and compile CSS to the public/stylesheets folder. 💡 Fun fact: Sass has two syntaxes! VariablesVariables permalink.

Foundation | The Most Advanced Responsive Front-end Framework from ZURB. Elastic CSS Framework. Compass. IVORY Framework. Topcoat. Toast | A Simple CSS Framework. Toast is a CSS framework made as simple as it can be, but no simpler. A plain-English responsive grid makes simple layouts a breeze, and with box-sizing you can add padding and borders to the grid, without breaking a single thing. .unit.two-of-three .unit.span-grid .unit.two-of-five .unit.three-of-five No floats, no clearfix; no worries. By using display: inline-block, Toast saves the headache of clearing floats, and allows you to use floats what they were originally intended for - not for laying out websites. Responsibly responsive. Toast includes two main states - a single column layout for narrow screen and mobile devices, and a multi-column layout up to a default width of 960px.

IE7 is dead - long live IE8. Using pain-free CSS properties like box-sizing and display: inline-block hasn't come without it's sacrifices; Toast only supports Internet Explorer 8 and up. Usage Using Toast couldn’t be simpler. Notes. Mobile Boilerplate: A best practice baseline for your mobile web app. Responsive Aeon - 12 Columns - Grid System. UIkit. Pure.

KNACSS, a simple and lightweight CSS framework. Tuktuk - Simple (but powerful) RWD Framework. Fluidable — CSS Grid System. Metro UI CSS : Metro Bootstrap CSS Library. Cascade Framework. Jeet Framework. Susy: Responsive grids for Compass. InK - Interface Kit. Topcoat. 34 Responsive Grid System. Skeleton: Beautiful Boilerplate for Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Development. Kube — Professional CSS-framework. Zen Grids: a responsive grid system built with Compass and Sass.

Golden Grid System. GGS was my next step after Less Framework. Instead of a fixed-width grid, it used a fully fluid-width one, without even a maximum width. The resources it was published with are still available on GitHub. The idea was to take a 18-column grid, use the outermost columns as margins, and use the remaining 16 to lay elements out. On smaller screens the 16 columns could be folded into 8, 4 and 2. This behaviour was inspired by Massimo Vignelli's Unigrid system. While the grid's columns were fluid — proportional to the screen's width — the gutters (spaces between the columns) were proportional to the font-size being used. GGS also contained a set of typographic presets, strictly to a baseline grid. Correctly setting all of these measurements is difficult, of course. When published, GGS gained a lot of attention, as the web design community was searching ways to work with fluid-width grids, which have always been troublesome, running counter to many graphic design principles.

Gumby - A Flexible, Responsive CSS Framework - Powered by Sass. Base - A super simple, responsive framework designed to work for mobile devices, tablets, netbooks and desktop computers. Responsive Web Design just got Easier with the Responsive Grid System. CSSHórus | CSS Library for responsive and mobile websites. SimpleGrid. The Goldilocks Approach to Responsive Web Design. Responsive Grid System. Profound Grid | A grid system for fixed and fluid layouts. Columnal | A responsive CSS grid system helping desktop and mobile browsers play nicely together. Fluid Baseline Grid - A sensible HTML5 and CSS3 development kit.

The Semantic Grid System. Gridless - An awesome HTML5 & CSS3 boilerplate for mobile first responsive, cross-browser websites. Home – inuit.css – a powerful, scalable, Sass-based, BEM, OOCSS framework. Unsemantic CSS Framework. YAML CSS Framework — for truly flexible, accessible and responsive websites. Gridlock  /  Projects  /  Ben Plum. Syntax Gridlock features three distinct grid sizes that correspond to specific screen sizes: desktop, tablet and mobile. Desktop features a full 12 or 16 column grid, tablet snaps down to 6 or 8, and mobile contains only 3. The syntax is simple and easily read: [target device]-[column count].

Using this method, a cell can be easily adjusted to fit the target device's screen size by applying the appropriate class names: desktop-8 tablet-4 mobile-3. Gridlock also includes some fraction helper classes, -full, -half and -third. Mobile First Gridlock also features a mobile first variant in both 12 and 16 columns. Bookmarklet The Gridlock Bookmarklet adds a simple overlay to help debug alignment issues. Auto Load You can also trigger the bookmarklet load automatically on each page of a site: (function(){if(typeof%20GridlockBookmarklet=='undefined'){document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('script')).src='http: Options Class Flags Demo. Amazium - The responsive web framework..! Concise.CSS / A better front-end framework.