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AWS versus Azure : Quelle est la meilleure plateforme Cloud ? Si votre entreprise envisage d’utiliser une Infrastructure en tant que Service (IaaS), Amazon Web Service (AWS) et Microsoft Azure sont les deux principaux fournisseurs de tels services.

AWS versus Azure : Quelle est la meilleure plateforme Cloud ?

Reste à déterminer lequel est le plus apte à répondre aux besoins de votre activité. Trouvez la réponse à cette question à travers ce comparatif. Amazon Web Services est apparu il y a maintenant 10 ans. Depuis lors, la firme a beaucoup évolué, au même titre que le paysage compétitif qui l’entoure. L’un de ses concurrents, Microsoft Azure, opère depuis 2010. Ces deux entreprises ont eu suffisamment de temps pour créer des produits stables et flexibles. Les bases Amazon divise ses Infrastructures en tant que Service en quatre catégories : Compute, Stockage, Base de données et Réseau. Compute Pour le computing, la principale offre d’AWS sont les instances EC2, qui peuvent être adaptées sur mesure grâce à un grand nombre d’options. Stockage Networking. AWS Summit : toutes les nouveautés annoncées par Amazon. Dans le cadre du AWS Summit de San Francisco qui s’est tenu le mercredi 19 avril, le CTO de la firme, Werner Vogels, a annoncé plusieurs nouveautés importantes pour les services cloud d’Amazon.

AWS Summit : toutes les nouveautés annoncées par Amazon

Parmi ces nouvelles fonctionnalités, on dénombre un système de facturation pour les applications SaaS sur AWS Martketplace, un nouvel outil d’intégration continue, et des améliorations des services de bases de données. Cloud AWS - Tout savoir sur le cloud Amazon Web Services. Docker : tout savoir sur la plateforme de containérisation. IaaS Définition : Qu’est-ce que c’est ? Quels avantages ? 10 Docker Image Security Best Practices. In this installment of our cheat sheets, we’d like to focus on Docker and discuss tips and guidelines that ensures a more secure and quality Docker image process.

10 Docker Image Security Best Practices

So let’s get started with our list of 10 Docker image security best practices. 1. Prefer minimal base images. s3 dg. DevOps Insights – Overview. 10 Types of People Who Need to Understand DevOps. If your organization hasn’t adopted DevOps approaches yet, it probably will soon.

10 Types of People Who Need to Understand DevOps

In the InteropITX 2018 State of DevOps Report, only 9 percent of the business technology decision-makers surveyed said that their organizations had no DevOps plans. A third said their organizations had already adopted DevOps principles and another 46 percent had plans to do so within the next two years. As DevOps spreads, many IT leaders have questions about which types of employees should get basic training on the fundamentals of the approach. We recommend that at least the following ten types of people get a foundational education about DevOps: 1.

In many organizations, DevOps begins with the application development team adopting Agile methodologies. What’s the Current State of DevOps? Recently, two different groups released reports on the current state of the DevOps movement.

What’s the Current State of DevOps?

Puppet and Splunk served as primary sponsors of the 2018 State of DevOps Report, which surveyed more than 3,000 people worldwide, most of them from companies implementing DevOps. In years past, Puppet has worked with the DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) organization on a joint report. However, this year, DORA released its own report, Accelerate: State of DevOps 2018, Strategies for a New Economy, which was sponsored by Google Cloud and a host of other tech companies. It surveyed about 1,900 professionals from around the globe. Insight for the Connected Enterprise. Practical Steps to a Comprehensive Backup Strategy – With Template. Introduction.

Practical Steps to a Comprehensive Backup Strategy – With Template

Top Cloud Trends of 2019 – FutureSin. For all the hype of blockchain (crypto), we’re still in the early stages of Cloud adoption by global companies and integration with machine learning.

Top Cloud Trends of 2019 – FutureSin

While AWS and Microsoft are a duopoly of sorts, it’s a very dynamic ecosystem with both niche players and rising Chinese players. The Cloud is a much more B2B and business centric technology innovation space that relates to how things like artificial intelligence, quantum computing and edge computing scales. The Cloud is moreover at the forefront of cybersecurity, innovation and technological consolidation that will characterize much of human progress in the 2020s and 2030s.

Gartner Research predicts that by 2025, 80 percent of companies will have opted to shutter their traditional data centers. Companies that featured the most prominently among the 2017 market segment leaders were Amazon/AWS, Microsoft, IBM, Salesforce, Dell EMC, HPE and Cisco. Cloud Computing Security - Explained - Redbuddy. Cloud computing security refers to the controls that must be implemented in order to prevent the loss of data, information, and resources belonging to a cloud services provider or its customers.

Cloud Computing Security - Explained - Redbuddy

Cloud solution providers must implement a variety of security controls for the SaaS (software as a service) solutions, PaaS (platform as a service) solutions and the IaaS (infrastructure as a service) solutions that they provide to their customers or clients. Cloud Hosting vs Dedicated Servers & VPS - Short Explanation - Redbuddy. When you compare dedicated servers to cloud hosting, the reliability factor is a quite solid case in the latter case, since you’ve got multiple servers at your disposal as opposed to a single dedicated server that allows you to cope-up with any emergencies without breaking a sweat.

Cloud Hosting vs Dedicated Servers & VPS - Short Explanation - Redbuddy

However, the pricing varies depending upon your actual usage – in the case of heavy usage; cost factor associated with cloud architecture may be slightly higher, though so is its resilience too. When you come to VPS and traditional shared hosting, the cost factor is extremely low in this case quite obviously, but again so is the reliability too. In the case of VPS, a single server is divided into multiple chunks, and each portion is managed by a particular user, so the capital investment is reasonably low. No Experience? Here’s How to Get a Job in the Cloud Industry - Linux Academy Blog. We’ve trained thousands of individuals.

No Experience? Here’s How to Get a Job in the Cloud Industry - Linux Academy Blog

Some of them had lots of experience and others had absolutely no relevant IT or cloud experience. Yet, they came to us looking to become System Administrators, Developers, or even AWS Solutions Architects. The Challenges of Cloud Computing - BlockDelta. With every transformation comes a set of underlying challenges. Today, each and every industry is becoming even more technology driven than ever before… and it is believed that most innovative technologies are revolutionising data centres, modernizing the digital workplace and building bridges into the world of Hybrid or Multi or Serverless Cloud which are the next-generation cloud computing platforms. Cloud technology platforms are creating ever-growing business opportunities – And this is not solely limited to IT. Generally, this normally means, either you ‘Transform or Die.’

Cloud Storage Best Practices. Implementing cloud storage best practices can be challenging. Follow these tips below to choose the best enterprise cloud storage plan for your business needs – without wasting time and money. We cover both these critical storage tasks: Adopting best practices around considerations that apply to all storage use cases.Adopting best practices around specific cloud storage use cases. Cloud Storage Best Practices for All Use Cases Calculate your Costs.

SaaS, PaaS, IaaS pour le cloud computing d'entreprise. Un cloud complet et intégré Accelerating Business Transformation Oracle Autonomous Database Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing et Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse fournissent des services de base de données dotés de fonctionnalités d'autopilotage, d'autosécurisation et d'autoréparation. Ces services évoluent instantanément pour répondre aux exigences des applications fondamentales.

En savoir plus. Serverless Computing   GCP Official Icons and Solution Architectures - Presentaciones de Google. Free Training Offered for New AWS Services. News Free Training Offered for New AWS Services Amazon Web Services Inc. (AWS) is offering free training courses to help customers learn about the new cloud services unveiled at last week's re:Invent conference. At the Las Vegas show, the company announced a bevy of new products and services and quickly followed up by providing 10-minute video courses to introduce the new offerings. The 15 free, individually available courses are organized into the following categories: Machine learning Satellite communications Global services Medical data analytics They have also been provided in a one-stop shop digital curriculum called AWS re:Invent 2018 New Services. All the training resources can be reviewed here, while new machine learning courses can be seen here.

Transfer Domain to AWS-How to Migrate your Website to AWS. How was it? Pretty quick eh? Meanwhile, if you take into consideration the steps mentioned in this article, an AWS Cloud Migration shouldn't take that long. Be aware that many variables could change the migration, such as software incompatibilities, amount of servers and third-party API services, new functionalities not working as expected, SEO factors, data lost and a few more.

But if you follow this guide, I‘m sure you will have minimal risk. Hopefully, this article helped you clarify what a website migration process is, and steps to transform your classic website into a modern and resilient website based on Amazon Web Services (AWS). So, how much does it cost to Migrate a website or web application to AWS? Qu'est-ce que le cloud hybride avec Kubernetes et pourquoi c'est important ? Plus de 8.000 personnes sont à la conférence KubeCon à Seattle. Toutes les grandes entreprises de technologie et des entreprises dont je n'ai jamais entendu parler sont ici. Successful Use of Cloud Computing in the Corporate Environment. All over the world, the work processes of any kind of industry become more and more digitized and automated. Data becomes an essential economic asset for your company.

Together with the rapid development of mobile and internet-capable devices with small memory space, the future focuses on the use of clouds enabling users to have access to data and applications anywhere and anytime and irrespective of resources. The fields of application are various and not limited to internal purposes. Use the provision of data to give fresh impetus to your sales or marketing departments.

Cloud structures can also be used, for instance, as a communication platform for social media to establish a direct connection to existing and new customers. When using cloud computing, it goes without saying that you can decide freely whether you would like to use external resources only or integrate existing server structures into the operation. Cloud Market Q3 Snapshot: Azure Is Fastest, But AWS Is Biggest. A Docker Tutorial for Beginners. Learn to build and deploy your distributed applications easily to the cloud with Docker Written and developed by Prakhar Srivastav Introduction What is Docker?

Wikipedia defines Docker as an open-source project that automates the deployment of software applications inside containers by providing an additional layer of abstraction and automation of OS-level virtualization on Linux. Talend Real-Time Big Data Integration Tools for MDM & ETL. DevOps should be about good decisions, not faster cycle times. DevOps may help get applications out the door and into production in a fast and furious manner, but that's not what makes such collaboration successful. Success is seen in the quality of the decisions made, and to achieve this quality, teams should be free to operate as autonomously as possible.

That's the word from Mark Schwartz, enterprise strategist at Amazon Web Services, author of A Seat at the Table: IT Lesadership in the Age of Agility, and a former federal government CIO. In a keynote address at the recent DevOps Enterprise Summit event, he observed that the best DevOps initiatives are those that strive to meet objectives, not requirements. Too many IT teams get locked into addressing the requirements that go into a business case, whereas they should be freed up to pursue overall objectives, he states. Cloud et transfo numérique : les bons placements de la Société Générale. Les bons placements, les banques en raffolent. Et indubitablement, le cloud computing en est un pour la Société Générale, soucieuse de se présenter comme un champion de la transformation numérique.

Partenariat VMware-AWS ? Dell est fan. Amazon Web Services a annoncé mercredi un nouveau service permettant aux clients d'exploiter le matériel du centre de données AWS en mode on-premise. AWS Outposts est disponible en deux options, la première étant VMware Cloud sur AWS, qui étend encore le partenariat du prestataire cloud avec VMware, et la seconde, le mode natif AWS. Les clients veulent le choix. Avec AWS Outposts, Amazon s'essaie au on-premise. Après avoir annoncé un partenariat avec VMware il y a deux ans et dévoilé VMware Cloud sur AWS plus tôt cette année, Amazon Web Services lancera son propre matériel de centre de données, AWS Outposts. Qu'est-ce que l'intégration continue ? – Amazon Web Services. Mieux comprendre DevOps.

Docker Enterprise. AWS announced Glacier Deep Archive to replace tape archives. AWS advances machine learning with new chip, elastic inference. AWS says so long developers and hello 'builders' Active Directory - Accès et identité - IDaaS. Services et plateforme de cloud computing Microsoft Azure. GCP Free Tier - Free Extended Trials and Always Free   Google Cloud including GCP & G Suite — Try Free   Qu'est-ce qu'IBM Cloud. Qu'est-ce que le cloud computing – Les avantages du cloud.

Centre d'architecture des applications. Free Training Offered for New AWS Services. Transfer Domain to AWS-How to Migrate your Website to AWS.