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Facebook Twitter Turn Paint Chips into a Dry Erase Calendar. Clicking pictures has never been so much fun! - clikr. Top Food Tips. Funny Fun Pages - Unique and Useful Tips - Funny Joke. The Happy Hacker -- the web site computer criminals don't want you to read! Guides to (mostly) Harmless Hacking: Beginner's Series Fun tutorials for beginners, with screen shots to make it easier: Wireless Series Volume 1 (all Unix hacking and often out of date): Volume 2 (more Unix): Volume 3: Vol. 4 - Vol. 5 - Programmers' Series Vol. 6 - Real Hackers Vol. 7 - Hacker Wargaming: The best hackers learn about breaking into computers without ever breaking the law! Special Issues: GUIA PARA HACKING (essencialmente) INOFENSIVO, Série para Principiantes, #1, Então queres ser um hacker inofensivo?

Why do we freely give out information that even the total beginner may use as a two-edged sword of cyberspace power? Life hacks and cheats! | 101cute. Smart tips to make life easier. Posted on February 24, 2012 in Humor If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to our RSS feed or follow us on Facebook or Twitter . Thanks for visiting! Rate this Post (16 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5) Loading... So... 25 Ways 2 Make Money 4 Teens. Open a Padlock with One Paperclip, Nothing Else. Right about now you're probably thinking... "what am I supposed to do with these?

".well. One of those "L"s is your pick, and one is your torsion wrench. Now your torsion wrench, in reality, is just a broken paperclip... so well have to use our heads. If you force your wrench, hook end up, about a 1/2 inch into the lower part of the keyway, NOT where the pins are, it should be fairly tight. (next picture) if you bend it down, you'll get some torque (3rd pic) If the tension wrench slides outs when you apply slight pressure, try again, try different positions or areas in the lower keyway. you can bend and un-bend the paperclip tip in the keyway if you mess it up. note that you will most likely have to make a different tension wrench for every lock you want to pick, the wire will be bent differently depending on the size of the keyway.

How to crack a masterlock padlock. Guide to Lock Picking. Life Hacks.