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10+ Resources for Learning About the Math and Science of Sports. As regular readers of this blog know, I am a proponent of getting kids involved in physical activities like bicycling, skiing, and playing team sports. I also like to see connections made between students' interest in sports and lessons in the classroom. The resources below can all be used to create lessons connected to students' interests in sports.

The Science of NFL Football is a series of ten videos from NBC Learn explaining and demonstrating math and science concepts as they relate to football. The list of topics covered in the Science of NFL Football includes Torque & Center of Mass, Pythagorean Theorem, Geometric Shapes, Projectile Motion & Parabolas, Vectors, Kinematics, Nutrition, and Newton's 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Laws of Motion. Every video in the Science of NFL Football is accompanied by a lesson plan appropriate for use in middle school classrooms. In addition to the NFL Football lessons, NBC Learn offers lessons on golf, skiing, skating, swimming, and running.

Utilisation d'une tablette en cours de Mathématiques. Geometry Vocabulary. The Math of Michael Jordan's Hang Time. Teaching Mathematics With a Surface Pro Tablet. This week I am hosting some guest bloggers. This is a guest post from Bryan Davis. For the last 6 years I have done all of my teaching on a tablet Windows PC. I have really liked using the tool for these reasons. I can have a digital copy of all of my lessons sync to all of my computers and be instantly searchable. Since my lesson was already digital I could easily upload it to my website. But up until last year there was a drawback. One of the best things about technology is how the tools we use are constantly changing. So now I walk around the classroom and have the ability to project anything I want on my screen. 3 Handy Google Drive Tools for Math Teachers. May 31, 2015 Today while we were browsing Google Docs Add-ons we selected these three tools specifically for math teachers and students.

The apps will enable you to solve mathematical equations, create graphs, work on complex calculations, perform basic math/stat operations of cell values in a Google Docs table and many more. 1- g(Math) “With the graph creator, you can type in functions and inequalities and it will create the graph associated with the functions and inequalities. You can also plot points in the same graph, find the line of best fit of those points, and specify a viewing window. 2- Table Calculator “This add­-on helps users perform basic math/stats operations of cell values in a Google Docs table and insert the result with the click of a button. 3- Wizkids Cas. Math Hack: How To Subtract By Adding. As much as nowadays we all have easy access to calculators on our phones, sometimes in life when we are forced to put to the test the basic math skills we learned in school. Whether during a test or when our phone dies, sooner or later we will have to do mental math such as subtracting 245,871 from 785,412.

When trying to subtract large numbers in our heads, sometimes things just get really confusing and that’s why the YouTube channel MinutePhysics decided to teach a simple method to do subtractions of large numbers by adding, which makes things a whole lot easier for us. The main idea is use the smaller number and subtract every digit from 9, except for the last digit, which will be subtracted from 10. Following the example we gave in the first paragraph would have the following calculations based on the original number 245,871: The resulting number is 754,129 to which we ADD the bigger number we mentioned which is 785412. Source: MinutePhysics Google+ Maths. Math. Welcome to Math Playground. Play with numbers and give your brain a workout!


Mathématiques. Area Dice Game | Relief Teaching Ideas. A game for 2 or 3 players. Each player chooses a colour pencil or texta they will use in the game. Players take turns rolling the dice, using the numbers that they rolled to draw the perimeter of a rectangle or square & writing the area in the middle of the shape. Game ends when players run out of room to draw. Winner is the player who has used the largest area/most squares. This game is an old favourite.

Like this: Like Loading... Inspirograph, en ligne. Plaisir garanti. Le Spirograph, ce jouet qui a fait le bonheur de millions d’enfants dans le monde, est maintenant disponible en ligne et s’appelle «Inspirograph», avec tous les avantages et la précision du virtuel : pas de punaises à fixer, pas de dérapages, pas de bavures, pas de catastrophes qui venaient cochonner tout le dessin, pas de gaspillage de papier. On peut choisir les dimensions des roues ou des règles, les couleurs des crayons et du fond. La manipulation est naturelle et les résultats précis. Le trait s’élargit si on repasse une deuxième et une troisième fois. On peut même utiliser les flèches si on est trop paresseux pour utiliser la souris. On peut évidemment télécharger les résultats et aussi les exposer sur la galerie. Mais on réalise à quel point le fait de manipuler ces choses en réalité nous faisait pratiquer notre dextérité fine : pas trop de pression, mouvement régulier et précis, persévérance, qualité de l’assemblage.

Il faudra regarder les enfants s’amuser avec. Niveau : Populaire. Inside mathematics - a professional resource for educators / MATHS SCIENCES.