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TiddlyWiki5 — a non-linear personal web notebook. TiddlyWeb. TiddlyWeb — TiddlyWeb 1.4 documentation. TiddlyWiki Community Documentation. Hosting Your Own TiddlySpace. This document describes how to install your own TiddlySpace server. Doing so has a fair few steps and can be quite an ordeal if you do not have prior experience with this sort of thing. If you are mostly interested in exploring TiddlyWeb to see if you want to use it, it is probably best to start first with Installing TiddlyWeb and then if that goes well and you want the additional TiddlySpace features, moving on to this.

If you already have your own TiddlySpace and are wanting to upgrade from an old version that uses tiddlywebplugins.mysql or tiddlywebplugins.mysql2 to tiddlywebplugins.mysql3 see @tiddlyweb-sql for critical information, especially these addenda for TiddlySpace. TiddlySpace creates one large TiddlyWeb instance that, using just one database, supports many spaces on multiple hostnames. For example while there are over 9000 spaces on there is only one instance, one database, one virtual host configuration in apache, and one WSGIDaemonProcess. to.