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Innovation sociale

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201507_avise_mode_demploi_innovation_sociale.pdf. How to do anything: in 3 hard steps — Enspiral Tales. Intelligence collective.

Living labs

LivingLabsMethodologyBook_web.pdf. Urbex. Travail collaboratif. Tamarack Online Audio Seminars - Getting to Maybe with Frances Westley. In order to accomplish great social movements, we must stop looking at the discrete elements of social projects and start trying to understand the complex relationships between them.

Tamarack Online Audio Seminars - Getting to Maybe with Frances Westley

Getting to Maybe recognizes the experiences of a wide range of people and organizations and applies the insights of complexity theory in an effort to lay out a brand new way of thinking about making change in communities, in business, and in the world. There is knowledge embedded in different structures – illuminating and animating that knowledge is a creative exercise and that's what Frances Westley, who co-authored the book with Brenda Zimmerman and Michael Quinn Patton, does. She brings together different knowledge sets to solve problems. She helps to make the impossible happen. Frances Westley served as the Executive Director of the McGill-McConnell Program, the first program to offer specialized graduate-level education for national leaders in the voluntary sector.

Tamarack Online Audio Seminars - Getting to Maybe with Frances Westley.


The Art of Participatory Leadership. I had the opportunity to participate in a gathering called The Art of Participatory Leadership, which is defined as "an intensive 3-day event where you experience and practice a set of simple, yet powerful, processes for building community, facilitating powerful conversations, building strong partnerships, and leading change.

The Art of Participatory Leadership

" Communauté. 1 - Projets collaboratifs. Maker democracy: Roberto Unger, progressive politics, and collaborative experimentation. It is Maker Day.

Maker democracy: Roberto Unger, progressive politics, and collaborative experimentation

You catch the ziptrain into the city. As the conburbs flash by, you browse the Maker Day app on your phone. Maker Day has only been around a couple of years. The Democrats got it started in 2020, after they seized the White House back from the Republican Party. The idea was to redress unemployment by cutting the working week to 4 days and making the 5th day Maker Day. The system is failing, hack the system. We live in an unsustainable world.

The system is failing, hack the system

Our climate is warming.


Le manifeste des Tiers Lieux. Le manifeste des Tiers-Lieux est un ouvrage collectif qui vise à améliorer la compréhension de la dynamique des Tiers-Lieux de manière à diffuser ses valeurs et à démultiplier son impact sur la société.

Le manifeste des Tiers Lieux

Toutes les informations autour de ce manifeste sont disponible dans l'onglet discussion de cette page. "Un Tiers Lieux ne se définit pas par ce que l'on en dit mais par ce que l'on en fait... " - #TourTT La présentation à l'écran Les Tiers Lieux sont mots clés : #Gens #Communautés #Cultures #IntelligenceCollective #BiensCommuns Le Tiers-Lieu est un bien commun révélé, délimité, entretenu par et avec un collectif. Le Tiers-Lieu est une démarche collective. Ce collectif est généralement composé d’individus qualifiés qui ne parviennent pas à s’exprimer pleinement dans une structure organisationnelle classique.

Le Tiers-Lieu va ainsi évoluer en fonction des différentes oscillations du collectif comme un ensemble organique et intelligent. Car le Tiers-Lieu est un bien commun. Références.


Créatifs culturels. The tribe or the person? A parade of tourists is going to walk past your store today.

The tribe or the person?

Each is a separate opportunity for you to tell a story, to engage, to make a sale. A connected community of readers is going to read what you wrote today. A cultural shift will occur among a small group of people because they will share, discuss and engage with each other about what you wrote. Here's the key question: are you trying to change an individual or are you trying to incite/inspire/redirect the tribe? Direct marketers traditionally deal with separate events. Entrepreneurs : 33 outils pour vous faciliter la vie !

Same Planet, Different Worlds: How Cultural Creatives Are Bringing Forward the Practical Wisdom of Conscious Living. Download and Listen to the Kindred Fireside Chat with Paul Ray, PhD: How Cultural Creatives Are Transcending Alienation And Isolation To Bring Forward The Practical Wisdom of Conscious Living An Interview with Social Scientist, Paul Ray, PhD In this interview with social scientist, Paul Ray, PhD, Lisa Reagan connects the dots between her insights from 15 years of holistic family wellness advocacy and Ray’s investigation of a growing segment of Western population that is transforming mainstream culture through their ability to synthesize vast amounts of information, make counter-culture choices for sustainability and wellness, and ultimately bring forward a missing but critically needed worldview for 21st century living: practical wisdom.

Same Planet, Different Worlds: How Cultural Creatives Are Bringing Forward the Practical Wisdom of Conscious Living

Buy This Book Now!

Prise de decisions

La nouvelle économie. Social Innovation Labs: Designing whole system change. Note: This blog originally appeared on the MaRS site on February 27, 2013 A colourful mix of designers, policy-makers, consultants, non-profit professionals, lab practitioners and the lab curious crowded into the MaRS auditorium last Thursday night to hear Frances Westley’s latest insights on the emerging field of labs and the potential of labs to generate and scale social innovation.

Social Innovation Labs: Designing whole system change

La ville ecologique

Art of Hosting. Social Innovation From the Inside Out. What enables a social purpose organization to excel at developing new ideas and practices?

Social Innovation From the Inside Out

In many cases, the answer lies not in how people connect with the external social landscape, but in how they connect with each other.