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Mr. Robot’s ADDON & Combat Logs. Why should you install Mr.

Mr. Robot’s ADDON & Combat Logs

Robot’s addon for Highmaul and upload logs? Because… COOL STUFF! Once we collect enough data from you and other smart, talented, beautiful players like you, Mr. Robot can do a LOT! Besides just buttering you up with compliments, he can tell you… Talents: The popularity of talents & glyphs from players in the 95% percentile for each boss. We will be able to find people just like you, who perform a bit better, and help you compare the logs. On the main menu of our site or on curse. All of these cool features require someone from your team uploading logs, and as many people as possible having the addon. So let’s upload your log!

1. 2. 3. For people who’s gear was collected, you will get a view like this on the combat logs: This is only a preview of the basic parts of the combat logs. Top 10 Quality of Life WoW Addons - News - Icy Veins Forums. Which addons to use can be hard to keep track of - what's up to date?

Top 10 Quality of Life WoW Addons - News - Icy Veins Forums

Are there new addons out there I don't know about? Will this addon continue to be updated in the future? To try and make things easier, I've picked out 10 addons I don't think anyone should be playing without. Honourable Mention: Tidy Plates For people who use name plates, upgrading to Tidy Plates (and for tanks, with the Threat Plates theme) is a no-brainer. Our must-have Warlords of Draenor addons - WoW Insider. There are some addons that we all know, love, and use -- and have for numerous patches and expansions now.

Our must-have Warlords of Draenor addons - WoW Insider

I'm talking about mainstays like Deadly Boss Mods or Recount. - WoW Battle Pets, Companions and Vanity Pets. 6.0 Class Transition Guides - News - Icy Veins Forums. Guide to What's Coming in the Warlords of Draenor 6.0.2 Prepatch. WOW Transmogrify - World of Warcraft Transmogrifier. Raid Awareness is a Learned and Practiced Skill. Italicized quotations throughout are from my old raid leader Sebudai, well-known for his efforts to teach his raiders to be better at playing WoW.

Raid Awareness is a Learned and Practiced Skill

I’ve written many WoW guides over the past years, largely covering the details of min/maxing a particular class, but I always knew I was addressing a narrow slice of what makes a good raider. While there are reasons that players who know the nuances of perfectly optimizing their class’s output and ability use are prized, even they are no substitute for a raider who excels at the most important skill of all: not dying. Volumes have been written on how to do good DPS, healing, or tanking. If you raid or want to raid at an intermediate or high level, I imagine you have long immersed yourself in that discourse already. There are many reasons why existing WoW guides, forums, and discussions are largely about optimizing those roles.

Elemental Shaman Guide - Guides - Wowhead. Fishing Pools - Objects. « Warlords of Draenor Objects - World of Warcraft Log in / Register|Feedback|English DatabaseNewsToolsGuidesCommunityHearthhead BrowseUtilitiesRandom Page ShareRedditShare DatabaseObjects...

Fishing Pools - Objects

The Great Noblegarden Egg Hunt 2014 Contest Be sure to enter our Noblegarden contest as well as check out our Noblegarden guide to celebrate spring! Add another filter Match: SoO You Think You Can Heal: Sha of Pride. The Sha of Pride has been imprisoned by Norushen The Sha of Pride is the fourth boss in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid, and will be available on both Normal and Flex raiding difficulties from the launch of patch 5.4.

SoO You Think You Can Heal: Sha of Pride

This encounter is a single-phase fight where players must master a set order of mechanics and execute them repeatedly until the boss is dead. Much like the Norushen fight, this encounter features an alternate power bar – your Pride – and managing your Pride is an important aspect of the fight. Players who reach 100 Pride will eventually become Mind Controlled and must be killed, distracting your raid from handling the real mechanics. Raid Awareness is a Learned and Practiced Skill. Italicized quotations throughout are from my old raid leader Sebudai, well-known for his efforts to teach his raiders to be better at playing WoW.

Raid Awareness is a Learned and Practiced Skill

I’ve written many WoW guides over the past years, largely covering the details of min/maxing a particular class, but I always knew I was addressing a narrow slice of what makes a good raider. While there are reasons that players who know the nuances of perfectly optimizing their class’s output and ability use are prized, even they are no substitute for a raider who excels at the most important skill of all: not dying. Volumes have been written on how to do good DPS, healing, or tanking. If you raid or want to raid at an intermediate or high level, I imagine you have long immersed yourself in that discourse already.

There are many reasons why existing WoW guides, forums, and discussions are largely about optimizing those roles. How to PvP - WoW Insider. Recently I've written a couple of guides on initial PvP gearing and the most efficient ways to get honor, and on PvP gearing in more detail.

How to PvP - WoW Insider

Along the way in those two guides, I've been touching briefly on various aspects of how you can get started in PvP, but what I've never done here at WoW Insider is just spell out what to do from the ground up. Let's say you've never PvP'd before. Let's say you've never even dueled. You might be a high-end heroic raider, you might be someone who's just got their first level 20. What do you need to know? Death is not a failure Honestly, if you only read one line of this article, make it that one. You got a little ahead of your health bar, so you've been benched for 30 seconds to recover before you return to the fray. How not to die. Loot Rank. No Life at 90. Timeless Isle Guide (WoW MoP 5.4. The Timeless Isle is an island off the coast of the Jade Forest.

Timeless Isle Guide (WoW MoP 5.4

It was introduced with Patch 5.4 and, unlike areas usually added in patches, it features no questing hub and is only very loosely connected to the events of the patch it comes with. On the island, players will receive very limited guidance from NPCs and will have to discover most secrets by themselves or from reading guides such as the present one. While the island plays a role in the last part of the Mists of Pandaria quest line, it has no direct relation to the Siege of Orgrimmar. That said, there is a quest line on the island that will give more lore information on the events that led to the siege. 1. As we already said, there is no questing hub on the isle. Questing. You can discover mosts of the secrets of the island and complete most of the achievements on your first day, if you wish to do so. 1.1. The island can be accessed by flying from the Jade Forest. Curious Bronze Timepiece that you will have been given. Blue. Guide to transmogrification resources. You just spent 13,000 gold on a pair of purple boots.

Guide to transmogrification resources

No, not purple quality -- purple as in the color. What? It matched the subtle detailing on your tier 2 shoulders perfectly. OK, maybe not perfectly, but it's close enough. Transmogrification - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft. Transmogrification, implemented in Patch 4.3, provides the ability to exchange the appearance of your armor and weapons with those of other items. However you must possess and be able to equip both items, armor must be of the same armor type, and weapons must use the same attack style. Transmogrification Guides. World of Warcraft Transmogrification Ideas. Transmogrification « WoW Roleplay Gear. The WoW Factor ends its first season of events with a grand finale on Deathwing US Horde. After twenty-four events spanning more than six months, the WoW Factor is now going into hibernation in preparation for Mists of Pandaria, but our finale on Deathwing was certainly a great way to end our first season of transmogrification events.

Attendance was booming, with numerous visitors from other realms joining the Deathwing population to turn Sunfury Spire into a hive of activity long before the event itself began. The regular WoW Factor hosts were once more joined by Caylena as the guest judge for the week. It was her sixth outing as a guest judge, but this event seemed more relevant than ever, as Caylena is a Deathwing local player herself, and had been eager to see a WoW Factor event on the realm since we first began. WOW Transmogrify - World of Warcraft Transmogrifier. Maps. RaidComp. World of Warcraft universe guide - WoWWiki. The World of Warcraft wiki encyclopedia.

Wowhead: We would do anything for dataz, but we won't do that. Icy Veins - World of Warcraft News and Guides. - WoW Battle Pets, Companions and Vanity Pets. Level 90 Class Guides and DPS Rankings (MoP 5.1) WoW Heroes - World of Warcraft PvE character info & ratings. Best Choices for 5.1 Mists of Pandaria of World of Warcraft - WoW Popular - Filter by All.

1-600 Profession Leveling Guides - MoP.