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Tease la soirée #CafeNLg de demain... #censored #twitpic #Per. Seth Godin. — Learn How Human Business Works - Beyond Social Media. Being Peter Kim. Digital Body Language. The Funnelholic. Home. Dianna Huff's B2B MarCom Writer Blog | DH Communications. A database marketing consultant and founder of The Database Diva, Lori Feldman helps companies increase sales through “drip marketing” campaigns using their in-house database. I have to admit, while I do have a database, I don’t use it as much as I should to help me grow my business.

I rely instead on search and referrals. Lori Feldman, The Database Diva But, after noting in my recent blog post, The Day that Google Died, that my business would go belly-up should Google stop offering search as we know it, and after interviewing Lori about database marketing, I’m already making some changes. In the following interview, Lori explains why a database can help you increase sales. You’ll learn the top three mistakes many companies make – as well as how to implement Lori’s “secret sauce,” the Treasure Triangle. Dianna Huff: Lori, what exactly is “drip marketing”? Lori Feldman: Good question! The key word, of course, is “consistently.” One, people treat every name in their database the same. A n n a r c h y | Ann Handley writes about work, culture, parenting in stories and vignettes from everyday life. Alltop : Connectodex. Dan Schawbel - Personal Branding Expert. Conversation Agent. Christopher S. Penn's Awaken Your Superhero.

Six Pixels of Separation - Marketing and Communications Blog - By Mitch Joel at Twist Image. Is your head bleeding? Is your heart bleeding? Here's my thought (and, I say this with full disclosure that I am no IT expert and have limited knowledge of the hacking space beyond a personal interest in better understanding technology - peace and love... peace and love...), but the process of text-based passwords needs to be tossed out. It just has to happen. We're all still trying to understand what the ramifications are of this nefarious Heartbleed bug is, and what it all means. Right now, some of the most frequently and commonly used online tools and sites are asking all of their users to change their passwords because of this bug.

Some of these places are uncertain as to whether or not they have been hit, so changing your password before these services update their own systems with a fix would be a big mistake. The best source to sort this all out, for my dollar, has been this Mashable page: The Heartbleed Hit List: The Passwords You Need to Change Right Now. It gets worse. Inside the Marketers Studio - David Berkowitz's Marketing Blog. Marketing Interactions. Strategy, Research, and Advice About B2B Marketing, Thought Leadership, and Social Media.