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Ryan's Tree

Facebook Twitter - Math and Reading for Kids. Multiplication station. PBS. PBS KIDS: Educational Games, Videos and Activities For Kids! Roslyn Road School. OCSD Interactive Games. Design Your Own Games Pre-Made Games Matching Game Directions- In this game you can match up words.

You have two columns to work in . Type in your words in the first column and the matching words in the second column. You should have at least 8 pairs of words. You can have more than eight and each time the students play it will randomly pull from your list of words. To create a game follow these steps: Type in a Title for your game. Editing Your Matching Games If you need to edit your game open up the matching game and type in the filename in the box and then hit load. Term Matching Game- In this game you can put in terms and definitions.

Type in a Title for your game. Graphic Matching Game- In this game you can match up words with graphics or use all graphics. Email me a page (either a web page or a word document) that has the images you want to use. Drag Matching Game Directions- In this game you can match up words by dragging them. Type in a Title for your game. Learning. :: e-Learning for Kids :: The Problem Site: Problem Solving and Educational Games. Math.