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IPA Typewriter. If the title above does not display correctly, you should click on "About" to find out how to get a unicode font. Introduction You can use this tool to type phonemic symbols to be inserted in a word processor. You can also use it to produce the code needed to insert phonemic symbols in a web page. To start work, use the buttons below to choose which you want to do. Use the "About" button to get more information anbout using phonetic symbols in word documents and web pages. Use the "Intro" button to get back to this page.

I would be grateful for feedback about this tool. Word Processing Use the phonetic chart on the right to type the text that you want. When you are ready to copy what you have typed, first click the button below. Your text will appear in a pop-up window. Go to your word document and press Ctrl+V (Cmd+V in a Mac), or the Paste button, in order to paste in the word. You may need to adjust the font of the text in your document. Web Tool. Free English Online Dictionary * Grammar * Word Fun. VocabGrabber. Online Etymology Dictionary. Fun With Words: Glossary of Linguistics and Rhetoric. Ablaut a vowel change that accompanies a change in grammatical function.

Same as "gradation. " Sing, sang, and sung. accidence the part of morphology that deals with the inflections of words. Accismus pretended refusal of something desired. acrolect a variety of language that is closest to a standard main language, especially in an area where a creole is also spoken. Adianoeta an expression that carries both an obvious meaning and a second, subtler meaning. adnominal characteristic of an adnoun. Adnominatio assigning to a proper name its literal or homophonic meaning; also, paronomasia or polyptoton. Adnoun the use of an adjective as a noun. Adynaton a declaration of impossibility, usually expressed as an exaggerated comparison with a more obvious impossibility. Alexia inability to read, usually caused by brain lesions; word blindness. Alliteration repetition of the same sound beginning several words placed close together, usually adjacent.

Alphabetism the expression of spoken sounds by an alphabet.


COMMON ENGLISH ERRORS. GRAMMATICAL TERMS. SAMPLE LETTERS. Fun With Words. Sleepproductivitywriters_1500_1.jpg (1500×5664) TROPES.