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Destino - Walt Disney & Salvador Dali (Nina Simone - Lulu Rouge Bootleg) Maggie taylor. These psychedelic animal specimens are unlike anything you've ever seen. We often forget that WE ARE NATURE. Nature is not something separate from us. So when we say that we have lost our connection to nature. We’ve lost our connection to ourselves. We often forget that we are nature.

We often forget that WE ARE NATURE. Nature is not something separate from us. So when we say that we have lost our connection to nature. We’ve lost our connection to ourselves

Nature is not something separate from us. So when we say that we have lost our connection to nature, we’ve lost our connection to ourselves. External Stimuli : Andy Goldsworthy’s Digital Catalogue Themes : Art Nodes : Andy Goldsworthy, connection, elegance, environmental art, grace, nature, zen. Underlined Book Quotes Become Clever Illustrations.

Bookworm or not, you can't help but enjoy these black and white illustrations of literary quotes by Evan Robertson.

Underlined Book Quotes Become Clever Illustrations

The New York-based graphic designer has taken some of the cleverest lines written by famous authors such as William Faulkner and Oscar Wilde and turned them into wonderful posters. These literature-inspired fine art illustrations are currently being sold on Etsy under the name Obvious State. Robertson would see a "little jewel of a sentence" and he'd underline it. Then, he would take those "snippets of text and ideas" and "let the words be a springboard for an illustration. " As he told Huffington Post, "The illustrations incorporate and interact with the text and hopefully add up to something that engages the mind as much as the eye. " Here are 12 of our favorites. Update: Check out more clever illustrations in Part II of this story. Obvious State on Etsy via [Quipsologies], [Huffington Post] Only Have Eyes For Disney.

3 year old Genius. Judith Ann Braun's Fingers Are Magical. With an art career spanning more than three decades, Judith Ann Braun has tested the limits of her artistic musculature. She began as a self-described “realistic figure painter,” and worked through the struggles common to anyone who endeavors upon an artistic pursuit, that of searching for one’s own voice in the chosen medium. Fast forward to the 21st century where the evolution of Braun’s work has brought us to the Fingerings series, a collection of charcoal dust landscapes and abstracts “painted” using not brushes but her fingertips.

Braun has a specific interest in symmetry, as evidenced by the patterns she follows in a number of the Fingerings pieces as well as work in the Symmetrical Procedures collection. Her fingerprints are obvious up close in some of the paintings, though a step back and the grandeur of Braun’s imagination sprawls into a landscape of soft hills, overhanging trees, delicate florals, and a reflective waterway. Share With Your Friends. Lorenzo Duran. L’artista spagnolo Lorenzo Duran si avvale delle foglie come tela per le sue incisioni.

Lorenzo Duran

Dopo il lavaggio e l’essiccazione, rimuove con precisione chirurgica ed estrema cura i segmenti in eccesso, usando una tecnica simile a quella del tradizionale paper cutting. Quest’ultimo passo è ovviamente il più difficile vista la fragilità del materiale scelto, il risultatò di questo processo è una serie di affascinanti disegni geometrici incredibilmente belli e dilicati. Grazie a Francesca per il suggerimento. via: Artist Doodles Hundreds of Faces He Sees in Crowd. Have you ever felt lost in the crowd, a nameless face wandering in the masses?

Artist Doodles Hundreds of Faces He Sees in Crowd

Well, Brazilian artist Guilherme Kramer decided to eliminate those feelings of loneliness by giving each nameless face that he saw proper recognition. Across the course of one year, Kramer was inspired to draw the faces that he saw in his daily life onto a giant blank wall of an office in São Paulo, Brazil. The piece, entitled We See People In the Crowd, grew face-by-face until the wall was completely covered.

Kramer's extremely detailed black ink line drawings give character and identity to each person within the massive crowd. He says, "I have no idea what will be my next theme or drawing. Guilherme Kramer's website via [Illusion] Sketches : Kevin Ragnott. Contact Blog | Facebook | Copyright 2010 KCRWorks Arthouse Page 1 Arthouse Page 2 Arthouse Page 3.

Sketches : Kevin Ragnott

Reverse Art Made By Pressure Washing The Street. Amazing Stop-Motion Music Video Made Using 920 Colored Pencils. Geeky Rainbow Portraits.