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“Digital Citizenship Resources for the Primary Classroom” #digcit #kinderchat. I know it may sound a bit odd, but I love Monday mornings. Why? I get to start every Monday morning during the first semester talking Digital Citizenship with our 94 Kindergartners. If you are a Kindergarten teacher and you're reading this, thanks for being AWESOME! I admire you more than you will ever know. I have a hard enough time keeping these students engaged for 25 minutes, I can't imagine what it's like for 8 hours! As we get settled into our new school years, I thought I would share some of my favorite resources that I use with our primary students here at Aurora Elementary School. Goodnight iPad: A Parody for the next generation Yep, it's a Parody of Goodnight Moon, the classic by Margaret Wise Brown.

If You Give a Mouse an iPhone: A Cautionary Tail The follow up to Goodnight iPad is yet another great message for our students to hear. The Berenstain Bears and Too Much TV My mom used to harp on me all the time about watching too much TV. Hello! How To Fake A 21st Century Classroom. How To Fake A 21st Century Classroom by Terry Heick Ed note: This post has been updated from a 2013 post because I loved the original so much and it made some people mad, which is always good 21st century learning isn’t a trend as much as a reality. It’s 2015 (almost 2016), so whatever you’re doing in your classroom right now is technically 21st century learning. Semantics aside, we all can improve, and many of us are being held accountable for improvement by administrators, blogs, and the local PLC to “bring the next generation into the 21st century.” With that kind of pressure—and constant district walk-throughs—it may be necessary for you to fake a 21st century thinking and learning environment to make the right kind of impression with the right people, and give the appearance of forward-thinking. 10 Ways To Fake A 21st Century Classroom 1.

Projects are what students do in the 21st century. 2. Then use it to announce trivial things like due dates of 20th century work. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Joshua | Educational Technology Training Computer Lab. 7 Apps for Student Creators | Edutopia #GraniteEdTech. Featured Resource: Padlet. Just posted on the ol’ blog. The 3 Things Digital Classrooms Really Need. My first experience with technology in the classroom was the good ol' Apple IIe and endless hours playing Oregon Trail and Math Blaster. That evolved to an after school coding club in high school where I learned how to make a square and a flower using BASIC. I got my first personal computer as a freshman in college (1998) and finally got Internet at home when I came home at the Holidays the same year.

And look at where learning is today... The classroom is becoming less about the physical space it occupies and more about the cloud. Today, many teachers are beginning to shift their instruction from stand and deliver to more interactive, engaging and participatory styles of teaching and learning. To add to the physical changes happening in the classroom, they way students interact with each other, both in the class and outside the class, is shifting as well. Engaging Content-It is clear that students want to be more engaged with their learning.

Blogging in the classroom takes many forms. Coding in the Classroom: 16 Top Resources. As cool as technology is, its intricacies and inner workings are sometimes intimidating, especially for young people who may be more interested in what technology can do for them rather than what they can do with technology. However, when students hurdle that obstacle and see the value of computer science — specifically coding — they gain a broadened perspective and the potential for a rewarding career in the tech field. The following resources will help you teach your students the basics of coding and will provide tips on how to keep kids interested as you go. Tools to Use in Class Can you make coding fun for your students? Absolutely! These resources point you toward games and other interest-arousing activities that take coding from dull to dynamic. Many of these tools are free or low-cost, putting coding within reach of classrooms on any budget. Edutopia presents a list of six resources designed to help parents get their kids interested in coding.

The Facts About Coding Dr. What Does a 21st Century Classroom Look Like: Technology Integration. Flipping the Classroom | Flipped Classroom Learning, Teaching Resources. About ETR Community EdTechReview (ETR) is a community of and for everyone involved in education technology to connect and collaborate both online and offline to discover, learn, utilize and share about the best ways technology can improve learning, teaching, and leading in the 21st century. EdTechReview spreads awareness on education technology and its role in 21st century education through best research and practices of using technology in education, and by facilitating events, training, professional development, and consultation in its adoption and implementation.

Interactive Fiction in the Classroom. Enviroment. Classroom Connections: Maker Minds, by Kristin Fontichiaro. 7 Ways to Hack Your Classroom to Include Student Choice. For a long time, when educators discussed differentiating instruction and meeting students’ individual needs, they did so through the framework of Learning Styles. However, in the last few years the idea of student achievement being impacted by lessons taught to their particular learning style has been debunked.

No scientific, educational research has proven the validity of teaching for student learning styles; in fact, this blog post collected 10 statements from educational researchers that actually disprove the use of such approaches. We covered the same topic in The Myth of Learning Styles, where we made the point that, “Instructors should not just take into consideration a learner’s style, but also their background and interests.” This suggestion is based in solid research, which documents the positive relationship between student interest and academic success. Teachers do a lot to maintain student interest. Image via Flickr by US Department of Education In Short. Featured Resource: Goodreads. What are the Biggest Mistakes Teachers Make When Integrating Technology into the Classroom? As part of C.M Rubin’s monthly series in the Huffington post: The Global Search for Education: Our Top 12 Global Teacher Blogs, this is the second post. This month we are answering the following prompt: What are the Biggest Mistakes Teachers Make When Integrating Technology into the Classroom?

The word “mistake” is a harsh word. It implies flaws, pointing fingers, errors in judgement, something wrong and possibly even a dead end. I would rather think or connect the word “mistake” to first steps, stepping stones, experimentation and exploration. With that being said, those “first steps” or that exploration cannot become a routine cemented in stone how technology is being used in the classroom. Stepping stones are meant to lead to something else. Technology being used to substitute an analog activity Technology use being seen as an add-on Technology use as a separate subject area Technology as a $1000 pencil initiative Technology seen as the solution to motivate and engage students Related 17. How one #elementaryschool is using #Twitter in the classroom to expand teaching & connect parents. Social Media in the Classroom: 16 Resources for 2015. Social media is a powerful tool for keeping in touch with friends, getting coupons and deals from your favorite businesses, and seeing what your favorite celebrities are up to.

It is also handy in your classroom; platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and others have the power to help you forge closer connections with students and parents and enhance the educational experience in your classroom. How can you make it happen? Let the following resources lead the way. Is Social Media Right for Your Classroom? Just because your fellow educators are using social media doesn’t mean you should jump blindly on the bandwagon. What do you need to consider when deciding if — and how much — you should incorporate social media into your teaching? A piece from Edutopia explains that social media is a unique form of communication that can accomplish multiple goals.

Striking a Balance: Guidelines for Using Social Media Safely and Effectively Make the Most of Social Media In Short. Social Networks for Students and Teachers | Common Sense Education. A Guide to Producing Student Digital Storytellers. Everyone tells stories: journalists, politicians, scientists and entrepreneurs. Conveying information in a coherent and compelling way is vital to success in the real world, and it’s our job as educators to prepare our students to share their ideas in effective ways. We used to do this with papers, posters and dioramas, but digital tools at our disposal now allow students to create authentic stories that allow for audience interaction and a wider impact on the world.

Here are some tips for transforming storytelling assignments in your classroom, no matter what subject or grade level you teach. What is Digital Storytelling? Digital storytelling uses video, audio, social media, blogging and other tools to convey ideas and information effectively. The emphasis is on empowering students to create authentic products that they can share with others beyond the classroom walls, and to allow for audience interaction and feedback. How to Educate Digital Storytellers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Discovering Interests, Igniting Passions, and Amplifying Student Voice | Expect the Miraculous.