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National-geographic-the-universe-map.jpg (6000×3888) The Sagan Series. Beautiful Minds: The Enigma of Genius. - LUFA - ESPONJAS VEGETAIS. A LUFA (Luffa cylindrica), popularmente conhecida por “planta das esponjas”, ou “esponja vegetal”, é uma cucurbitácea trepadora, de grandes folhas e flores masculinas amarelas. Os frutos são cilíndricos, compridos e mais largos na parte inferior. A “Luffa cylindrica” é a variedade que tem maior interesse comercial, pois os frutos podem atingir entre os 25 e os 35 cm, sendo a sua fibra usada para vários utensílios de banho, como esponjas, escovas, luvas e tiras para massajar as costas, tendo em todos estes casos um poder esfoliante, pelo que tem grande vantagem sobre as esponjas sintéticas, ou mesmo sobre as esponjas do mar.

Este tipo de material de banho encontra-se hoje à venda nas boas casas de produtos naturais para a higiene pessoal, dado ser anti-alérgica e biodegradável. Para quem cultivar esta planta, deverá deixar amadurecer bem os frutos, para depois os poder descascar e deixar à mostra o intrincado conjunto de fibras. A Lufa exige sol pleno e rega abundante. Obs. History of NASA shuttles. Science experiments at home. The tank Stored energy, friction and the reduction of it with the candle, and also if the cotton reel needs to be roughened up to make it grip the "ground". Back to the enquiry | Back to the index Why the comeback tin comes back The rolling tin stores energy in the elastic, because the weight always hangs down as the tin rolls in one direction. This works best on the sort of coffee tin that has a metal lid that clips into the top of the can.

Try making a second one in a clear plastic container, to see how it works. The inertia bricks A thick pile of newspapers in a box on the floor will make this a whole lot quieter and safer!! Resonant pendula The principle of resonance causes the energy to be transferred from one pendulum to the other, and then back again, provided they are the same length. Coupled pendula Because the two pendula have the same length, this means they have the same frequency. Lissajous figures I haven't got round to this one yet. The cutting wire Back to the question. Microsoft WorldWide Telescope Web Client.

Interactive 3D model of Solar System Planets and Night Sky. Virtual Oscilloscope: Simulation ... (oscilloscope simulation / oscilloscope tutorial) Visit the oscilloscope sponsor Bitpalast® Web Design! © 2002 Peter Debik, Berlin. All rights reserved. Please observe the conditions of use. This website is available in German, too: Oszilloskop Further Keywords: electrical testing and engineering, oscilloscope tutorial, "how to" Agilent Tektronix. e-learning online and distance learning remote elearning. Oscilloscope tutorials, free oscilloscopes / manual operations operator user. virtual oscilloscope analogue simulation electronics device. How to use an oscilloscope? Evolução vs Criação - Darwin Estava Errado? Parte 1 de 5‬‏

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