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Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 11238 Counseling Groups - Therapy Group Kings County, New York (NY), 11238 - Support Groups 11238. FREE Coaching Session Signup. Raw Food, Organic Food, Non-GMO Superfood. Nutrition Facts and Analysis for Barley, pearled. Cocoa solids. A bowl of cocoa powder Cocoa solids are a mixture of many substances remaining after cocoa butter is extracted from cacao beans.

Cocoa solids

When sold as an end product, it may also be called cocoa powder, cocoa, and cacao. In contrast, the fatty component of chocolate is cocoa butter. Cocoa butter is 50% to 57% of the weight of cocoa beans and gives chocolate its characteristic melting properties.[1] Cocoa liquor or cocoa mass is a paste of roasted cocoa beans with cocoa butter and solids in their natural proportions. Chocolate requires the addition of extra cocoa butter to cocoa liquor, and the excess cocoa solids resulting from the chocolate industry dictate the relatively cheap supply of cocoa powder. Marine Phytoplankton - WIKIWEL. From Wikiwel : online digital library Resource for natural healing, home remedies in a wiki place.

Marine Phytoplankton - WIKIWEL

See also : Found in the world’s oceans, seas, and lakes, marine phytoplankton are remarkable microscopic single-cell organisms that provide 90% of the planet’s oxygen. Although invisible to the naked eye, in large numbers marine phytoplankton usually assumed a green color. Incredibly, they are the central source of the oceanic food chain upon which all other aquatic life depends, including the largest mammal of all, the blue whale.Because they rely on photosynthesis for energy production, marine phytoplankton live in the upper levels of water where they can get light.

According to scientists, approximately 5,000 species of marine phytoplankton produce half of the world’s photosynthesis production, totaling five times the annual power consumption of humans! Lepidium meyenii. Lepidium meyenii, known commonly as maca, is an herbaceous biennial plant of the crucifer family native to the high Andes of Peru around Lake Junin.[1] It is grown for its fleshy hypocotyl (a fused hypocotyl and taproot), which is used as a root vegetable, a medicinal herb, and a supposed aphrodisiac.

Lepidium meyenii

Its Spanish and Quechua names include maca-maca, maino, ayak chichira, and ayak willku. Botanical characteristics[edit] The first person to describe this species was Gerhard Walpers who, in 1843, named it Lepidium meyenii. In the 1990s Dr. Gloria Chacon made a further distinction of different species. The growth habit, size, and proportions of maca are roughly similar to those of the radish and the turnip, to which it is related.

Root[edit] Maca root powder Maca is the only member of its genus with a fleshy hypocotyl, which is fused with the taproot to form a rough inverted-pear-shaped body. Agronomy[edit] Growth conditions[edit] Cultivation[edit] Wolfberry. Dried goji berries Description[edit] Wolfberry species are deciduous woody perennial plants, growing 1–3 m high.


Indian-Style Lentils. Combine this tasty lentil dish with rice for a hearty meatless meal to add to your Healthiest Way of Eating.

Indian-Style Lentils

It will provide you with a complete protein as well many other health-promoting nutrients. Directions: Dice onions and mince garlic and let sit for at least 5 minutes to bring out their health-promoting properties. Healthy sauté onion in 1 TBS broth for 3 minutes. Nutrition Deficiencies Testing Overview. In order to gauge your current state of health, our clinic will often request copies of your last two years of medical testing and will often recommend further testing as needed.

Nutrition Deficiencies Testing Overview

Our clinic does request some testing that is and not commonly performed in more "mainstream" medical clinics. 24-hour heavy metal testing with provoking agent, neurotransmitter analysis, food sensitivity testing, comprehensive stool testing and Candida antigen testing are commonly recommended by our medical staff. Some of these are discussed in detail in the links in this section. What to Expect on Your First Visit: Insomnia: Diagnosis and Treatment. History and physical examination, including a sleep history and psychiatric history, should include evaluation of sleep habits, sleep environment, drug and alcohol use, medical and medication history, and family medical history.

Insomnia: Diagnosis and Treatment

It is often helpful to interview the patient's bed partner and to ask the patient to keep a sleep log. Laboratory testing may identify medical disorders (such as endocrinopathies) that can contribute to sleep difficulties. Sleep testing is used in some patients. Polysomnography can identify sleep-related breathing disorders. Multiple sleep latency testing evaluates for inappropriate daytime sleepiness. Action Plan - Food for the Brain. New Customer Order Form. Anwendungen: "MeineBase" - ºC.

Anwendungen: "MeineBase" -

Es entspannt Körper, Geist und Seele vom manchmal anstrengenden Alltag. Besonders wohltuend und wirksam dabei ist das regelmäßige Bürsten des Körpers zu den Finger- und Zehenspitzen, zu den Achselhöhlen und zur Leistengegend hin. Schenken Sie sich selber die größte Rarität unserer hektischen Zeit. Schenken Sie sich Zeit für sich selbst. Baden Sie in Zukunft öfter und länger, als Sie es bisher gewohnt sind. Was Sie benötigen:3 Esslöffel MeineBase®, 36º - 38º C warmes Wasser,1 Bürste, evtl. mit Stiel,längere Badedauer empfehlenswert (30 bis 90 Minuten). Tipp: Zuerst das Badewasser einlaufen lassen, dann das Salz einstreuen.Für die Reinigung empfiehlt sich Essigreiniger P. Das basische Fußbad: Gönnen Sie Ihren Füßen eine wohltuende Entspannung im basisch-mineralischen Fußbad.