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Top 5 Student Assessment Apps for Teachers. Teachers are always looking for new ways to assess their students' work.

Top 5 Student Assessment Apps for Teachers

Regardless of what curriculum you teach, assessment is something that teachers must do everyday. Thanks to the latest in mobile technology, assessing students' work has never been easier! Here are the top 5 assessment apps that will assist you in observing and assessing your students. Nearpod The Nearpod app is a must-have application if your school has access to a set of iPads. This assessment app has been used by over 1,000,000 students was awarded the Edtech Digest Award in 2012. Additional Assessment Apps Worth Mentioning Here are a few more assessment apps that are worth checking out: Edmodo - This is a great app for assigning quizzes and collecting homework.

CDC pide la dimisión de Fernández Díaz y el PPC ve "sensatas" sus palabras. Barcelona.

CDC pide la dimisión de Fernández Díaz y el PPC ve "sensatas" sus palabras

(EFE).- El coordinador general de CDC, Josep Rull, ha tildado este miércoles de "impresentables" las declaraciones del ministro de Interior, Jorge Fernández Díaz, por entender que "acusa" a la fundación Nous Catalans de "connivencia" con el yihadismo, mientras que el PPC ha defendido la argumentación del titular de Interior.

En una entrevista en la emisora Catalunya Ràdio, coincidiendo con una operación contra el terrorismo yihadista desplegada hoy en Catalunya, Fernández Díaz ha apuntado que en esta comunidad autónoma "a veces se ha frivolizado sobre ese asunto durante un tiempo". Storybird - Artful Storytelling. Free Online Student Organizer. Rull: "En las cosas importantes somos capaces de sumar" Barcelona.

Rull: "En las cosas importantes somos capaces de sumar"

CDC pide la dimisión de Fernández Díaz y el PPC ve "sensatas" sus palabras. 26 Teacher Tools To Create Online Assessments. 33 Digital Tools for Advancing Formative Assessment in the Classroom. I came across a great blog post the other day – Formative Assessments Are Easier Than You Think – that told the firsthand account of a teacher, Steven Anderson, who implemented formative assessment in his classroom.

33 Digital Tools for Advancing Formative Assessment in the Classroom

He used a sticky-note version of an exit ticket to elicit evidence of student learning and in his words, “what a difference that made.” Formative assessment is ‘easier than you think’ and with all the digital tools and apps now available for mobile devices it’s even easier. We’ve shared some digital tools before and with the five tools that Steven shared combined with our earlier suggestions there are now 33 digital tools that we’ve uncovered that are free or inexpensive and help teachers implement formative assessment in their classrooms. Here they are: Quiz maker software from TAC-Soft Limited - easy-to-use and time-saving programs to help you create your own interactive exercises, tests and multiple choice quizzes. Online Testing Free Quiz Maker Create the Best web-based quizzes ClassMarker. Web 2.0 Guru - Web 2.0 Resources. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Web 2.0 Guru - Web 2.0 Resources

WEB 2.0 RESOURCES FOR 21st CENTURY INSTRUCTION This has gone from 10 to 20 in less than a year. I have more, but wanted to share some of my favorites here! Create some fun activities to review and create projects for specific concepts and content. Online assessment is optimal for a more paperless classroom environment. Augmented reality (AR) is a term for a live direct or an indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input, such as sound or graphics.

Some of my favorite tools for blogs in the classroom. Creating charts in many classes can be a chore and if you don't have Excel or know how to design a simple chart these tools can help you! Collaboration experiences assist with opening up the lines of communication for students, teachers, parents and communities. Convert Word to PDF and Vise Versa. Weebly: Create a Free Website, Online Store, or Blog. Microsoft Educator Network - Resources : Free Tools For Teachers : Math Worksheet Generator. Need a faster way to create math practice problem worksheets for your students?

Microsoft Educator Network - Resources : Free Tools For Teachers : Math Worksheet Generator

Microsoft's Math Worksheet Generator is your answer. It creates multiple math practice problems, from basic math to algebra, in seconds. You provide a sample math problem and the Math Worksheet Generator does the rest. It even gives you an answer sheet! Online math practice and lessons. Educator Groups. Que sont les GEG ? Les Groupes Éducateurs Google (GEG) sont des communautés d'enseignants qui apprennent les uns des autres, échangent des idées, trouvent ensemble l'inspiration pour répondre aux besoins de leurs élèves par le biais des technologies, en classe ou ailleurs. En savoir plus Pourquoi rejoindre les Groupes Éducateurs Google ? Apprendre. Échanger. Assistments. Tech Tools by Subject and Skills. Every year, so many new technology tools for teachers are launched into the market that it can be nearly impossible to keep up with them all.

Tech Tools by Subject and Skills

In order to keep you up-to-date with the latest and greatest educational tech tools, our team of edtech specialists has put together this list of the best edtech resources and technology tools for teachers. Clicking on the links below will take you to hundreds of apps, websites, extensions, and more. Whether you're looking for a specific tech tool or just trying to find something new and interesting for your class, we encourage you to browse around all of the different categories to see how many wonderful resources are available for your students.

Also, if you have a tool that you'd like to see added to the list, please feel free to contact us at The following technology tools for teachers have been organized by academic subjects, topics, and learning activity. Socrative. Resources : Free Tools For Teachers : Math Worksheet Generator. The 13 MUST Know Professional Development Websites for Teachers. 1- Education World This is a great website that offers all the resources you need to grow professionally.

The 13 MUST Know Professional Development Websites for Teachers

It has different sections with each one full of PDFs, books, articles an many more . 2- Discovery Education There is no way that you did not hear about this awesome website. Discovery Education provides high quality, dynamic, digital content to everyone be it a teacher, an administrator,student or even parents. 3- Staff Develop This is another great resource for professional development.It provides articles, books, workshops, and many resources links. 4- Ed Week Ed Week is a also one of the leading websites in education. 5- Educators Professional Development The title says it all.

Biografia de Cristobal Colon Vida y Obra Viajes de Cristobal Colon. 1-INTRODUCCIÓN Colón, Cristóbal (c. 1451-1506), navegante y descubridor, tal vez de origen genovés, al servicio de España, hombre polémico y misterioso, autodidacta y gran observador, descubrió el Nuevo Mundo el 12 de octubre de 1492, fue el primer almirante, virrey y gobernador de las Indias, y enseñó a los hombres de mar de su tiempo el camino a seguir para ir y volver de América.

Biografia de Cristobal Colon Vida y Obra Viajes de Cristobal Colon

(ver: historia del segundo viaje de Colon) Día de la Raza es el nombre que reciben en la mayoría de los países hispanoamericanos las fiestas del 12 de octubre en conmemoración del avistamiento de tierra por el marinero Rodrigo de Triana en 1492, luego de haber navegado más de dos meses al mando de Cristóbal Colón a lo que posteriormente se denominaría América. En España también se celebra la Fiesta del Pilar, patrona de España, y el Día de la Hispanidad. Cristóbal Colón nació el año 1451 en Génova. 2. 3. 4. Profesor de Historia, Geografía y Arte. El Calendario Romano y la Division del Tiempo.


El Calendario Romano y la Division del Tiempo