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Nicolas Barrome. Accueil - Street Art - Urbacolors. 50 Watts. Art-Spire.


Auto-Portraits Surréalistes. Cauchemars et Paralysie du Sommeil. Cauchemars et Paralysie du sommeil – Les photos surréalistes de Nicolas Bruno Le photographe américain Nicolas Bruno est hanté depuis son enfance par des épisodes de Paralysie du sommeil, ce qui revient à se réveiller paralysé alors que le cerveau est toujours entre rêve et réalité, entrainant des hallucinations souvent effrayantes et très réelles.

Cauchemars et Paralysie du Sommeil

Nicolas Bruno a ainsi décidé d’utiliser ses visions et ses cauchemars comme source d’inspiration pour ses photographies. Une série sombre et surréaliste… Images © Nicolas Bruno / via. Satirical Reality. 75articlescette semaine 10 partagesLes publicités vintage remixées avec les artistes de la culture pop141 partagesDe vrais sacs à main en mode cartoon, la tendance qui envahit l'Europe557 partages10 Piercings buccaux extrêmes, les photos qui piquent1 916 partages20 photos qui prouvent qu'avoir des enfants c'est pas de tout repos.

Satirical Reality

Faites plutôt des crêpes116 partagesDeux français filment leur propre version de Star Wars sans aucun budget, et c'est exceptionnel ! Catégories ActualitéAnimauxGeekMarketingPeoplescienceSportVoyageWTF Images 557 partages10 Piercings buccaux extrêmes, les photos qui piquent1 916 partages20 photos qui prouvent qu'avoir des enfants c'est pas de tout repos.

Vidéos. Colossal. Mr Pilgrim Graffiti Artist. My Modern Metropolis. Beautiful Landscapes and Rich Cultures. After getting a glimpse of medical professional-turned-photographer Weerapong Chaipuck's stunning series of travel and landscape photography, we knew we had to share a little bit more from his growing collection—ones that have more of a personal touch, featuring the wonderful people he's met along his travels.

Beautiful Landscapes and Rich Cultures

The Thai photographer's images offer more than just aesthetically pleasing views of nature. They present depth in both the rich landscapes and diverse people within each environment. Traveling around Thailand and beyond (to China, Indonesia, Vietnam, and India), Chaipuck manages to take a peek into the lives of ordinary villagers in fairly remote areas. Rather than hitting up the most touristy spots, he dives deep into each country's rich culture to document their realities. Weerapong Chaipuck on 500px. Egyptian Desert Sand Spiral. In the eastern Sahara desert bordering the Red Sea stands Desert Breath, a stunning land-art project comprised of perfectly-formed cones and a glistening pool of water.

Egyptian Desert Sand Spiral

Nestled between the hills on the Egyptian desert floor, this site-specific installation was the work of D.A.ST. Arteam, made up of Danae Stratou (installation artist), Alexandra Stratou (industrial designer and architect), and Stella Constantindies (architect). They spent from 1995 to 1997 working on Desert Breath, relocating 8,000 square meters of sand to create what we see here. The curves of the two interlocking spirals are dotted with cones that create both positive and negative shapes, as some point up towards the sky while others extend below the surface. Everything radiates from its center, a vessel of water filled rim to rim. The terrain was the the driving force behind Desert Breath, and the three women formed D.A.ST. Although it’s been 17 years since the project’s completion, Desert Breath still remains. Elaborate Non-Photoshopped Scenes. Like American artist Sandy Skoglund, Jee Young Lee creates highly elaborate scenes that require an incredible amount of patience and absolutely no photo manipulation.

Elaborate Non-Photoshopped Scenes

For weeks and sometimes months, the young Korean artist works in the confines of her small 360 x 410 x 240 cm studio bringing to life worlds that defy all logic. In the middle of the sets you can always find the artist herself, as these are self-portraits but of the unconventional kind. Inspired by either her personal life or old Korean fables, they each have their own backstory, which of course, only adds to the intense drama. From February 7 to March 7, 2014, OPIOM Gallery in Opio, France is proud to present a selection of Lee's ongoing body of work called Stage of Mind. This will be her first European exhibition. National Geographic.

National Geographic Found. The Serengeti Lion. About the Project Enter the world of the Vumbi pride.

The Serengeti Lion

The lions strut and grimace, bare their teeth. One drapes a paw indolently, another nuzzles. Photographer Michael “Nick” Nichols and videographer Nathan Williamson were determined to break new visual ground when they made several extended trips to the Serengeti between July 2011 and January 2013. A remote-control toy car and a rugged robot tank gave them an unobtrusive way to make images up close and at low angles. In this multimedia presentation Nichols and Williamson re-create the feast and famine of the plains; the purring, bleating, and roaring of these cats; the fragile balance of lion survival.