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SAT Suite of Assessments. Choice A is correct.

SAT Suite of Assessments

Multiplying the number of cups of milk by the amount of calcium each cup contains and multiplying the number of cups of juice by the amount of calcium each cup contains gives the total amount of calcium from each source. The student must then find the sum of these two numbers to find the total amount of calcium. Because the question asks for the calcium from these two sources to meet or exceed the recommended daily intake, the sum of these two products must be greater than or equal to 1,000.

Choice B is not the correct answer. This answer may result from a misunderstanding of the meaning of inequality symbols as they relate to real-life situations. Choice C is not the correct answer. Choice D is not the correct answer. Math Resources for Teachers (Lessons, Activities, Printables: K-12) Highlights Classroom Organization Tips Did you resolve to get organized this year?

Math Resources for Teachers (Lessons, Activities, Printables: K-12)

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Triangle Theorems Calculator

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Pythagorean Theorem Word Problems

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