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The Old New Thing. One of my colleagues, a native Chinese speaker, asked me whether I was still learning Mandarin Chinese. I told him that I had given up. He was baffled by this. "But Chinese is such a simple language. It has no grammar! " Now of course, Mandarin has a grammar, because every language has a grammar. This is one of the curses of being a native speaker of a language: You don't even realize how hard your language is. As far as you're concerned, your native language is as easy as falling off a log.¹ Now, it's true that Mandarin has almost no inflections, unlike most European languages. Sidebar: David from Popehat lays out some of the simplifications, but I think he oversimplifies the use of the completion marker 了. One of the consequences of "your own native language is simple" is that native speakers are sometimes the worst choices for explaining their own language, since they simply fail to recognize how weird their language is.

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