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Sebastião Salgado: The silent drama of photography. 20 Things To Remember If You Love A Highly Creative Person. There’s no argument anymore. Neuroscience confirms that highly creative people think and act differently than the average person. Their brains are literally hardwired in a unique way. But that gift can often strain relationships. I’ve seen it firsthand while working with New York Times bestselling authors and Grammy-winning musicians. If you love a highly creative person, you probably experience moments when it seems like they live in a completely different world than you. It all begins by seeing the world through their lens and remembering these 20 things: 1. The creative mind is a non-stop machine fueled by intense curiosity. 2.

Two questions drive every creative person more than any others: What if? 3. Creative individuals would rather be authentic than popular. 4. Highly creative people are energized by taking big mental leaps and starting new things. 5. Creativity has a rhythm that flows between periods of high, sometimes manic, activity and slow times that can feel like slumps. 6. 500px ISO » Stunning Photography, Incredible Stories » 10 Exceptional Photographers Who Sell Their Photos Through 500px Prime.

In just under a year, our premium licensing marketplace 500px Prime has grown from an idea into a vibrant sales platform. Chock full of images captured, not by “stock” photographers, but our wonderful community, it sets itself apart both in terms of quality and by the fact that it pays out one of the highest royalty rates in the industry. Forget 10 or 20% payouts, Prime photographers earn 70% of every license sold. Obviously we’re quite proud of this burgeoning marketplace that, like 500px itself, was built for photographers by photographers.

And so we thought we’d brag a bit and share 10 exceptional photographers who took a chance on Prime and are now successfully selling their photography through us. Adrian Murray If you’ve not heard of Adrian Murray yet you most certainly have been hiding under a very large rock. The majority of Adrian’s photographs feature his children being… well… children. Here are a few of our favorites, available exclusively through 500px Prime: Maja Topcagic. Johnny Lee: Free or cheap Wii Remote hacks. Alain de Botton: A kinder, gentler philosophy of success. Inspiration. Julian Treasure: How to speak so that people want to listen. 21 coisas que você nem suspeitava que estava fazendo errado. Já pensou que todas as coisas que você faz diariamente – e funcionam – poderiam ser feitas de outra maneira? Mais inteligente, funcional e, digamos, do jeito que ela realmente foi planejada? Você vai se surpreender com essa lista.

São ações simples, como quebrar um ovo, dobrar uma camisa ou descascar uma banana. Nada que julgue seu modo tradicional, mas que abre uma nova possibilidade e causa um inevitável mindfuck: por que nunca pensamos em simplesmente fazer diferente. Hábito, preguiça, ou apenas praticidade? Antes de tentar responder isso, descubra novos modos de realização as tarefas do cotidiano. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Vale lembrar: ninguém está dizendo que você faz errado. La gaceta Notas. I. BlancasGarry Kasparov avanza dos escaques con su peón de rey. La máquina responde con defensa siciliana. Kasparov brinca los caballos y lanza los alfiles; ataca el flanco derecho, con una mezcla de lógica e intuición, o dicho en palabras de Hamlet, con una mezcla de razón y locura. Dibuja en su mente decenas de líneas rectas, cortas y largas de peones y torres, diagonales que forman cruces o estrellas, eles en el centro que unidas hacen un círculo intermitente, como los pétalos de una flor; cada esquema adquiere un color distinto, según si ataca con alfil, caballo y reina, si defiende con torres y peones alineados en grupos de tres, si busca las filas abiertas o prevé un espacio libre para poner a un caballo después de una combinación de tres movimientos. II. En el siglo XVIII hubo un autómata llamado “el turco”, creado por Wolfgang von Kempelen, que se suponía jugaba ajedrez en el más alto nivel.

III. Pero el arte y la ciencia son sólo dos vertientes del juego. 13 Reasons Why Your Brain Craves Infographics [HTML 5] Ken Robinson: 10 talks on education | TED Playlists. Richard Dawkins habla del ateísmo militante. Print Design / Page Layout by Nico Gibson. Infographics & Data Visualization | The 10 Types of Writers' Block (and How to Overcome Them) 35 Best Inspirational Websites For Logo Design. SUNDAY AFTERNOON BLUES (Salón de Danza de la UNAM) Mecate | Blog de diseño gráfico. Williams Writing, Editing & Design: books, e-books, websites. 15 Typewriter Fonts for Vintage Designs. Typewriter fonts are usually used to compliment vintage or retro-themed designs. Using these types can make your designs look like it was taken from the Second World War Era mainly because of the popularity of typewriters during these years.

We have seen numerous movies and posters depicting the 1920s to 1950s era that made use of typewriter fonts. Or, for a personalized look, you may also use these fonts to design birthday cards or anniversary cards. In case you are looking for some nice typewriter fonts, here are our top 15 typewriter fonts that you can download and use for free. As in any freebie, license or terms of use may differ from one author to another. To download and know more about each font, just go to the source page by clicking on each preview image.

If you happen to like this post, the maybe you would be interested to view similar post we have here in our site: 01- Old Typewriter This font would make your design look like they were from the 1930s. 03- Draconian Typewriter. Kinetic Typograhy: The Doctor Hates Pears [rx1603 doesn't] 30 Eye-Catching Table of Contents Designs. Next to cover design, the next thing that a person sees whenever he or she reads a book or a magazine is the table of contents (TOC). As a designer, one therefore needs to realize the importance of making the table of contents as interesting as the cover page. In the past, table of contents is one of the most neglected part of a book cover, annual report designs or magazine layout simply because this page only contains the main parts of the publication and their respective locations.

However, recently, we have seen a trend towards making the table of contents visually appealing. Now, we see graphic elements, photos and creative typographic designs in the TOC. In case you are looking for some inspiration in creating visually rich TOC, we have compiled here a total of 30 mouth-watering TOC designs for you to check out.

To know more about each design, simply click on the preview image. 03-Table of Contents of Morphosys 2007 Annual Report 07-Table of Contents Layout for a magazine. Art - Visual News. JR's TED Prize wish: Use art to turn the world inside out. Amber Case: We are all cyborgs now. Designspiration — Design Inspiration.