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Amit’s Game Programming Information. What’s on this page?

Amit’s Game Programming Information

I’m interested in producing complexity out of simple parts. This page contains bookmarks that I collected while working on games; I did not write most of the content linked from here. As a result the set of links here reflects the types of things I needed to know: only a few specific topics (not everything related to game programming), general ideas instead of platform-specific information (graphics, sound, compilers), and ideas and designs instead of source code (I find it easier to go from an idea to code than from code to an idea).

Other sites, like Gamedev Tuts+, Gamedev, and Gamasutra, cover lots more topics than mine does. Determining how to move around on a map is an interesting problem. These pages are about specific techniques for pathfinding and object movement: My current favorite algorithm is A*, because it can handle varying terrain costs well, and it seems to be faster than most graph searching algorithms. Code and Demos Data structures Displaying Tiles. Axonometric projections - a technical overview. <blockquote class="warningNote"> Please enable JavaScript to render the mathematics on this page.

Axonometric projections - a technical overview

</blockquote> Abstract This paper discusses how axonometric projections may be used in computer graphics, multimedia applications and computer games. It compares the axonometric projection, or parallel perspective, to the linear perspective, lists the major properties and tackles some implementation details.

An earlier version of this paper is included in the book "Advanced Game Programming". The focus of this paper is on the isometric and dimetric projections, the most widely used varieties of the axonometric projection. Introduction —first attempt In the Western world, we are accustomed to the linear perspective, which tries to achieve visual realism in paintings of 3-dimensional environments. Isometry mouse mapping (screen to worldcoordinates) Introduction to Isometric Engines - Game Programming.

Explanation and ImplementationTile and Sprite drawing in an Isometric View, Second EditionBy Jim Adams of Game Developers Network, Inc.

Introduction to Isometric Engines - Game Programming

(Jun 7,1996).Copyright © 1996 by Jim Adams, All right reserved.Graphics Illustrations by Lennart Steinke (Sep 1997) The author, Jim Adams, gives full permission to duplicatethis file only for personal use. No part of this filemay be published without prior written permission by the author. Notes: Isometric can mean a multitude of view angles, but we are discussing the one made popular from games like Ultima and XCOM to name a couple. All examples are not optimized for speed, but in a way to easily understand the concept.

This file has an acompanying .ZIP file (ISO_SRC.ZIP) that contains the Isometric drawing engine with a sample program using it. If you don't already know about tiled graphics, here it is in a nutshell. So instead of storing raw bitmaps, you just use a map array to store the number of the tiles to draw to form the bigger picture. Got it? Isometric 'n' Hexagonal Maps Part I - Game Programming. Introduction WHOA! What do you know, I'm finally doing a tutorial on an actual Programming Topic. I think the temperature in Hell must have dropped below 32. Isometric Tiles - Game Programming. What are Isometric Tiles?

Isometric Tiles - Game Programming

Isometric tiles are diamond shaped pictures that can be combined with other isometric tiles to form a seamless landscape for tile-based games. Due to its diamond shape, the isometric tile gives the illusion of depth. A single isometric tile A map using isometric tiles Isometric Tile Dimensions At first glance of a normal isometric tile image, you think that there are only two dimension, a width and a height. The picture above shows the isometric tile with its dimensions described.Length: The leftmost point of the tile to the rightmost point of the tile.Width: The farthest point of the tile from the screen to the closest point of the tile to the screen.

Since an isometric tile isn't a nice rectangular shape, a simple bitblt will not work. You need the picture of the tile and a picture of a mask of the tile.In the picture above, the white background of the tile image is the transparent portion of the image.Bitblt the mask using the OR operator. Conclusion Good Luck.