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Ambiguous Words. 10 videos musicales que te volarán la tapa de los sesos. Clay Rodery Si eres de los que cree que el arte del videoclip está en decadencia, seguramente estás en lo cierto. Pero es a veces, en ese punto en que un arte alcanza tal madurez en empieza a pudrirse, cuando la vida empieza a poseerlo. Es en la decadencia donde surgen los “enfants terribles”, esos seres que al destruirlo todo dejan al descubierto ruinas subterráneas y antiguos ídolos. Los animadores y directores de estos videos hace mucho se excedieron con sus dosis de Hendrix y Ovidio. Así que te advierto que no te pedirán permiso para conectar y desconectar cables en tu cerebro.

Estoy seguro de que tus ojos disfrutarán el masaje psicodélico, pero los efectos posteriores son incalculables. Intentarás explicarte lo que pasa, pero lo único que vas a lograr es enredarte en un laberinto de palabras que te llevará a un callejón sin salida y a un espejo. Subirá la marea, no sabrás distinguir donde empieza la costa de la realidad y terminan las aguas del sueño. Forest. Zodiac Shit. Fantasy. Rayuela... Julio Cortázar.

Good stuff 1. If the enemy is in range, so are you. 2. Incoming fire has the right of way. 3. Don't look conspicuous, it draws fire. 4. There is always a way. 5. The easy way is always mined. 6. Try to look unimportant, they may be low on ammo. 7. Back to Rainbow Humor Page. Sign-up for a Free SoulCast Account. Investopedia - Educating the world about finance. The 50 Books Everyone Needs to Read, 1963-2013.

The thing about reading is this: it takes a long time. There are innumerable books in the world, and many more good ones than can be read by any mortal in a lifetime. It’s hard to choose — especially if you’re a slow reader. So, to go along with the list of the best albums from 1963-2013, here you will find a single must-read book from each of the last 50 years. Of course, this is by its very nature an absurd undertaking, and many books have gotten the short end of the stick — there’s no other way to do it. The choices here are influenced by the following: the stipulation that any specific author should not be chosen for more than one year, a general focus on fiction over other genres, and the tastes/whims/glaring prejudices of Flavorwire’s literary editor.

Feel free to argue in the comments, but keep it nice. 1963 — The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath. Collection of hampus lindwall, falling falling .com by rafaël rozendaal, 2011. sound by gloumouth1. The Useless Web. 14 Old Words That Should Still Be Used Today. bedtime calculator.