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Petite Poucette, la génération mutante. Michel Serres, diplômé de l’Ecole navale et de Normale Sup, a visité le monde avant de l’expliquer à des générations d’étudiants. Historien des sciences et agrégé de philosophie, ancien compagnon de Michel Foucault, avec qui il a créé le Centre universitaire expérimental de Vincennes en 1968, il a suivi René Girard aux Etats-Unis, où il enseigne toujours, à plus de 80 ans. Ce prof baroudeur, académicien pas tout à fait comme les autres, scrute les transformations du monde et des hommes de son œil bleu et bienveillant. Son sujet de prédilection : la jeune génération, qui grandit dans un monde bouleversé, en proie à des changements comparables à ceux de la fin de l’Antiquité. La planète change, ils changent aussi, ont tout à réinventer. «Soyons indulgents avec eux, ce sont des mutants» , implore Michel Serres, par ailleurs sévère sur sa génération et la suivante, qui laisseront les sociétés occidentales en friche.

Entretien. Vous annoncez qu’un «nouvel humain» est né. Grimoires. LES DIX LEÇONS DES ANGES PAR DOREEN VIRTUE - Vanessa - Canal de Lumière. Home | FaceYourManga. Ésotérisme. Les Anges Gardiens. Créer un site. About Pearltrees. Jacquelyncaudell. All sizes | Personal Resume (2009) Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More. Collecter des infos c’est bien… les partager c’est mieux ! Après avoir réalisé votre veille et collecté les informations les plus intéressantes, vient le temps d’organiser vos connaissances pour les partager plus facilement. S’il existe une multitude d’outils pour y parvenir (Diigo notamment), j’ai (re)découvert un super service pratique, intuitif et au look sympa (et Français), j’ai nommé Pearltrees.

Ce n’est pas un nouveau venu dans la galaxie Internet puisque Pearltrees a ouvert en mars 2009. Il permet de sauvegarder ses signets, qu’on appelle (Pearl) dans des branches qui forment ensuite des arbres (Trees). Un moyen simple, facile et ludique pour à la fois archiver des informations, les organiser, les trier et les partager. Utilisé dans des contextes très différents (éducation, veille, organisateur d’idée), Pearltrees est, pour moi, plus qu’un outil de curation et se positionne plutôt comme un mélange entre le social bookmarking et le mind mapping.

Intuitif et collaboratif Le côté collaboratif est largement présent. Pinterest. Pearltrees, la nouvelle version Botticelli pour une expérience plus immersive. Infographics. InfoGraphic Designs: Overview, Examples and Best Practices | Inspiration.

Information graphics or infographics are visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphics are used where complex information needs to be explained quickly and clearly, such as in signs, maps, journalism, technical writing, and education. They are also used extensively as tools by computer scientists, mathematicians, and statisticians to ease the process of developing and communicating conceptual information. They can present a rich amount of information without intimidating you. Or sometimes they intimidate you, but make the digesting of the information much more bearable. Here in this article below, we are going to discuss best practices for designing infographics followed by some examples which might help you learn a thing or two.

You may be interested in the following related articles as well. Feel free to join us and you are always welcome to share your thoughts that our readers may find helpful. Don’t forget to and follow us on Twitter — for recent updates. 01. Instagram. 16 Infographic Resumes, A Visual Trend. (It’s actually up to 18 now.) A number of designers have attempted to design a visual, infographic resume, and while this is certainly not mainstream (yet), it is gaining some momentum.

I wanted to highlight some of the great examples available on the web, but the line between an infographic resume and a designer resume is tough not to cross. I’ve tried to stay true to only infographic versions here, and didn’t include many good illustrated resumes that didn’t include any visualizations. Michael Anderson’s 2008 concept on an infographic resume (above) is probably the most well known.

It’s been tweeted, dugg, reddit-ed and featured on I decided to update my résumé with a different perspective on the typical time-line theme. I do agree it’s more of an overview and less of a project-experience-oriented resume, but I’ve been thinking a lot about (and looking at) resumes lately, and I feel like what you really need to do is grasp someone’s attention first. Randy. 20+ Tools to Create Your Own Infographics.

A picture is worth a thousand words – based on this, infographics would carry hundreds of thousands of words, yet if you let a reader choose between a full-length 1000-word article and an infographic that needs a few scroll-downs, they’d probably prefer absorbing information straight from the infographic. What’s not to like? Colored charts and illustrations deliver connections better than tables and figures and as users spend time looking back and forth the full infographic, they stay on the site longer.

Plus, readers who like what they see are more likely to share visual guides more than articles. While not everyone can make infographics from scratch, there are tools available on the Web that will help you create your very own infographics. In this article, we’re listing more than 20 such options to help you get your messages across to your readers, visually. Read Also: The Infographic Revolution: Where Do We Go From Here? What About Me? “What About Me?” Piktochart 5 Infographics to Teach You How to Easily Create Infographics in PowerPoint [+ TEMPLATES]

Despite the spattering of headlines that have popped up over the past couple years proclaiming "infographics are dead," infographics are, in fact, alive and well. We just checked -- they're totally healthy. I mean, there are a lot of them, but when marketers spend the time aligning the topic, content, and style of their infographics with the needs and preferences of their target audiences, they're still finding success. (And by "success" I mean driving traffic -- and potential leads -- to their websites and generating social buzz through people sharing and commenting.) A 2014 study shows that the use of infographics among B2B marketers increased 9% from 2013 to 2014: from 43% adoption to 52% adoption. And a recent report from Social Media Examiner shows that original, visual content is the number one form of content that marketers want to learn more about in 2015. Download 10 free infographic templates here to help you create professional-looking infographics without a designer.
