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20 Must-Read Blogs for Online Entrepreneurs. The U.S. Small Business Administration | Small Business Ideas and Resources for Entrepreneurs. Why Our Brains Like Short-Term Goals | Lifehacker - Tips and downloads for getting things done. HBR Blog Network - Harvard Business Review. Top 40 Useful Sites To Learn New Skills. 10 Blogs Entrepreneurs Need to Be Reading | Company Blog. See the 2012 edition: 10 Must Read Blogs for Entrepreneurs (2012 Edition) #1. The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur Site: What it is: Mike Michalowicz provides entrepreneurs and small businesses with tips on everything from starting a business to networking to marketing and health care.

Why you should read it: Mike not only provides great tips but he provides great tips from REAL people. . #2. Site: What it is: Written by a panel of small business owners, the site offers tips and advice on everything business related. Small business trends really covers EVERYTHING! #3. Site: Run by two brothers, Matthew and Adam Toren, Young Entrepreneur is exactly what it sounds like; a site dedicated to young entrepreneurs. Between blog posts, forums, polls and interviews with other small business owners, the site offers fantastic content.

. #4. Site: Why you should read it: #5. . #6. . #7. . #8.