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Photo effects, vintage, retro, online and free - Pixlr-o-matic. Understanding Camera Lenses. Understanding camera lenses can help add more creative control to digital photography. Choosing the right lens for the task can become a complex trade-off between cost, size, weight, lens speed and image quality. This tutorial aims to improve understanding by providing an introductory overview of concepts relating to image quality, focal length, perspective, prime vs. zoom lenses and aperture or f-number. All but the simplest cameras contain lenses which are actually comprised of several "lens elements.

" Each of these elements directs the path of light rays to recreate the image as accurately as possible on the digital sensor. The goal is to minimize aberrations, while still utilizing the fewest and least expensive elements. Optical aberrations occur when points in the image do not translate back onto single points after passing through the lens — causing image blurring, reduced contrast or misalignment of colors (chromatic aberration). Original Image ZOOM LENSES vs. Michael Muller. A beautiful examples of Stereographic projection // imention. Some Excellent Examples Of Camera Toss Photography. Camera toss photography is a relatively unknown technique, but its title alone is a good explanation of the photography technique. There are people out there that create beautiful images by throwing their expensive cameras in the air with the shutter open.

However I’m glad we have some thrill seekers that like doing this because I enjoy looking at the images they produce.In this post we present Some Excellent Examples Of Camera Toss Photography. you may feel inspired to experiment with this technique yourself.have a look and enjoy your self..