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Sublime Text 2 tips for Python and web developers. Update 2014-03: Please see updated blog post for Sublime Text 3. Sublime Text 2 is a very powerful text editor which has gained popularity recently – for good reasons. It is commercial (59 USD). Plenty of power comes from the fact that Sublime has a plug-in framework built in Python. Even though the core app remains closed there exist a vibrant plug-in ecosystem around the editor. Note: You can try Sublime for free. Here is my collection of tips how I squeezed more power out of the editor.

I used to be Aptana Studio (Eclipse) junkie. Sublime is more suitable for work where you work with various open source components which do not follow such rigid order you might find in in-house corporate software. 1. 2. Install Sublime Package Control. After Package Control has been installed you can add new packages with CMD + SHIFT + P, search Package Install. 3. Based on the feedback from the blog friends you might want to install the following plug-ins through Sublime Package Control 4. 5. Subl src. Python for Win32 Extensions Help. The Python Papers Anthology. Spyderlib - Spyder is the Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment. Pythonxy - Scientific-oriented Python Distribution based on Qt and Spyder. Online Python Tutor - Learn programming by visualizing code execution.

Setting a python development in Linux

PyBrain. Android Scripting With Python. Colony Framework. The Visualization Toolkit. There are multiple ways to get the software: The standalone python links point to a package containing a binary executable that you can simply download, unpack and run to create visualizations using VTK's python interface. For Tcl or Java support, or for more full featured Python integration, you will have to compile VTK from source code using CMake and a native build system for your platform. Note that the latest release option is better tested and easier to install, but will not have the latest and greatest features available in the git repository. You can also: Latest Release (6.1.0) git tag: "v6.1.0" Previous Release(6.0.0) git tag: "v6.0.0" Previous Release (5.10.1) git tag: "v5.10.1" This software may not be exported in violation of any U.S. export laws or regulations. Previous Release (5.8.0) git tag: "v5.8.0" Access the Git source-code repository Download VTKsource via Git access: Download additional components Nightly Documentation Archive MPEG2 Source Code Logos.

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Python GUI Frameworks. Portable Python. Vision is a visual-programming environment.