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Herbs for Weight Loss: A Recipe for Slimming Herbal Tea. Previously we discussed a few things to help us focus on developing the habit of healthy living — click here to read that post.

Herbs for Weight Loss: A Recipe for Slimming Herbal Tea

Today, I’d love to talk specifics and share a few of my most favorite herbs for weight loss, detoxification, and over all well-being. But first let me say… …herbs should not be considered a magical solution to anyone’s weight-loss efforts! Nonetheless, I do believe that they play a huge role — most effectively in the role of appetite suppression and detoxification. There are several different herbs that have improven to increase metabolism and/or suppress the appetite — naturally helping us achieve our weight loss goals. Just be careful — please note…this statement is my disclaimer — with any information you read (yes, even this information that I am sharing with you today) regarding herbs with weight loss claims.

The Best Weight Loss Herbs As mentioned above, there are countless herbs and remedies in the realm of weight loss. The Recipe Method. Turmeric's Cardiovascular Benefits Found To Be As Powerful As Exercise. By Sayer Ji Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Nothing can replace exercise, but turmeric extract does a pretty good job of producing some of the same cardiovascular health benefits, most notably in women undergoing age-associated adverse changes in arterial health.

Turmeric's Cardiovascular Benefits Found To Be As Powerful As Exercise

Despite the general lack of interest by conventional medical practitioners in turmeric’s role in preventing heart disease, there is a robust body of published research on its remarkable cardioprotective properties, with three dozen study abstracts on the topic available to view on GreenMedInfo’s database alone: turmeric’s cardioprective properties. Last year, GreedMedInfo reported on a study published in the American Journal of Cardiology that found turmeric extract reduces post-bypass heart attack risk by 56%.

The 8-week long study involved 32 postmenopausal women who were assigned into 3 groups: a non-treatment control, exercise, and curcumin. Herbs For Skin. Top 10 Herbs For Skin image to repin / shareHerbs background pic © Elena Moiseeva - Please share this page: Google + StumbleUpon Reddit The skin is not just the largest organ in your body but the most visible one as well.

Herbs For Skin

Scrapes, cuts, burns, acne, eczema, psoriasis, skin cancer- just some of the most common skin conditions - which explains why several billion dollars are spent annually on cosmetic and skin care products. [1] Globally, sales exceed over $300 billion every year and in the U.S. alone, expenditures can reach $8 billion yearly. [2] Not only is healthy skin beautiful on the outside, it is also an indication of good health inside. However, you need not spend so much on commercial skin products when there are natural plant extracts and herbs available that trace their origin and use since ancient times.

Calendula Also known as pot marigold, calendula has been shown to heal and regenerate skin tissue. Aloe St. Externally applied as a cream, ointment or macerated oil, St. Herbs For Lungs. Herbs For Pancreas. Herbs for Energy. Please Share This Page: Top 10 Herbs For Energy image to repin / shareHerbs photo © Africa Studio, Athlete photo © Stefan Schurr - Feeling your energy quickly being drained even before the day ends?

Herbs for Energy

Perhaps you, like many others, need energy boosting solutions. But rather than resorting to energy drinks or even drugs, you can resort to healthier solutions like herbal remedies. Besides, most of the energy boosters sold in the market today are based on existing botanical remedies. [1] Kicking your energy with coffee tends to strain your brain's adrenal cortex by causing it to work harder than normal to boost energy - and we all know about the "crash" effect afterwards. [2] A 2010 study has also found caffeine-based energy drinks to be typically loaded with sugar and carbohydrates and are even erroneously marketed as reversing alcohol related impairments such as motor coordination and visual reaction time, providing consumers a false sense of control. [3] [4] Ginseng Green tea.

Herbs For Circulation. Top 10 Herbs For Circulation image to repin / shareHerbs background pic © Elena Moiseeva - Please share this page: Google + StumbleUpon Reddit Since blood, flowing throughout your body, provides oxygen, warmth and nutritional support to all cellular activities, it is possible to imagine what conditions may arise as a result of poor blood circulation.

Herbs For Circulation

While poor circulation may result from conditions such as diabetes, kidney, liver or heart diseases, [1] it is reported that it can just as easily come from simple deficiencies in your diet and lifestyle - where you are not getting the proper nutrients due to unhealthy foods or even habits like smoking. [3] There are some simple herbal remedies that can be found in your kitchen, garden or local store, which have been indicated by various studies to have potential to improve circulatory health. Cayenne Pepper Ginger Hawthorn Garlic Another basic herb for improving circulation. Gingko Biloba Rosemary. Herbs For Depression. Top 10 Herbs For Depression - image to repin / shareHerbs background pic © charlottelake - #34744482 Please share this page: Google + StumbleUpon Reddit Characterized by feelings of chronic sadness, melancholy and disinterest, depression is classified as a mental illness that affects sufferers in a variety of debilitating ways.

Herbs For Depression

As symptoms of depression are varied and complex, receiving an accurate diagnosis can be a lengthy process. St. Indigenous to Europe, St. 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) (extracted from seeds of the plant Griffonia simplicifolia) Derived from tryptophan, an essential amino acid, the chemical 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is required for the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with well-being and happiness. Herbs For Hot Flashes. Nutmeg. Please share this page: Google + StumbleUpon Reddit Names of Nutmeg, past and present Chinese: rou dou kou / ron dau kouJapanese: hikayaMalay: pala / buah palaPinyin: Rou Dou KouIndian: jaiphal / jatipari / jatikoshaHindi: Jaayphala / Jayphala / Japhal / Jaephal / Jaiphal Spanish: nuez moscada / nuez moscada y macisGerman: die mustanuß / muskatbuamFrench: muscade / noix muscade / fleur de muscade / macis / muscade et macisEnglish: nutmeg / muscade (adapted) / mace / nutmeg and mace (complete nomenclature) Latin (esoteric): muscada (pronounced: moose-kah-duh) / nox muscada / macis (pronounced: mah-sees; alternately: mah-cheese)Latin (scientific nomenclature): Myristica fragrans / Myristica malabarica / Myristica officinalis Nutmeg - General Info Nutmeg is a popular (and formerly notorious) spice that is derived from the fruit (specifically the seeds) of the nutmeg tree - Myristica fragrans; a large evergreen tree native to the Banda Islands in Indonesia.
