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PHP Advent 2010 / Usage Statistics. A few years ago, Damien Seguy started collecting information about what version of PHP people were using and how PHP’s usage compared to competing technologies such as ASP.NET. As a release manager for PHP 5.1 and 5.2, it was particularly interesting to me, because the monthly stats showed the adoption trends of PHP 5.2 and served as a good gauge of how quickly people were migrating. I was also actively involved in the development of FUDforum, and this data helped determine what new PHP features I could rely on and whether support for older versions of PHP could be discontinued.

Unfortunately, sometime in 2008, the process of gathering these stats petered out, and the PHP community was left without it. About a month ago, after talking to Damien, I decided to restart the process and eventually expand it from 11 million domains to about 120 million. I want to share some of the data and conclusions that can be derived from my initial run. The results! There’s more. DoubleClick Ad Planner by Google. Top 5 Browsers from Jan 2011 to Jan 2012. Trends: cakephp,zend,symfony,CodeIgniter.