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Silver Supplies | .999 Fine Silver Sheet. Home > catalog > metals > fine_silver > Silver Supplies | .999 Fine Silver Sheet [Books] [Gemstones] [Magazines] [Metals] [Tools] [Videos] [Fine Silver] [Silver Solder] [Sterling Silver] [Gold Filled] [Gold Casting Alloys] [White and Yellow Gold] [Gold Solder] [Copper] [Red Brass] [Yellow Brass] [Nickel] Available .999 Fine Silver Shapes: Sheet Round Wire Bezel Wire .999 Fine Silver Sheet *Note: Size/Oz and Price per Inch or Sq/In figures provided are rounded, but close approximations.

Natural-Immunogenics - Manufacturer of Sovereign Silver, Argentyn 23 and Other Colloidal Silver Hydrosol Products. Make Your Own Colloidal Silver, by Bob S. Wednesday, Dec 22, 2010 Silver has been known for thousands of years as a killer of pathogens. The early Greeks noticed that the wealthy people (who used silver utensils) seemed to never get sick as did the common folk. In the middle ages, the royal families used exclusively silver dinnerware, and in the mid-1800s in this country, pioneers kept silver coins in their water barrels to guard against pathogens picked up from the trail watering holes. My own grandma placed a silver dollar in the milk can to keep the milk from clabbering in the summertime.

There is absolutely no known bacteria, virus or fungus that silver will not kill, and in most cases, within an hour or two. It can be homemade for pennies a quart on a continual basis, and is a must for a long-term survival situation. Silver is known to oxidize, or absorb oxygen (tarnish if you will) readily. The only thing you will need that is extraordinary is a milliamp meter. Now for the Silver source. Monitor the milliamp meter. Super Natural Silver Sol - Advanced Colloidal Silver Liquid/Gel - Super Natural Silver. The New Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator!