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The Ultimate Glossary: 120 Social Media Marketing Terms Explained. For many people, posting a tweet, hashtagging an Instagram caption, and sending out an invite for a Facebook event on Facebook has become common practice. (In fact, if you're highly experienced, you probably do all three at once.) But with new social media networks and innovative software cropping up almost daily, even seasoned social media users are bound to run into a term or acronym that leaves them thinking, "WTF?

" Download our free social media guides here to help you get started with an effective social media strategy. For those head-scratching moments, we've created the ultimate glossary of social media marketing terms. Whether you're still hung up on the difference between a mention and a reply on Twitter or you just want to brush up on your social knowledge, check out the following roundup of social media terms to keep yourself in the know. 3) Algorithm - An algorithm is a set of formulas developed for a computer to perform a certain function. 5 Excellent Cloud Tools You Should Be Using. It seems like everything is moving to the cloud from documents to photos to podcasts; plus more and more services are implementing cloud storage for security reasons. While 10 years ago you needed to have actual space on your computer or mobile device in order to save and access files, now you really don’t need much because free cloud storage is everywhere.

Since there are so many new and useful cloud tools that are regularly popping up on the scene, I decided to share 5 that I feel are extremely beneficial to bloggers and social media users. So here are 5 excellent cloud tools that you should be using, if you aren’t already. Pogoplug Plain and simple, Pogoplug is “cloud storage for your mobile life”. You’ll get a free 5GB for storing files (photos, music, videos, documents) in the cloud. Once you sign up, you’ll be prompted to download the free desktop software. Pogoplug is great for streaming music, movies and photos from your mobile device. ZeroPC sideCLOUDload Mougg Flapcast. Higher education web resources from A to Z | Digital Delights |

6 Ways Digital Learning is Changing Teaching. Email Share December 1, 2011 - by Tom Vander Ark 0 Email Share I visited Wireless Generation , a leading education technology company, in Brooklyn this week. In a discussion about Getting Smart , a couple dozen employees including teachers and technologists asked great questions about the future of learning. Here are two more. As someone who has, within the last decade, been a student and a teacher, as well as administrative support, I was very interested by the parts in your book when you made it clear that educational institutions are evolving. This means, to me, that those traditional roles of student, teacher, and administrator will reflect significant changes. There will be a half a dozen significant changes in teaching in this decade. Model differentiation will proliferate over the next decade as school developers invent new ways to blend online and onsite experience around competency-based pathways.

Fifth, the work is getting more data driven. 600 Ressources en Flash pour l’école. « e-teachers. Les médias sociaux en images et avec humour. Qui aime bien châtie bien, c’est bien connu. C’est le cas quand on touche aux médias sociaux. Les dessinateurs et illustrateurs s’en donnent à cœur joie pour parodier, triturer et se moquer de ces espaces d’échange. Et il y a de quoi dire… Souvenez-vous par exemple de ces 35 parodies de Google plus plutôt bien vues. Chaque jour de nouvelles tentatives d’humour sont postées en ligne avec plus ou moins de succès. Les points communs entre les zombies et les accros aux médias sociaux Ou comment réunir les deux modes du moment, zombies et médias sociaux… En y réfléchissant bien, c’est vrai qu’il y a des similitudes.

Où poster son statut ? Les sollicitations sont nombreuses en matière de médias sociaux. Fin du travail, début des loisirs Ce qui est bien avec les médias sociaux, c’est qu’on peut faire durer le plaisir du boulot à la maison… Attention, pensez à sortir de chez vous et à débrancher de temps en temps. Les clichés de Facebook Les médias sociaux en entreprise Le Diagramme de Venn. 50 usages des médias sociaux en formation | Le blog de la formation professionnelle et continue.

L’étude Cegos sur les pratiques de formation confirme que 60% des salariés nous expliquent apprendre avec des outils du type wiki, blog, podcast, réseaux sociaux d’entreprise … Ce chiffre progresse chaque année et les nouveaux outils nous permettent d’inventer de nouveaux usages. J’avais initié la liste il y a 1 an avec 30 usages, vous avez été très nombreux à commenter ce post appréciant ainsi cette sélection … je vous propose d’en découvrir 20 nouveaux (new) à étudier pendant l’été pour enrichir vos formations dès la rentrée … Le micro-Blogging (ex: Twitter) Le partage de photos (ex: Flickr, Picasa) Le blog (ex: Worldpress, Typepad) Les podcast ou videocast Enregistrer une session de formation (présentiel ou visio-formation) pour la diffuser en différé. newMaintenir l’engagement dans des cursus longs par la diffusion régulière de nouvelles émissions. newPermettre aux apprenants de revoir directement sur smartphone ou tablette tactile les moments forts de la formation. new.

150 réseaux sociaux incontournables pour un Community Manager. L'activité de tout bon community manager ne se résume pas à publier, animer, veiller, modérer sur les principaux réseaux sociaux que sont Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, Viadeo ou YouTube. Il existe une multitude d'autres réseaux sociaux professionnels ou spécialisés qui pullulent sur la toile. Certains ont un véritable intérêt, d'autres peinent à émerger, mais il semble intéressant de s'y attarder car vous y trouverez peut être un espace pour valoriser votre entreprise, votre marque ou votre communauté. Les spécialistes SEO savent bien que créer du (bon) backlink est une nécessité pour améliorer le référencement.

Ces réseaux thématiques peuvent aussi avoir de nombreux autres intérêts : s'intégrer à de nouvelles communautés déceler de nouveaux sites, partenaires, clients, … améliorer sa e-réputation en y apportant une expertise* générer du backlink sur ses supports (blog, page Facebook, ...) Voici donc une liste (non exhaustive) de réseaux spécialisés, par thématique : Réseaux sociaux: "N'attendez pas que les recruteurs vous trouvent" Social Media's Slow Slog Into the Ivory Towers of Academia - Josh Sternberg - Technology.

Underpinning a disdain for social media in higher education is the assumption that incoming students have an inherent aptitude for new technologies "If you took a soldier from a thousand years ago and put them on a battlefield, they'd be dead," Howard Rheingold, a professor teaching virtual community and social media at Stanford University, told me one morning via Skype.

"If you took a doctor from a thousand years ago and put them in a modern surgical theater, they would have no idea what to do. Take a professor from a thousand years ago and put them in a modern classroom, they would know where to stand and what to do. " Terms like "digital native" and "digital immigrant" have been used by marketers as a way of differentiating generations. This tale is not new. The vaunted halls of academia move slowly and cautiously. But as social interactions and technologies mature, there has been a swing in the pendulum. Teaching Social Media Theory The Anti-Social Media Faction Image: Creative Commons. How social video is changing online advertising. Social media is changing the way brands use online advertising. One of the most striking examples of this change is social video, where users opt-in to view videos on their own, and then share them or take other actions. Unlike pre-roll, expanding banners, and other interruptive video units, social video puts users in control.

This new structure challenges long-held beliefs about the efficiency of traditional reach-and-frequency spending, and it has made social video one of the hottest new segments of online advertising. We recently released data that shed light on social video trends and usage patterns. The study was based on a sample of more than 13 million user-initiated video views between January 1, 2011 and September 30, 2011. Following are some of the key insights from our study. Humor worksHumorous videos are prominent within the social video space, accounting for four-in-10 campaigns. Social video is rewriting the advertising rules of engagement.

The Virtues of Video. What if your struggling students could view demonstrations of difficult math concepts as often as necessary? Picture your students asking questions of an expert diver as she explores Australia's Great Barrier Reef. Or imagine a motivated student in a remote location attending an advanced placement physics class without leaving home. Providing such enriching learning activities, even with limited funds, is no fantasy; it's possible through live, interactive video. Much of what we define as education can now take place anywhere, anytime—and much of it can be acquired free through resources available over the Internet. Videoconferencing: Engaging Millenials As early as the 1980s, students in rural areas of Alaska, Washington, Texas, and Oregon connected to teachers through interactive videoconferencing. Interactive videoconferencing is often a good solution for resource-strapped school districts that can't afford to hire more teachers. When learners are engaged, retention occurs.

References. Twitter. 50 Brilliant Apps to Enhance Your Twitter Experience. Without a doubt, Twitter is one of the best innovations of the century. It’s a simple idea coupled with a simple interface that took them to the stratosphere. But after a few years and millions of dollars in venture funding, Twitter’s simplicity isn’t what people are looking for anymore. New features are hard to come by, and whatever pushed out is just way too cosmetic. Right from the start, most of the innovation in the Twitter ecosystem has been coming from third party developers.

They outsmart the Twitter team every step of the way. Over time, Twitter is just becoming an infrastructure that processes tweets from apps that aren’t their own. Hootsuite HootSuite Hootsuite is the ideal choice if you are a social media power user to stay on top of your social media. Genre: Monitoring and AnalyticsPricing: From $5.99 per monthFree Account: AvailableMultiple Accounts: SupportedSupport for Other Social Networks: Available SocialOomph SocialOomph CoTweet cotweet Seesmic Seesmic Twellow Twellow Klout Ping.

How to Find the Best Twitter Hashtags. Diigo/My Library. Has Facebook Killed Email? [Infographic] Toute l'info sur Foursquare. Social Intelligence. Google + - Another Tombstone for the Social Media Graveyard? MySpace, Bebo, Friendster, Google Wave, Google Buzz, Ping. All brand names that meant something once, some of which had tens of millions of users in the online social space, all have something else in common; they tried to be David to Facebook’s Goliath and came off worse. All of them brought something new to the online social space, a different way to interact with other members, a quirky feature or niche focus.

All of them also went the way of the Dodo (barring a few clingy tumbleweeds), and most of those features have been aped by Facebook. The reasons for their failures are varied, but the end result is the same. There have been contenders who have stuck it out though; Twitter is a great example of a social network which has managed to hold its own. Facebook fatigue? Google + has come at an interesting time, there is research showing that we are experiencing ‘Facebook fatigue’ due to extensive media coverage, data ownership and regular security setting modifications. Is Google Making us E-tards? While recently at a friendly gathering of young hooligans, I found myself engaged in a lighthearted debate on how the advent of the internet is affecting the brains of the youth. I must confess, despite having done little research on the subject, I had already made conclusions of my own based on personal experience.

My opinion was (and still is) that the internet is ultimately expanding the possibilities of innovation for the coming generations. It is a catalyst for open communication and will provide us with mental framework that will propel the geniuses of our time forward with more vigor than ever before. The person I was talking to did not agree with my somewhat sunny view of the internet.

She said that the invention was making people dependent on it as an extension of their brains, and leaving little room for new ideas or improvisation. In fairness, there is ample evidence for both conclusions in current events and our daily lives. Share This Infographic. Panorama des réseaux sociaux en France, Infographie | | Infographies.

L’IFOP a réalisé fin octobre une grande enquête sur l’usage des réseaux sociaux en France, à partir d’un échantillon de 2080 internautes, nous révélant des classements et des tendances révélatrices. Google + dépasse Twitter, Foursquare progresse timidement et la bataille des réseaux professionnels fait rage ! J’ai réalisé pour vous une infographie présentant les résultats de façon -je l’espère- agréable à vos yeux. J’ai choisi de classer le top 15 des réseaux en fonction de leur notoriété (le taux de connaissance parmi les internautes) et non leur fréquentation pour une raison simple : il y a des visiteurs, des usagers non-inscrits, ainsi qu’une visibilité à l’extérieur de ces réseaux. Le meilleur exemple est YouTube, massivement utilisé et comptant uniquement 8% des internautes parmi ses membres.

On peut aussi citer pour exemple Twitter, très connu du grand public mais encore peu utilisé, et qui bénéficie d’un excellent relais dans les media. Cliquez sur l’image pour l’agrandir. Cours 8 – Réseaux sociaux et identité numérique | MESFC Lyon2. Cours 8 – Réseaux sociaux et identité numérique L’objectif de ce cours est que vous soyez en mesure de prendre en compte, dans vos pratiques professionnelles, les usages que font les enfants et les adolescents des réseaux sociaux. Il vise également à vous aider à mettre en place, dans votre enseignement, une éducation à l’usage des réseaux sociaux. La synthèse du travail réalisé pour ce cours sera faite sur cette page La discussion sur "Quelle éducation à l’identité numérique à l’école ? " aura lieu sur le forum Ce qu’il faut faire (avant le 8 décembre) - Publier un article sur le blog (catégorie "identité numérique") présentant la personne du groupe qui se trouve juste avant vous dans la liste avant le 2 décembre (utilisez le prénom et l’initiale du nom comme titre à votre article et ne donnez jamais le nom de la personne dans l’article) - Proposez une définition à l’expression "identité numérique" ?

Des vidéos pour réfléchir Des lectures pour apprendre Mon avatar Mon identité numérique.