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Orgmode. TeXblog - Typography with TeX and LaTeX. TextMate — The Missing Editor for Mac OS X. TextMate Manual. 1.1 About the Documentation The intended purpose of the documentation is to explain the main features of TextMate and to highlight features that may not be obvious to first time users. The documentation is not exhaustive. You should have a good understanding of what a text editor is, in particular you should have some experience with Cocoa's text edit control (used in TextEdit, Mail and Xcode). While TextMate does not use that control, it does mimic its behavior for the most part. If you want to print this documentation then here is a printable version. 1.2 Philosophy of TextMate From UNIX we get that Tasks and Trends Change. This gives us a command which we can re-use in the future for multiple problems of the same type. There are two ways in which TextMate leverages that philosophy.

Granted, TextMate is not the first text editor which tries to be broad, but from Apple we get the venerable Keep It Simple. Having said that, the philosophy of TextMate is also to Educate the User. <? Major in the Universe. Lifehacker, tips and downloads for getting things done. Apple. TUAW -- The Unofficial Apple Weblog. Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters.