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Gift Ideas for poor creative souls (6) You know how it goes, a friend calls you and invites you to dinner at the last minute. OMG! What gift can you take?! You scrabble around the cupboards trying to find a box of chocolates or a bottle of wine but find that most of the chocolates have been eaten and the wine has gone.

Скрапбукинг. Как делать помпоны. Текст данной статьи взят из книги Терезы Дильмон "Полный курс женских рукоделий", Москва, Эксмо, 2004 год.

Как делать помпоны

Для отделки определенных предметов домашнего обихода, например, абажуров или штор, используются помпоны. Свободно свисая по кайме изделия, они придают ему весьма своеобразный вид. Мягкие помпоны делаются из объемных нитей, перевязанных посередине или переплетенных толстой крученой ниткой. Жесткие помпоны состоят из плетеного или связанного крючком полотна, натянутого на жесткую основу или плотно набитого каким-либо подходящим материалом. Помпоны, сделанные из объемных нитей Чтобы сделать такого рода помпоны, нужно сначала приготовить некоторое количество картонных кружочков с отверстием в центре.

Два таких кружка складываются вместе и плотно обматываются нитками, проходящими через отверстие в центре и огибающими край диска. ORIGINAL Cake Bunting FROSTY by KikiLaRu. Как вырастить авокадо дома. Использование в кулинарии Плоды авокадо нередко поступают в продажу плотными и твёрдыми.

Как вырастить авокадо дома

Мякоть недозрелых плодов довольно плотная, по консистенции и вкусу похожа на недозрелую грушу или тыкву. Мякоть зрелых плодов имеет нежную консистенцию, по вкусу отдалённо напоминает смесь сливочного масла с пюре из зелени; иногда ощущается ореховый привкус или привкус, напоминающий живицу хвойных. Мякоть зрелого авокадо используется в кулинарии в холодных блюдах: салатах, холодных закусках, бутербродах. Обычно добавляется сок лимона или лайма — во избежание окисления, портящего внешний вид и вкус авокадо. Handmade Tissue Paper Flowers and Pompom Garland.

You'd think after making hundreds of these for my wedding, I'd be completely sick of them.

Handmade Tissue Paper Flowers and Pompom Garland

But I can't help it, I love them so much! I'm a little sad that I didn't save a bouquet of paper flowers from my wedding, but I never thought I'd want to see them again. So I made some for home, only this time as a garland... ...And as bedroom decor... Хреновина.net » Незимние ёлочные игрушки. Хреновина.net, 30 декабря 2010 года.

Хреновина.net » Незимние ёлочные игрушки

{every}nothing wonderful: Tutorial: Recycled, Repurposed Ruffles (Scrap Embellishments) A funny thing happened...the post about making envelopes from magazine pages?

{every}nothing wonderful: Tutorial: Recycled, Repurposed Ruffles (Scrap Embellishments)

It got a pretty wildly unexpected response rate. Glad you seemed to like it! Here's a fun idea for a next-step: ruffles! If you are using your repurposed envelopes for gift giving or hand-delivered mail a little embellishment can go a long way. While usually I have an aversion for all things needle and thread, this couldn't be easier, faster, or more simple - and adds a great touch to envelopes, bags, or other packages.

You'll need: Magazine pages, paper bags, old maps or other paper waste Needle Thread Tape, glue, or staples to secure your final ruffle/bow 1) Gather paper you wish to make ruffles from. 2) Cut paper into even strips - in this case about 1 inch each. 3) Thread your needle and tie off a knot at the end. 4) Sew evenly the length of the strip. 5) Once you've sewn the length of the strip of paper begin to gather the paper by pushing down, along the thread, toward the knotted end. {every}nothing wonderful: Tutorial: Repurposed Envelopes (From Magazines to... Note: If you like this idea, be sure to check out how to make paper ruffles to add to your envelopes!

{every}nothing wonderful: Tutorial: Repurposed Envelopes (From Magazines to...

Super quick and easy tutorial for you today. I have a drawer full of these and use them for everything - bills, letters, you name mom does too, actually! I recently received an oversized catalog for baby strollers (why? I have more than one that I barely use). The pages were huge and mostly images - perfect for envelope making. Print Hula Hoop Rug Page. Make a Friendship Bracelet the Easy Way - StumbleUpon. Free printable mother's day card & last minute bouquet. If you're looking for a last minute mother's day card and gift idea, you've found the right place.

free printable mother's day card & last minute bouquet

Show Mom you love her with this cute bouquet of tissue paper flower pom-poms. First, you'll want to download the FREE Mother's Day card here {right click to download}. This card is for personal use only and may not be resold. Print out the Card and right a sentimental message inside. The pdf includes four different pages. Цветы из кружочков ткани. How to make gift bags from newspaper. When I bought something at a store recently, the clerk handed me my purchase in a bag made from a newspaper.

How to make gift bags from newspaper

I liked it very much and had to make some more—thus today's DIY recycled newspaper project: gift bags made from the Wall Street Journal. You can vary the dimensions, of course, but here's what I used to create a bag that's 5" tall, 4.5" wide, and 3" deep. Stack two sheets of newspaper on top of each other. This will be a two-ply bag for extra sturdiness. Cut out a rectangle that's 15.5" wide and 8.25" tall. Fold a flap 1.25" down from the top.

Cut two pieces of cardstock or chipboard to 4.25" x 1", then glue them on the widest two panels just under the top fold. Put glue on the outside of the 0.5" tab and bring the left-most panel over to form the body of the bag, aligning the cut edge of the panel with the folded edge of the flap. Upend the bag so the 2" flap is now up. Put glue on both flaps and fold them inward to form the bottom of the bag.