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Don’t Try Building Hugel Swales – This is a Very and I Mean Very Bad Idea. Let’s start out with a basic understanding of what full scale Hugelkultur and full scale swale based systems are.

Don’t Try Building Hugel Swales – This is a Very and I Mean Very Bad Idea

Then we can jump into what they are not and why combining them can be a very bad idea. First, as most permies know, a swale is a ditch on contour. They are also tree growing systems, and are not designed to grow annual gardens. They do a great many things well. The Art and Science of Making a Hugelkultur Bed – And Michael Carlson's Work. Posted Categories: Green Michael Carlson shares his Hugelkultur garden with us.

The Art and Science of Making a Hugelkultur Bed – And Michael Carlson's Work

Min första bädd enligt hugelkultur. Nu har jag gjort en hugelbädd och hoppas ha skapat en bra växtplats på ett torrt läge med hjälpa av mängder av trädgårdsskräp.

Min första bädd enligt hugelkultur

För säkert ett år sedan stötte jag på begreppet hugelkultur (också hügelkultur) när jag sökte efter olika sätt att bygga djupbäddar och upphöjda bäddar på Pinterest. Det var enkelt att få mer praktisk info på YouTube och jag blev nyfiken. Den här typen av bäddar byggs nämligen av en mängd olika slags trädgårdsskräp, med till exempel stockar och grova grenar som bas. Jag vill ju använda allt som på något sätt blir över i trädgården, också ett nedsågat träd om så skulle vara, och såg min möjlighet med såna här bäddar.

Förenklat sätt är hugelbädden en upphöjd bädd, eller till och med kulle beroende på hur stor den görs, som grundas med olika grovt trä. Det finns en oändlig mängd fakta att läsa om hugelbäddar och intressant grafik som visar hur den något toppiga bädden får vatten att rinna ner längs sidorna och vidare ner i nedersta lagret av trä. Hugelkultur – the Best Raised Garden for Low Maintenance. What’s hugelkultur and when would you use it, and how do you say it anyway?

Hugelkultur – the Best Raised Garden for Low Maintenance

Pronounced something like: Hoogle-culture, this centuries old method of raised garden beds, has migrated to the west and been eagerly adopted by permaculture fans and those with problem soil and terrain. Who tends nature’s garden? Who is out in the forests and fields adding soil amendments and fertilizer? Just Mother Nature of course. Modeled after Mother Nature’s example, Hügelkultur (also spelled huegelkultur), roughly translates from German as “hill culture”), hugelkultur is especially beneficial for those living in or near wooded areas. Nature is the best classroom. Practiced in German and Eastern European societies for hundreds of years, hugelkultur utilizes just three ingredients—like nature—to create an incredibly fertile environment for gardening: wood, soil and mulch.

Don’t Try Building Hugel Swales – This is a Very and I Mean Very Bad Idea. Let’s start out with a basic understanding of what full scale Hugelkultur and full scale swale based systems are.

Don’t Try Building Hugel Swales – This is a Very and I Mean Very Bad Idea

Then we can jump into what they are not and why combining them can be a very bad idea. First, as most permies know, a swale is a ditch on contour. They are also tree growing systems, and are not designed to grow annual gardens. They do a great many things well. Swales can fill ponds, prevent erosion, create pattern framework and the big one everyone focus on, they infiltrate water. Don’t get me wrong you can get a lot out of small scale swales and swale like paths for gardening, etc.

Hugelkultur. Hugelkultur (HOO-gul-culture) meaning hill culture or hill mound.


Instead of putting those branches, leaves and grass clippings in bags by the a hugel bed. Hugelkultur: the ultimate raised garden beds. Hugelkultur, nature's raised garden beds. FOR 25 YEARS I have grown my vegetables in raised beds, but the kind that you need to purchase lumber and bolts and use a saw and hammer to construct, then fill entirely with soil and compost.

hugelkultur, nature's raised garden beds

Lately I’ve been looking longingly at photos of a centuries-old, sustainable way of making raised garden beds called hugelkultur, or hill culture. “It’s like sheet mulching or lasagna gardening,” says Dave Whitinger of All Things Plants, who regularly lectures on the subject, but in hugelkultur, “wood is the first level of your sheet-mulched bed.” In print or my latest public-radio show and podcast, hugelkultur 101 with Dave (whose robust hugelkultur onion bed that is up top). prefer the podcast? HUGELKULTUR was the subject of the latest edition of my weekly public-radio program, a conversation with Dave Whitinger of the thriving All Things Plants web community. Right to mounds. Jardins en buttes à l'écocentre du périgord On les voit fleurir un peu partout, elles représentent une vraie révolution dans notre relation au sol et notre façon de cultiver.

Right to mounds

Symboles par excellence de l’agroécologie mais surtout de la permaculture (avec la poule), elles n’en sont pourtant qu’un élément parmi d’autres. Buttes en "Hugelkulture" de Sepp Holzer, Autriche. Chez Sepp Holzer, ce n'est pas à la pelle et à la pioche, mais au tracto-pelle que sont créées les buttes de culture selon le principe d'hugelkulture, sur une propriété de 45 ha.

Buttes en "Hugelkulture" de Sepp Holzer, Autriche

C'est au Krameterhof, que ce superman de la permaculture exerce une activité d'agriculture durable très diversifiée, en réinstallant des écosystèmes complets comprenant cochons, yaks, poissons d'élevage, des centaines d'espèces de fruitiers, de légumes, de céréales..., sur des flancs de montagne, auparavant plantés de pins en monoculture (produisant la fin de la biodiversité, l'érosion, des innondations...) Faire un tas en "hugelkulture" consiste à empiler toute sorte de matériaux bio-dégradables allant du tronc d'arbre entier à la pelouse arrachée avec sa terre... en passant par une vieille couverture en laine... ! Le sol ainsi constitué sera aéré et permettra la libre circulation de l'eau et de la grande diversité d'êtres vivants qui vont y trouver le gîte et le couvert.

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