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4 Principios básicos de diseño para diseñadores instruccionales. A Quick Overview Of Four Instructional Design Models. Designing a Task-Centered Course With Engaging Multimedia: A Case Study. The International Institute for Innovative Instruction is always searching for new, engaging ways to help students learn. One of the ways to we do this is by designing or redesigning courses in such a way that the course achieves its learning outcomes; another way we do this is by creating purposeful, interactive multimedia. For the graduate course Instructional Design & Performance Technology (IDPT) 650 – Evaluation, we did both. In this IDPT course, students learn how to evaluate the effectiveness of instructional materials. Students have consistently struggled in this course. In order help alleviate some of the difficulties of the course, Dr.

Task-centered,Activation,Demonstration,Application, andIntegration. All five of these principles were applied in the redesign of IDPT 650 in order to create a better learning experience for the graduate students. Task-Centered Learning is task-centered when it occurs within the context of a real-world task. Activation Demonstration Application. Aurasma. Genially. Office Sway - Create and share amazing stories, presentations, and more.