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Škart / Improvizacija i radna disciplina « Supervizuelna. Razgovori 09.05.2014.

Škart / Improvizacija i radna disciplina « Supervizuelna

Romanian Ghosts: The Race to Save a Hauntingly Beautiful Photo Archive. Michael Clark Photography - Adventure Sports Photographer Editorial Advertising PhotographyLANDSCAPE - 1. Michael Clark Photography. Yasuhiro Ishimoto. GALLA MARTYNA - PORTRAITS. The Sart-Tilman Open-air Museum - University of Liège, Belgium. PHILIP HEYING. Otvoreni poziv za 2014/2015. Konkurs za izlagačku sezonu 2015. u Uličnoj galeriji. PHOTOGRAPHY - DUSAN RELJIN - BEAUTY. Anne — Tamas Andok Photography. Photographer Hajdu Tamas Finds Humor in Small-Town Romania. Humor has a strange place in photography.

Photographer Hajdu Tamas Finds Humor in Small-Town Romania

So often a humorous photograph undermines the subject matter or the medium itself and leaves the image feeling like a ploy for cheap laughs. But when it works, when composition and moment and environment come together just right, and the photographer is clever enough to know when and how to press the shutter, a humorous photograph can have a tremendous impact. Hajdu Tamas is the kind of photographer who is not afraid to point his camera at the absurdity of life, even when that life is hard.

Four Poets Discuss Their Favorite Photographs. The latest issue of Aperture magazine focuses on the relationship between literature and photography.

Four Poets Discuss Their Favorite Photographs

The editors were kind enough to share the feature below, in which four poets discuss some of their favorite photographs. It appears in Aperture magazine #217, Winter 2014, “Lit,” as “Collectors: The Poets.” © Sergio Larrain/Magnum Photos John Ashbery. The Winners of The Paris Photo—Aperture Foundation PhotoBook Awards 2014. Announcing the Winners of the Paris Photo–Aperture Foundation PhotoBook Awards 2014 Paris, November 14, 2014—Paris Photo and Aperture Foundation are pleased to announce the winners of the 2014 edition of the Paris Photo–Aperture Foundation PhotoBook Awards, celebrating the book’s contribution to the evolving narrative of photography.

The Winners of The Paris Photo—Aperture Foundation PhotoBook Awards 2014

Hidden Islam by Nicoló Degiorgis is the winner of $10,000 in the First PhotoBook category. The selection for this year’s new category, Photography Catalogue of the Year, is the separately published, matched set of catalogues Christopher Williams: The Production Line of Happiness and Christopher Williams: Printed in Germany by Christopher Williams, while Imaginary Club by Oliver Sieber is the winner of PhotoBook of the Year. A special mention in that category goes to Vytautas V. Stanionis’s Photographs for Documents. 404: Page Not Found. Peter Lik Shatters World Record with $6.5M Sale of ‘Phantom’ Communist Poland in 10 Astonishing Pictures. Between 1952 and 1989, Poland was called the Polish People's Republic.

Communist Poland in 10 Astonishing Pictures

Ellena, Véronique: Photography, Gallery. Dorchester, MA - bucksquibb. Home. GNEBORG.ORG. Bruce Wrighton : Laurence Miller Gallery. Ross Paxton – A General History Of Timeless Landscapes. If you‘ve ever lived in a popular tourist destination, you’ll be familiar the kind of guided tours Ross Paxton has been capturing for the past three years while completing an MA in photojournalism and documentary photography at London College of Communication.

Ross Paxton – A General History Of Timeless Landscapes

Shot using a large format camera, the project was inspired by a bus tour he took on a trip back to his home town, Whitby, and he was struck by the image of the bus load of tourists as they passed the town’s landmark Abbey. “I felt as though I was looking into the past and the passengers were looking forward into their futures, and since we were moving, it was like past, present and future had been flattened into one moment,” he says. The York-based photographer estimates he’s now taken pictures of 35 tours in total, starting off locally then moving further afield, but always trying to include “a relic, sign or important monument from that particular town in each image”.

Captivating Portraits of Namibia's Fashionable Herero Tribe. We recently spoke to London-based photographer Jim Naughten about his stunning portrait series of the Herero tribe members of Namibia.

Captivating Portraits of Namibia's Fashionable Herero Tribe

How did this series come about? What was your inspiration? “I traveled in Africa after finishing college. I bought an old motorbike and more or less stumbled across Namibia on my journey. Young Self-Taught Photographer Captures Wanderers Against Magnificent Landscapes. Self-taught Canadian photographer Elizabeth Gadd described her photography niche better, perhaps, than anybody else when she said, “I, uh… shoot landscapey stuff… with people in them.”

Young Self-Taught Photographer Captures Wanderers Against Magnificent Landscapes

Musée Magazine No. 10 Vol. 1 by MuseeMagazine. Justine Kurland's Beautiful Photos Taken On a Five-Year Road Trip With Her Young Son. Intimacy, Love, and the Aging Body: Photographer Marna Clarke Documents Her Life Over 70 (NSFW) What happens when a photographer gives up photographing for 14 years?

Intimacy, Love, and the Aging Body: Photographer Marna Clarke Documents Her Life Over 70 (NSFW)

About - Josh Wool. Dan Hayon - Something is happening here but you don't know what it is. Do you, Mister Jones? I am fully aware that there is nothing original in my work.

Dan Hayon - Something is happening here but you don't know what it is. Do you, Mister Jones?

Jim Jarmusch put it so well in words: "Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. An Elusive Roof of One's Own in Lisbon. They don’t live, they survive. They are the unemployed, elderly and homeless in Lisbon. In a world where the Internet sparks protests and dialogue about issues across the globe, their suffering is invisible, even to their neighbors. But not to Mario Cruz. The 27-year-old photographer set out at the beginning of 2014 to work on a project he had put off for more than a year, portraying squatters who settled into abandoned factories and villas.

6 Legendary Photographers Tell The Stories Behind Their Favorite Unseen Photographs. What happens to a photograph deferred? Some are tucked in a file or packed in the basement while others are shoved under the bed and, in time, forgotten. These photos and the details they house -- a particular moment, a unique perspective, a potential story -- rest outside our view, sometimes forever. Yana Paskova - Photojournalist. Communist Poland in 10 Astonishing Pictures. Noah Addis - Future Cities. According to United Nations' estimates, there are more than one billion squatters living today—close to one out of every six persons on earth. This number is expected to double to two billion by 2030. David Titlow wins Taylor Wessing portrait prize.

This year I think the jurors got it right. The winner of the Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize 2014 goes to David Titlow for his picture of his baby son. Shot on the morning after a midsummer party in Sweden, little Konrad was introduced to a young dog and some assembled friends, while held (I presume) by his adoring mother. Despite the clutter of empty beer cans, it captures a beautiful moment, brought into sharp focus by the dappled light and the fixed attention of the group within this Pre-Raphaelite scene.

Clay Benskin. Don't Call Clay Benskin a Street Photographer. Clay Benskin weaves his way through the crowded sidewalks of Lower Manhattan, apparently invisible to the people streaming past him. He is not a small man. Yet even as his camera gets to within inches of someone’s face, the person doesn’t flinch. “People will stand in front of me and not pay me any mind,” Mr. Benskin said. “I guess I have no presence.” His photographs, on the other hand, do. Not that he considers himself to be a street photographer, even if he graduated from a smartphone to a high-quality compact camera. AARON HUEY IS A PHOTOGRAPHER. Recent work and projects by photojournalist Benita Marcussen.

London Fine Art Photography - Soviet Ghosts. Purchase Soviet Ghosts Book UK Purchase Soviet Ghosts Book USA The Limited Edition artworks listed in this catalogue are available as archival pigment prints, professionally printed on Fotospeed Platinum Etching 285gsm paper at 60x30" 45x30" & 30x20" Each print is printed to with 2" border, signed, numbered and accompanied with a signed certificate of authenticity. To order or confirm availability and pricing please email. Struck by the extent of abandonment in the former Soviet Union and its satellite states in the former Eastern Bloc, photographer Rebecca Litchfield sensitively and beautifully records many abandoned location within 13 countries which were once part of the Soviet Union or occupied.

The former USSR with the fall of a Communist empire, places now lie derelict, uninhabited, broken shells of a forgotten time. Whilst some may look at the decay in these places as simply reflecting the destruction of the Soviet Union and the moral bankruptcy of a flawed ideological system. THOBIAS MALMBERG. Nomadslife: Portraits of Nomads Around the World Reveal A Way of Life Soon To Be Forgotten. Guillermo Cervera's Mesmerizing Images on Exhibit at Anastasia Photo, NYC. Havana Cuba, 2008. Whisky.

Ute Mahler’s Portraits of Life Behind the Wall. Photography - Babycakes Romero. Canada's La Belle Province. DIY BALENCIAGA INSPIRED RUFFLE SKIRT. 15th January 2013. Woman vs. the World: Photographer Guia Besana Tackles The Pressures of Femininity. 10 International Street Photographers Who Change The Way We See The World. Think of a city. Christopher Anderson Magnum archives. Marc Zakharovich Chagall. Между небом и землей. Мариана Калачева. Фото-савез Србије. Download 35,000 Works of Art from the National Gallery, Including Masterpieces by Van Gogh, Gauguin, Rembrandt & More. National Gallery of Art.

René Magritte. Kultur!Kokoška. Bernard Buffet. O (ne)čitanju zbirki kratkih priča. Małgorzata Lazarek. Ilija Basicevic - Bosilj. George Lois. Spider soft sculpture made from vintage embroidery by MisterFinch. STREET ART UTOPIA » We declare the world as our canvasSTREET ART UTOPIA » We declare the world as our canvas. Ludwig Múzeum - Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum. Han van Meegeren. A Closer Look. Konkurs Moderne galerije Lazarevac za izlagačku sezonu 2013. godine. Душан Рајшић » art Душан Рајшић. Музеј у Смедереву - Почетна страна. Photographs - Page 10. Tease, c. 1950. Gelatin Silver Print Snapshot - Rodger Kingston (rpkphoto)'s Photos. (OvO) OLD Art pictures. Browse art pictures - Gelatin Silver Print page 171.

Ilka Hartmann Photography - About Ilka. We Find Wildness. Diener-Dénes Rudolf (1889-1956) híres magyar festő, grafikus - Kieselbach. Remembering Hopper - Our South Bay - September-October 2010 - South Bay - Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach, Torrance, Palos Verdes, El Segundo. 96-057gg (Sally Mann) Gelatin silver print : Tous les messages sur Gelatin silver print - Page 3. Wayne Levin on artnet. University Fine Arts Gallery. Frith Street Gallery. Muzej savremene umetnosti i Remont predstavljaju projekat: Zbogom andergraund- Saša Markov.