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About « Earthbag House Plans. 11 Prescription Foods To Cure Your Illnesses. Bucket List: 225 Things to Do Before You Die. - StumbleUpon. Who came up with the idea that we are supposed to drink orange juice at breakfast?

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And why, if oatmeal is so good for us, do we eat that only in the morning as well? Apologies to the Palinites, but nutritionists are starting to realize that you and I like our oatmeal and OJ before we start the day because we evolved to like it that way—because enjoying the two together is healthier than eating each of them alone. How to Make Your Own Beauty Products from Scratch - Health. Let's keep things simple this week.

How to Make Your Own Beauty Products from Scratch - Health

When it comes to personal-care products, we are big believers in streamlining what you use—see "Eight Products You Think You Need But Don't" for a refresher—buying less in general, and getting creative. We have both always loved experimenting in our kitchens and our bathrooms, checking ingredients in products we love, isolating the main ones, and then trying them on their own.

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